I've always preferred Easter to Christmas. Somehow for me Easter is just so much more of a Christian celebration. Christmas is OK but has it's drawbacks with the timing chosen to coincide with old pagan festivals, mass commercialisation and its hedonistic results.
Theologically speaking there are good reasons for Easter being more important in the Christian calendar. We are called on to remember (yes, even celebrate) his death until he comes again. So much hangs on the Easter events of death and resurrection. My own conviction to Christianity came at a meeting where the resurrection was being discussed. Confronted with the resurrection and nothing else, I felt that I had to make a choice one way or the other. You can almost forget everything else. If Jesus rose from the dead, as he said he would and as the Old Testament prophesied, then we all have important questions to face about God, our faith, our morality. If he didn't then everything crashes.
Two recent news stories captured my imagination with some sort of relevance:
1. Apparently while church attendance continues to drop, the number of people counting themselves as Christian seems to be fairly constant.
While I am in no way advocating a position that you have to go to church to be a Christian, the interesting thing for me is that the article, maybe even all the people asked, completely missed the point - the point about what it means to be a Christian. Belief in God, even the Christian God, isn't the decider. Sorry if that bursts a bubble but it's not. There's not a lot of point in me saying it is when it isn't. What ensues in the media is a debate on going to church, church serices becoming more "relevant" or more trendy, internet churches and online worship. All of which is interesting but still a long way from the central point. I don't want to get all detailed, theological and technical but there are two quick points worth making.
- If we start asking about belief in Jesus Christ the Son of God and his death and resurrection...rather than a vague "belief in God"...well then we are getting somewhere.
- Nicodemus' question to Jesus..."What must I do to be saved?" Answer: you must be born again.
I'll refer back to my "simple ain't easy" post of a few weeks ago. The two points above are simple. But they are not easy. Whereas it seems to me that an inexact and vague "belief in God or a god" is easy but not simple.
2. The chocolate statue of Christ in a New York gallery. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6513155.stm
There was uproar at the statue. As far as I could tell, the main point of unrest was that Jesus was not wearing a loincloth. Now I've always been someone who doesn't like the depiction of Christ in statues, paintings and film as a general rule. I'm not totally convinced this is a theological argument as much as a personal taste one so I don't get on my high horse about it (that conjures an interesting picture in itself - a moose riding a horse?) But one thing that has always bothered me when I've seen paintings and statues in churches is the historical inaccuracy of showing a loincloth. The accounts I know specifically describe how Jesus was naked and how the soldiers divided his garments, including the loincloth. It may only be a small piece of cloth but when it is there, wrongly, it somehow misses the utter humiliation that he went through. It dignifies it in a small but significant way that I personally find offensive. So is it preferable to depict Christ naked? Well, as I've already said, I think it's preferable not to depict him at all. Loincloth problem solved!
As far as physical depictions of Christ go, I liked the chocolate one. Firstly because of its unusually accurate representation of the piece of material but also because of the substance used. For me it forces us to ask an important question: What's it all about? Is it about the eggs and bunnies and chocolate? Or are they just a distraction from the real question about who Jesus was, about his death and what it means for us, and about his all-important resurrection and the freedom and certainty that it gives us?
Enjoy your easter break, enjoy some chocolate eggs - not too many though, while it's Ok for the Moose's FatFighters targets to slip into the background for a day or two, don't spoil all the good work you've done so far or make it harder again for yourself after Easter. But why not make this Easter a special one by sparing a thought for the real meaning. And if a chocolate statue helps to focus your thoughts, so be it...
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Oooh you really are a bad Moose!
I can't think of cholcolate effigies and not want to gorge myself on green and blacks and yet your blog is so thought provoking. I can't admit to a whole heap of faith/beleif/christianity but I do beleive in respacting my fellow man/woman/animal, having a belief in honour and loyalty and to be honest if society as a whole could live by the 10 commandments then I think we could get shot of a massive amount of civil servants, pay a lot less tax, have better services and be a whole lot happier.
And here endeth the sermon accoding to Lyndyloo....
I'll be working on the hiding of the eggs so make a point of looking for them.
Evening Moose!
