Monday, 9 April 2007

Digging big holes

Well the run happened but it was a real struggle today. I can't decide if it's because I did two quite hard runs on Friday and Saturday and I'm still feeling after effects, whether a vague underlying feeling that I'm getting another cold is actually true, or whether it's because it was in the morning, as opposed to my last two runs which were both late afternoon/evening jaunts.

I am driving back home (alone) tomorrow (Tuesday) and planning on stopping at the gym on the way for a heavy workout followed by some serious steam/sauna/jacuzzi action and then home for a weigh-in. A weigh-in that I'm fully expecting to be no movement vs last week. I don't feel it can possibly be justified that I've lost weight in a week where I've been to Burger King, out for chicken and chips, eaten toast, sandwiches, my particular nemesis - cheese, and indulged in a few, rather small, chocolate eggs. I don't think I've exactly been a hedonist, but will be shocked if there is any weight loss at all. Back to normal tomorrow...

Apart from that I dug a huge hole in the beach - big enough for me to disappear below ground level, and trust me, that's pretty big. It's amazing how digging in the sand never ceases to be such a pleasure for the male members of the human race, regardless of age. The mooselets got bored fairly quickly and went off to play football with their grandfather, occassionally popping back to be measured standing in the hole to see how deep it was. When it came to the eldest's head height, we got the call to join the females for a cream tea. Oh yes, I forgot to put a cream tea in the list above! An hour's careful and meticulous digging was reinstated to flat beach within minutes.

But the cream tea was worth it.


lyndyloo said...

Morning Moose!

Is digging holes in the sand a bit like poking a fire with a stick or buying tools to keep in your garage or collecting pieces of wood for the shed.....? All the things that make you feel manly!

Personally I had an over indulgent foodie weekend too but I though that was all part of Easter?

Have fun today, I'll pop back later.

Off with the bears now


Anonymous said...

Morning all

lyndyloo - I posted in reply to yours yesterday - to say thank you. Thank you so much xxx

Moose - it's been lovely to hear from you these last few holiday days. Thanks for posting. Vis a vis digging holes....I think I have more male genes than female!!! - I like to dig holes and I have too much of an interest in football!!! - am NOT attracted to females though - phew!!!

I also like making fires - I don't mean in the woods - but in an openfireplace for example or in our little patio burner thingamajig.

Must dash - off to collect my babies from their holiday.



ps you have no idea how many times I proof read the ' am NOT attracted to females' bit....didn't want a typo in THAT sentence!!!!

Anonymous said...

digging holes in the sand, I mean - such brilliant fun - moats are the best - probably doesn't qualify as a hole though - maybe a fringe hole


Anonymous said...

Morning all

Moose - I'll bet you are pleasantly surprised by the weigh-in. You shoudl have relaxed a few pounds off on your weekend away!

I like digging holes in the sand too. Admittedly I've never dug one deep enough to bury myself, but I do like fossicking about on a beach. My mum has a photo of me aged about 2 digging on Brighton beach with my grandad and I don't know who was having more fun at the time - we both look really pleased with ourselves.

Now, today I've got a day off work and the house to myself which rarely happens. Do I do the right thing and spend the day cleaning, tidying and generally being domestic or do I just loaf about, do a spot of shopping and a lot of sitting in the garden reading? Decisions, decisions ...

See you later

jollygit said...

Moose - I'm sure you've still lost weight, especially after all that running! So glad you had a lovely time .... ooh, cream teas, I love 'em.

I've got my interview tomorrow at 11am and haven't got a clue what to wear. I'm spending this morning faffing about sorting out a couple of outfits, assuming that anything still fits me! I'm getting nervous already .... heeelp!

Wish me luck?

Consumed one easter egg and two small packets of Maltesers over the weekend. No hot x buns, but have fallen in love with Warburton's Hot Cross Loaf .... toasted, with butter, it's deelish. One slice left, with my name on it, and then that's it. I'm going to spend this week wheat and alcohol free to see if that's what's causing me to feel like an inflatable ball that's been so fully inflated it's gonna burst .... no point me weighing myself this week so will go all out to impress myself next Monday!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Moose, I'm so glad you left the laptop alone over the weekend...well for long enough to do all the stuff you did...I think you will be pleasantly surprised at your weigh-in. You enjoyed yourself, and you didn't eat all that stuff for the sake of it, so that makes a difference!

Sammie, hope you're feeling better/not too bad xx

MWa, hope the poorly finger didn't hamper your weekend too much babe!

