Monday, 2 April 2007

From under a pile of snow...

It's cold. Baby it's cold outside.
I've had a jolly good sulk over the weekend and decided that Mrs Moose is right to teach the mooselets that "sulking doesn't work."
It hasn't worked and now I'm embarrassed that I've had such a public sulk. It's my party and I'll cry if I want to. Mama told me not to come - that ain't no way to have fun.
Having said that, I'm still not convinced that I shouldn't just stay here.
Despite all the wonderful things you have all said.
Despite the enormous understanding and friendship you have all shown to me.
Thank you all. Most of all thank you for the respect you showed me in supporting my decision, even if it turns out to have been wrong.
There was an article in the Sunday papers that I read about happiness and how embarrassment is one of the main blocks to our happiness.
I'm concerned that my embarrassment about the situation will stop me admitting I made a mistake and stop me from coming back. Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
Am I cutting off my nose to spite my face? You've all become real friends. You have been there for me whatever happens with no demands and no expectations. Unconditional friends. I don't have any of those in the "real" world.
On the other hand I worry that my grieving for the blog is natural and something I just need to get through, but that it was still the right decision to go.
Which is the mistake? Going or not coming back? Should I stay or should I go?
I worry that I haven't spent enough time under the snow thinking even though it seems like an eternity since last Friday when I came here.
All I ever wanted to do was make a difference. On Friday I lost sight of the fact that I had. Thanks to those of you that pointed it out to me.
But the question remains how I make the most difference in the future...and to whom?
There's an awful lot happening in my life at the moment. I'm worried that my decisions are poor because I'm being too influenced by the very latest event and my feelings that are being triggered by it. Life is a rollercoaster - just got to ride it.

If I did come back things would have to change. Anonymity is a good thing in some ways - a harmless bit of fun between well-meaning bloggers and sensible protection from the malevolent ones that we all know are out and about. But it offers a cloak of invisibility which makes you act in a strange way. If I come back I'm determined that I will only say things that it's acceptable for the real me to say, but with the cloak of bravery that a pseudonym provides.
But I can't come back as the "real me" because of the malevolent ones...I didn't really think of that until I set up a new "real me" blog and sat there with a blank screen, realising that there was nothing to be said.
I'm worried that coming back would be a selfish, vain act. You're so vain, I bet you think this blog is about you.
I shouldn't have left that gap in the snow. I can see a small patch of sky through it. In that patch of sky are a few stars...those stars give me too much hope.

Maybe I could be like Doctor Who and still exist but in a new incarnation. I've been Tom Baker but now I could be Peter Davidson. (Giving away my age). Someone tell me to stop before Sylvester McCoy turns up.

It's a good job that wireless networks stretch everywhere these days...

I'm sitting here having edited this for the sixth time wondering whether to hit "Save as Draft" again or "Publish".

The words of a famous writer, Stuart Maconie quiz contestant and sharer of the CE sauna from Sussex come to mind...
"There comes a time when you have to publish and be damned!"


Anonymous said...

Hi Moose, afternoon all,

I haven't been on my pc for a few days, and I also had deliberately not looked at your page - it was almost part of the weening off I guess.....I posted my comment and then left because that was what had to happen. I wanted to look to see what everyone else wrote - but managed to resist.

Today, I needed to look at my emails for the first time in a few days and I just couldn't resist having a peek at your pages.....

....and there you were!!! - a lovely surprise.

I would like to say:

You must do as the feeling takes you - you may 'begin again' and then decided to 'leave'....that sounds like my recent job history!!
YOur decision is not set in stone and YOU KNOW that we, as good friends, will make no judgement whatsoever. You are free to do as you wish, you have no tie-ins or contractual obligations.

You may feel that you want to take a certain path today - next week you may change your are only human - well...........

If being a blogmeister (with all that that entails) complicates and confuses your situation and you feel that it is best to stay away - then do that.

Whatever you decide, you can review, you can change, you can back-track.

One thing you mustn't do is feel embarrassed.

If you come back - your evolution must and can suit you. Again, you have no obligations - only to yourself...and if you don't favour what you are doing, you can change or backtrack.

As i said months and months ago on CE - we have no expectations from each other - we have no expectations to have relationships or even 'real' friendships. We enjoy our communication exactly for what it is - simply that. Surely, that is the best forum within which to NOT feel embarrassed.

Hope I got the right end of the antler with all of the above. You would think that I would have learnt from past mistakes that one shouldn't post 'first' on important issues - especially ones that are so specific to the author. We don't really do evolution here in West Berkshire.


ps As you may remember, I was determined to commence my exercise regime including a relaxing sauna (not squash/salsa). I have done so and had more success in the sauna that I could ever have anticipated!! I pulled! ( am not exactly sure what the verb 'pull' entails - but if it can mean being asked on a date and accepting then I have qualified!!)

Anonymous said...

warning: the post before this is a long one


Anonymous said...


I have checked your blog 40 times today because I just couldn't believe it could be true that you were finished.

There is no embarrassment. Come back. Stay on as Moose, if that's what you want. I can understand that presenting the "real" you on your blog would be a step too far.

I have been grieving all day. I went out for a walk at lunchtime and I thought "this is ridiculous". But it's not.

Moose, you have definitely made a difference. You have given all of us a chance to write anonymously, but able to be ourselves. And to really get to "know" each other.