You know, I have so so much to say, but we head off again tomorrow and I doubt I'll be able to blog til sunday now!
Easter has always been more special to me too. Raised in a Christian home, I always knew the sacrifice Christ had made, and knew that one day I would be confronted with a choice - follow Him or reject Him.
That day came in July when I was 18. I'd been going to the meetings that a mission team had each evening after a day working with local kids. On their last evening the had a service and invited myself and my pals to join them. Just before the communion (which I'd never taken before), we had a time of meditation, which was led by the national organisor for the Scottish missions. To cut a long story short, it is my belief that I was given a vision ...
I was walking through a forest near my home, the birds were singing, the Summer sunlight filtered through the branches and leaves and a soft wind rustled the undergrowth. I came to a clearing that I've known since my early years, and lay down for a rest. Next minute I was drifting up to the clouds, and ahead of me I noticed a crowd - the crowd parted and I saw that it was Jesus - He held His arms out and simply said, 'Susan'. I definitely heard my name, as clearly as MwK, ChrissieS, and EG said it last night. It was the sweetest voice I have ever heard. That's when my stubborness and heart broke. Two nights later, I knelt by my bed and gave Him my life and soul.
Life hasn't been a bed of roses since then, but, looking back, I can see that God has been in my life since my birth - if it hadn't been for my awareness of Him, I would have ended this life long ago. But He gave me the strength to get through to where I am to day, and He has blessed me with a wonderful family and fantastic friends (especially online).
Hmmmm ... I actually stopped by to say that I finally got the photos up!
And I've hidden 4 eggs in posts from March!
Finally - I haven't had a chance to read everyone's comments, but I know folk are going through things just now, so want to assure them of my thoughts and prayers! Moose, I can't tell you how much it means to see you back at your post, but please don't feel under pressure to post every single day! We'll carry on whittering whatever!
And I propose the next SOAMC for June be in Edinburgh! Do I have a seconder?
Off to Anstruther tomorrow!
Love you guys loads!
Have a blessed Easter! (Don't forget to post here the Blog Titles of all 4 eggs ... first to find all four will get a prize ... if they are brave enough to give me an address!!)
Huggles, Susan <><
Moose - It sounds like your outpouring onto your page sounds like a wonderfully liberating thing to do! The output you have in mind sounds very interesting! Will try to get a link in Anstruther to join in the hunt on Thursday, but don’t hold your breath! I wanted to comment back about what had happened with the folk at church and I wanted to email back after my last email, but time always conspires against! Have a good break with your beautiful family! I’m glad you scrabbled back out off that snow pile!
Anna - You have my number if you wanna meet in Inverness or Nairn for a mini SOAMC!!! Anyhow - have a great break and I hope the weather stays nice for you!
MfR - The SOAMC also chatted about you! I say no more!
Hazel love - are you feeling better, darling! Sorry about the wait for photos, but spent most of the day travelling and wasn’t able to get online earlier! The SOAMC agreed that you are the most inspiringly, witty, clever blogger we know! Do explain again about the moon … we couldn’t see it last night!!!!
Gaby - Ooo-er! I go away for a few days and look at you!!! Good on you lass! Enjoy it, honey, and try not to worry too much - life is too short and you need to grab every chance that you can. Hope you have a nice stay over at your Dad’s. Oh, I’ve hidden a gold one if you’d prefer that one!
MwK - You are such a honey! It was wonderful to meet up with you last night! And I hope you will come up to Inverness once we’ve looked at the concert list! Charis really seemed to take to you all! You are as sweet in person as you are on the blog!
ChrissieS - Don’t feel bad about just walking round the corner …. that took as much effort as travelling from any of our other places! It was so fabulous to meet you! You know that there is a bed in Inverness if you ever make it up North! Thank you for your very kind words - you are as lovely in person as you are on the blog!
Annalog - all the best for the job application! Keep us posted!
Sammie - Is it tomorrow!!!???? I understand you had a wee wobble, but I’m glad you got through that - you’ll be fine! And you’ll look beautiful to him!
Amanda - Are you going to make the Easter Egg hunt? It was beautiful on the West Coast of Scotland too!
Dr JMcC - How is Mrs McC? Hope you found your egg!