...and before I go, at least for a short time...
Dear annalog. The hole is still there. I fell down it when I was paddling on Sunday. How funny...all that time ago you were in exactly the same place as I was then...

Mr Ayres, what a nice surprise to see you too.


I've just looked next door. It would appear that I have been bp'd big stylee. There is a remark from Tickle, replying to one I'd posted after he'd written his list...not gonna bovver til later, if at all I think.

Gaby, the girls'll be fine. They don't need a 'SUPERMOM' because they have you.

ps...Jo, I am going to measure my hips using your method I think. Will 240 sheets be enuff d'ya reckon?

Anonymous said...

Moose. They could have asked you!

H. Sizzle

Anonymous said...

It does all work, if you highlight, copy and paste...

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, glad to see we all survived Easter one way or another!

First, can I say to Gaby: please, please try not to be so hard on yourself. I am sure you are a wonderful mother and obviously something happened to you in your childhood, which you are trying to make sure never happens to your girls. Gaby, you are doing all you can to make sure their life story is different. Just try to relax, enjoy being with your girls and see each day as a complete blessing. Very, very soon they will be 16 and, like Ms S, will be informing you they are ADULTS, don't you know!

Jollygit - oooh, exciting and terrifying for tomorrow! Wear something tried and tested, that you know you feel good in. Before you leave the house, have a strong cup of tea and two painkillers (I always take Nurofen!) - honestly, I know that sounds crazy, but it just takes the edge off your nerves - worked for me in interviews and my driving test!!

Mary - hope you are still feeling "up".

EG - I thought I was an insomniac! You poor wee soul - hope you managed to get some sleep over the weekend!

Susan - your trip to the Kingdom of Fife sounded lovely. It's just great now that when you talk of Charis, I can see her in my mind's eye!

Annalog - enjoy your day off. Make sure you do what you want - remember the poem "dust if you must"!

Kim - hello to you. You'll love it here!

Finally, Moose, thanks to you we are still all here. Hope your weigh-in goes well. I am dreading WW today!

Sorry to have gone on a bit!

C xx

jollygit said...

Forgot to say:

Kim - welcome to the nuthouse!

Chrissie S - thanks for the advice - I'll probably have a stress-induced headache before the interview so will try the Nurofen! I've got a 15-minute Microsoft exercise before the actual interview and I'm hoping that just means that I have to prove that I can email and find my way round the internet ....... hmm, think I'm OK on that score! (snort!)

Have decided to wear black trousers & jacket, with a jumper, so that I'm not fiddling with collars etc - it's an outfit that looks smart and feels comfortable so should be OK. I'm more nervous about this interview as it's a job I really want and I want to appear keen but not desperate - what a fine line to tread!!

We had to buy a new washing machine yesterday as our old, second-hand one keeled over on us just before the weekend, so I've now got piles of washing to get through. The new machine has got a lot more buttons than the old one and when we put our first wash on yesterday we were like anxious parents, watching to see that it was taking in water/draining/spinning etc and were so proud when it burped up its first load!!! We really should get out more!!!

Glad a good Easter was had by all and even more glad that Moose is still here to keep us all together.

Catch you later

jollygit xx

lyndyloo said...

Jollygit- Sounds like the perfect outfit and I'm with Chrissie on the painkillers (my drig of choice is Anadin Extra but there are many others available). It looks like I'm in for a very busy week as we have a deadline for reservations to work to.... but on the plus side it's only 5 days to go until we get on a plane back out to Val D'Isere for the final week skiing to start to celebrate the 50th birthday of our leader Mr Wurly!


Anonymous said...

Jollygit - your proposed outfit sounds fine - the most important thing is to wear something you feel comfortable in. Good luck for tomorrow.

Hazel - sorry you fell down grandad's excavation. Hope you didn't hurt yourself. Who'd have thought a hole would stay there for 45 years ... Certainly not grandad, I'll bet.

Is it me? I've just been next door and can only see CE blogs for September 2006. oooh errr.

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo...not only do you seem to have a dream job, but you work with someone called Mr Wurly. I suppose it is far too much to hope that his first name is Curly...which I shouldn't think anyone has thought of before, and I would be entirely original...of course I mean as in Curly Watts (of Stenders fame)...

lyndyloo said...

Indeed it's Mr Wurly of the Curly variety! He's so named due to the absence of hair from his body (Alopecia totalis)...

Talking of which, does anyone know if you can catch selective alopecia? If so I'd like to elect for legs, underarms and bikini bits please!

Anonymous said...