Jo - Honey … you would love to meet everyone! And I don’t think your work can do that!
EG - It was so good to meet you too, honey! I hope I didn’t prattle too much! I’m up for a UK meet too! It’s getting complicated with the Flickr meets too, and Andrew says he’s going to send me out to work at this rate! You are as fun and easy to chat to in the flesh as you are on the blog!
Huggles, Susan <><
Moose - another great blog and one that gives me something to think about today.
My belief is that it doesn't follow that someone is a good Christian because they go to church, but that they try and lead a Christian way of life, ie treating others with respect, kindness and helping others along the way. It might all sound a bit goody-goody but it's easier than it sounds, especially if that's how you've been brought up.
Having said that, a Green & Black (other eggs are available) will be accepted in the spirit in which it was given, and duly eaten in about two seconds flat!!!
Have a wonderful Easter weekend everyone and I'm so glad the SOAMC went so well. My interview isn't until next Wednesday, so I've got plenty of time to get really, really nervous!!!
jollygit xx
Oh, Green and Blacks...oooooh yersssssss pleeeeeeeeeeease!
Anyhoo, I'm pretty sure that I come under the banner of being Christian, without attending church. I live my life as best I can, whilst being kind to people and other animals...I was almost forced at gun point to go to Sunday school, and church, and the choir, and got roundly smacked (it was quite a few years ago mind) for screeching in the middle of the "Twelve Days of Christmas" (being sung at a HUGE service at the cathedral in Oxford with about 2,000,000 people present, at which my Methodist Uncle was a guest minister) because I couldn't keep up. So, when I was old enough to decide for myself, I chose not to go any more.
Having said that, I have a strong belief in a higher being and Spirit, but tend towards the more Wiccan/Pagan calendar regarding Oestre as the time of seed planting, and new life beginning (so the Resurrection then...) and the only reason rabbits are portrayed is because they are prolific breeders, and the egg would be an easily recognisable symbol of new life...
Have I finished yet. I blimmin well hope so. Actually, if I may put forward this slice of personal philosophy...no, p'raps not...
MfR - is it an OOP day lad?
Moose, have a wonderful break, the weather looks set to continue fine!
0900 dunk in - mine will be toast
PS the boy has a Lindt D'or because he deserves something lovely...
AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I NEARLY FORGOT!!! There are five eggs, poorly hidden, so getchor soldiers art you 'orrible little men!
Aye Haze, Oop day it is.
2nd in a row!
We have cleared the decks ready for a nice quiet weekend of cooking, cycling, walking and the golf thing on Monday.
Just the two of us.
Oh, and I guess that a weeny bit of drinking will occur too.
Although neither of us are religious people, last Easter we watched the Manchester Passion and The Passion Of The Christ. Both thought provoking in different ways.
I suppose I class myself as having a passing interest rather than a true believer.
Happy days.
PS Got the number in the end. I guessed £1750, it was actually £1452.
Dear Prudence.
Won't you come out to play?
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Green & Blacks. Now I might have to go to the shop to satisfy an urge and I was doing so well (apart from the choc chip digestive I have just dunked, belatedly, for Hazel.
Today was an up day until I just accidentally closed (without saving) a file that I shouldn't have and now I have to recalculate how many days sick our entire department have had over the past year - believe me it was a lot! Bummer.
Perhaps I'll start hunting for eggs - it'll be more fun.
Analog - it might be saved in your temp folder. Excel and word automatically save to this folder.
will come back, just wanted to get that in quick for Analog before she re-does it! Acutally the truth be told I'm also in the middle of my egg hunt......hahahaha
Mary xx
Moose, I was brought up a Catholic. Can you IMAGINE how many statues and pictures of Jesus I have prayed before?! We had a painting called the Sacred Heart in the bedroom I shared with my two sisters and I remember kneeling every night before that painting, to say my prayers. The entire Catholic faith at that time was centered on keeping everyone terrified and that is wrong, wrong, wrong!!
I don't go to Church any more but I totally believe in God - he's everywhere and there is no doubt in my mind that Jesus Christ died and rose again. But I do understand some people find it hard to believe. Lyndyloo has got it right, we have to live our lives respecting each other. I know several people who attend Mass 7 times a week, but would cross the street to avoid you!