Just checking in:

Sammie, I did mean to say to you earlier, I'm so glad you had such a lovely time with K. Isn't it great when you are so excited about seeing someone, you can hear your heart beating in your ears? Or is that just me?!

Took courage in both hands and went to WW at lunchtime. Lost another 1.5lbs. 3lbs in a fortnight. But you know, I have had such a busy time in that fortnight - nights out, SOAMC, Easter (no chocolate) and I haven't even told you about my night out at Westlife last Friday! (I only go to keep Ms S happy). That's my story and I'm totally sticking to it! So, yes, a mountain to climb at WW, but I can only take it a step at a time.

Lyndyloo: alopecia, yes, I know where you're coming from. Apparently when my eldest sister left Scotland to live in America permanently when I was four years old, I had severe alopecia and the hair on my head fell out in lumps! Maybe we'll just stick to the traditional methods of removing hair!!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Isn't selective alopecia usually called waxing?

Well done at WW Chrissie - every little counts (as the old lady said ...)

Anonymous said...

annalog, no it wasn't you. And now it would appear to be back to usual. He doesn't half come up with some nonsense sometimes...the cross we have to bear I suppose...

Not that I ever write nonsense.

Neither does Moose.


Wot never.

No never.

Waxing? You axing?

...and to save MfR the's Elective, not a choose to have it, not whether it's you that gets it done...

All right MfR - the flames are there

Now I have to go to the dentist...

And spit

lyndyloo said...

I'll take my English lesson... thanks HL, have a lovely time at the dentist :))

Anonymous said...

Sorry, haven't read today's post or comments, but wanted to say to Gaby...

I know exactly what you mean! I nearly burned out a few years ago, because of my need to push myself to extremes in everything I did. I was very ill, had to take lots of time off work and had very invasive psychotherapy that made me understand the way I am and that actually, I need to give myself a break. There were lots of other things going on as well, but essentially, if I was the best at everything, then that made up for the things in my life I didn't have control over....

I'm no counsellor Gaby - but maybe it's time to talk to someone about your feelings? Speak to your GP, they will be able to arrange counselling for you. Somewhere to go and freely and safely talk about your fears, as well as your hopes and dreams, secure in the knowledge that you will not be ridiculed in any way. Do it.

I'll drop by later guys.

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Moose - think of all the calories you burned digging manly holes in the sand. Do man holes get their names because it's probably men that dig them?

Chrissie S - eventually got some sleep at around 6am Sunday morning. But .... started to dream that the Kings from Emmerdale were trying to kill me - very bizarre amd clearly brought on by lack of sleep. But on the go by 9am. Well done re you WW trip. I so need to get back on my diet - I'm sure I've put back on the 5lbs I took off.

Jollygit - all the best for tomorrow. Wear something that you feel good in which is comfortable. Have a talisman of some sort - a brooch or pebble or anything like that. Give it a rub before you leave home telling yourself you are confident and can do this. Then just before the interview do the same again. If you have any lavender essential oil put a little drop on a tissue and have a sniff before you leave home and again just before the interview. I'll be thinking about you.

Big hello to Kim.

I should hear tomorrow (or perhaps Thursday) whether I've got to the next stage with my promotion application. Either way I may have consumed a few glasses of vino before coming on tomorrow night! Be advised - I may talk/write even more rubbish than usual.

Luv to you all.


Anonymous said...

Hello All!

Sorry about earlier - just had to respond to Gaby...

Moose, digging on beaches sounds fantastic. I have finally come to the realisation that the reason I have been so ill so many times already this year is because I haven't had a holiday in 2 years. Am SERIOUSLY going to remedy that situation! I now have a kidney infection and was due to start my new job today. I have had to ring my boss and tell him I am too ill to work, but am hoping to be back on Thursday.

Jollygit - hope the interview goes well tomorrow. The outfit sounds perfect and I'll be thinking of you at 11 am.

As a consequence of feeling dreadful, I haven't been to WW tonight. I'm having trouble walking to the bathroom without feeling faint, so driving is a no-no. Am going to try and find an alternative meeting to attend this week, so that I don't have to wait until next Tuesday to find out how I'm doing.

Incidentally, Moose, please ensure you balance a hard workout with a more gentle one the following day - don't overwork those love handles!

HL - I'd love to fall down a hole while paddling!

Hope you're all well,

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Sammie - poor you. Sounds like you need to get a holiday and soon. You said earlier you nearly burned out a few years ago - you need to watch you are not heading that way now. You take care of yourself and get a break organised for as soon as possible.

Sending positive thoughts your way.