On to other matters:
Sammie, once again, have a wonderful time.
Jollygit, on Tuesday, we'll get you ready for the interview come Wednesday. Please try to put it out of your mind for now. You could keep this at the back of your mind - the person conducting the interview is nervous too!
Susan S - yes, we did chat about MfR on Tuesday, but I seem to remember we included Moose in the same discussion! My lips are sealed!
Hope everyone has a good weekend. I am so looking forward to the long break. I'll be back on Tuesday, but will try to pop in over the weekend.
Enjoy your eggs - ironically the one thing I have no trouble avoiding is chocolate! Now, if you're talking white wine, I'm your girl!
C xx
Thanks for the tip Mary - I'll remember that in future. (Unfortunately it wasn't Word or Excel so I had to do it again, but it didn't take long!)
I've cheered up again now and have remembered what I meant to say earlier. As I came into work today this morning I had a wonderful view of Bath in the early morning sunshine. The city was shining, like it does when the sun is out, and there were two hot air balloons floating along in a cloudless sky. It was a beautiful sight and really made me feel glad to be alive.
Have to go for a work-break now, so will resume egg hunting later.
Morning all
Thanks for the dunk Hazel!
Very thought provoking today Moose. I come under the banner of Christian, I attended Catholic schools, mass every Sunday and some weekdays. I wouldn't say we were forced to attend, I look upon it as being guided by my parents until such time we were of an age whereby we could choose for ourselves which path we wanted to follow. It was instilled in us from a very early age to have respect for others and treat them how you like to be treated!
On to Susan's egg hunt........
I found one egg under each of the following blog titles......
"All that glitters isn't gold"
"Look to the clouds"
I think I have the titles correct, but then again I could be wrong.
Very pretty eggs Susan :o)
Happy thirsty Thursday......
Mary xx
Morning everyone - Very thought provoking this morning Mr Moose. I would consider myself Christian and an adhoc practising one at that. I find great peace when I go to church and always come out feeling refreshed and positive. However I also find comfort in Spring as a new growth thing without the religous overtones. Basically I think I probably delight in all things.
anyhoo - am not a fan of Green & Blacks but do like crunchies and have just been truely decadent and consumed a sausage and egg sandwich with brown sauce (with no stainage!)
Have only put one egg on mine but I have updated my preg. diary with some worky stuff for those who seemed as outraged as I!
annalog - bath is a beautiful city, you have my untold jealousy of being down that way, similarly Moose, if you go by Croyde stop in the Thatch and have me a pint of real local cider ... don't know how I'm gonna cope this summer without the occasional cider fest!
:o) Jo
I was just thinking that we did have much discussion about the male members of our group!
Only on for two seconds as we head for Anstruther in half an hour! We have cloud cover here, so I'm hoping we are driving into the sun!
Haven't even got time to search for eggs ... but may be persuaded to make my prize a Green&Black one (or a white bottle if ChrissieS gets it!)!
Have a great few days! Catch up with you all next week!
Huggles, Susan <><
Susan - Have a great time in Anstruther!
Chrissie - When I was at primary school one of the teachers terrified us with regards to our religion but on the whole I was very fortunate in that the majority of them and the priests we very nice.
I do get a lot of comfort when I go to church, I still go to the church where I was brought up, believe it or not we still have the same priest! I have gone to other churches but it's just not the same for me, our wee chapel is so welcoming. Maybe it's a comfort factor for me!
My lips are also sealed re the discussion of male blog members at the SOAMC!
Susan - I'm up for the next SOAMC in Edinburgh, and more than happy to give anyone a lift through!
Mary xx
Hi everyone!
My blog has some games but I wasn't sure how to hide stuff. In the meantime I'm in and out of the office today so I'll be looking for the other eggs. It's good to see you're all having a great time on here and MfR keep up the UP days and I'm loving the guess work... that's what I do with most number problems... saying that, I'm not in the business of accountancy so I s'pose it's ok for me.
Everyone else here's to a hot cross bun and a dunk tomorrow!
Hey Moose.
amazing. I just found out you went away, and now you're back. Well Done! Is always good to take time out, and if 2 days was all it needed then so be it!
No Religion. Mother Ship Only.
And a Source of Energy which makes everyone feel happy.
Sorry the references to Green & Black chocolate has started you all off!!
Realised I can't hide any eggs 'cos I don't have a blog of me own, but I'll try and find them in yours if that's OK?
Just off to take me mum to the station as she's heading home at lunchtime. I'll really miss her - we've had such a good time, lots of nattering away over cups of tea ...... she's lovely.
Anyways, we're now having a friend to stay over on Sat/Sun this weekend - he's just split up with his long-term love and is terribly upset and lonely, so 'im indoors has promised to keep him pickled in booze and stuffed with chocolate ... not sure that'll work but it's worth a try, the poor lad.
Chrissie S - you're right of course, the person interviewing will probably just as anxious as me - I was always told to imagine the person doing the interviewing as naked ...... if they look like Brad Pitt I'm there!!!!! Thanks xx
jollygit xx
Is it home time yet???
:o) Jo
My computer crashed MONUMENTALLY at 1038hrs. I have been bored RIGID. It's not until you have work to do, and you can't do it, and you have to stare at nothing, read old magazines again, make tea (again and again) that you realise just how DULL things can be. Not even like having a quiet skive...an enforced skive doesn't have similar appeal...
...and although I've had a superfast squizz through all your comments on here, I haven't had a chance to find n e x yet and it doesn't look as though I'm gonna be able to, as this box of trix is now up (unlike the day though MfR...) my work has to take precedence. BLAAAAAAAGH!
Heyho, geddit done and mebbe, just mebbe mind, they'll let me go home sooner...
Am placing sellotape (other sticky tape available) behind ears to ensure fake smile stays in place...
...and just in case I'm not back...I'd like to wish ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL LOVELY VIRTUAL FRIENDS a happy and peaceful Easter...
I'd like to echo Hazel's sentiments and wish you all a wonderful Easter.
I'll no doubt dip in during the weekend to see how you are all getting on.
Oh, and who's No. 1 next door?
Doesn't really carry the same kudos as it used do, does it?
Love to all
I tried finding eggs, but people beat me to it so I cheated and looked where they said ...
Have been filing all afternoon and have completely lost the will to live. In the absence of a boss I think I'll sneak off home early. ssshhh - don't tell anyone.
Have a lovely weekend folks whatever you're doing. I'll try and pop in to see what's going on if I get a chance.
Toodle pip!
PS Hazel - f u n e m? I fancy m n x 4 t!
Hi guys,
Just had to have a wee peek to see if anything is happening this afternoon!
I also want to wish everyone a happy Easter. Hopefully Mr S and I will get through the entire weekend without driving each other crazy! We just seem to get under each other's feet when we have time together, and then when we are working all the time we say "can't wait to have some time together"!!
MfR - yes, I agree, things are not the same next door. I used to just love popping on there and saying the first thing that came into my brain but the nutters have stopped all that. Did you read J-not-J yesterday? No ..... nothing will make me use bad language on Holy Thursday!!
Chrissie xx
Wishing you all a Happy Easter, me and family off to Yorkshire for a week so see you all sometime week after next.
Had no time to look for eggs properly, sorry!
God Bless and have some fun.
A x
Hooray Home time :o)
Ate no chocolate today (unless white chocolate jazzies form Julian Graves count) so am going to reward myself with some chips for tea :o)
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, hope you all come back monday fully rejuvinated...
Love Ya
:o) Jo
PS Sammie - hope it's all going OK!
Happy, happy Easter one and all. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and that the weather is kind to us all xxxx
jollygit xx
I am going to take a bit more time to think in depth about your blog today - I think I get what you are saying but I want to do it justice by thinking about it a bit more. I have to say that I have always preferred Easter to Christmas. Traditionally,until the last few years, we always had a similar lunch at Easter as we did on Christmas - and I always enjoyed everything about Easter so much more. I always feel awakened at Easter, especially spiritually.
Susan - SOAMC in Edinburgh in June sounds excellent. Count me in.
Whatever your beliefs, a very happy Easter everyone. have a good holiday weekend.
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