Whatever happened to you last week, you will work your way through it, until you get to the next thing! One thing is for sure, life just keeps throwing things at us.

You change whatever you want.

I'll certainly be here.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Moose - When i read your last post before this one i wanted to say that i didnt necessarily agree that looking back was a bad thing..... but i didnt.... until now.

Looking back is only a bad thing if you dont take on board the lessons learnt from before. Trying to recreate the past doesnt work, but reminising is ok... i think anyway.

If you do come back, and honesty is the policy you choose then let me be so bold as to offer you my honest view on things.

This blog has been an opportunity for you to be the person you want people to think you are, and sometimes when you have been open and honest, you have then back peddled on some of your comments by saying you didnt need sympathy/support cos you were alright (jack) and I get the impression that maybe you were being dishonest with yourself.

I say this cos thats sometimes how i feel, i type things that i hope will give people the perception that i want them to have of me.... and sometimes i am honest, then panic a bit.

You may totally disagree, and of course thats fine - however much we try not to be judgemental in this world, that doesnt stop us having opinions.

I enjoyed the blog initially because of the anonimity, then i started to actually care about you all (albeit in a virtual way) and what you all thought about me (in a literal way - cos i am that shallow/needy etc). I meant what i said when i said i would think of you often, i also know i would wonder about Jo's baby, Sammies blossoming relationship, Keiths health, Hazel, Lyndyloo's projects, Susan S's plight for a full nights sleep, DWNB's tap dancing, MfRs plight for a full nights sleep (havent i heard that somewhere before) Mwa!'s job search, Gabys lust for life.... or should that be Mr (W)right, Tracey-Ann's health..... saw her next door! the bring and buys, the valentine party's, the books, the lives and loves etc etc.....

funny how people can get under your skin.

Selfish of me to expect you to be the crux of that Moose, so your choice to continue or not would be supported - but you do make my life that bit better when you are around. And i think its true, that there genuinely no expectations here, except that of ourselves and how we want to behave/be seen/communicate etc...

Long live the blog??

Anonymous said...

Well blimming heck Mr Moose! You keep me hangin' on...Big Rispek for you to be commin back innit. I'd really rather you is here than isn't, but that ain't my choice issit.

So, we don't need to know the whys and wherefores, we have already said that if you didn't want to play for a while we didn't mind (as long as you left your ball behind) so may be rather than go, if you are having a/ a paddy, b/ a flat spin or c/ a sulk, please do so and we'll see you again when you are feeling better...

I am poorly. I have laryngitis. I felt rough as you like on Thursday, and was off work on Friday, so decided to not be around other people because I felt really low and damn miserable. No one is talking to me at work unless they have to, out of sympathy, and today has been dull dull dull without any interaction, and NO MOOSE either....blaaaaaagh!

Anyway, no need to be embarrassed (don't see how you could be, no-one minds and we've all bared our souls in one way, shape or form) so pick yourself up, dust off your hooves, and start all over again.

If I remember correctly, it is after this full moon...Mooseworld is gently spinning...the sun will melt the ice...and a new Moose will be born...that is why you have so much going on in your life at the moment...and it will start to bear fruit in the next week or so...Use your little Easter break to catch up to yourself, and we'll be fine!

Sweet dreams are made of this...who are we to disagree?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what to say to you Moose really. I was upset at the weekend when I read your decision, but it is clear there is lots going on in your world currently and the distraction of Moose I would imagine was just that for a while.
If you decide to come back then let me know and i will be there with you and the gang. If you decide ultimately to not come back I completely respect that decision.
Please don't be embarrassed though, nor too proud to say you want to continue.
We have had some fun though -eh? And some tears and ups and downs as well.
Moose - remember - just you take care of number 1 - no-one else can do that for you.
Loadsa love
A x

Hazel L - Oooh you poor thing. There are some nasty bugs going round. My little man is still not fully recovered after 10 days with this blasted virus thingy he has. You take care and keep your throat warm. A x

Anonymous said...

Well I never.

Turn my back for two minutes and he's back!

And quoting me too!

Actually, I can't take the credit for that one, it was the Duke of Wellington.

Remember, there's always someone, somewhere, with a big nose who knows.

That one was Morrissey.

Welcome back Moose.

It takes a real man (or woman) to mull on a decision and have the balls to swallow their pride and admit it was not the right one.

And I respect you even more for it.

And we've got our playground back!

Done the gym. Had some soup. Must get proper sleep tonight. Out of Nytol though. McKenna to the rescue? I'll let you know in the morning.

Paid for the Raod Trip today. Spent yesterday researching the Washington and Oregon legs. Have to admit, we're both very excited now!

Love to all


PS Back in the saddle

Anonymous said...

Or even 'Road Trip'


Pedant and proud.

Anonymous said...

Moose - is that really you - oh my gosh - I thought you were gone. I cried so much on Sunday when I thought you'd packed up your antlers. In fact it looked as if tomorrow's SOAMC would turn into a wake.

Welcome back. Don't be embarrassed. There have been a few times I've thought about giving up this whole blogging thing - in some ways it just seems such a strange thing to be doing - sitting typing messages to people who I don't know. In some instances exposing some of my deepest thoughts ..... and some deep nonsense. But each time I was away for a few day, I missed you and my friends here on the blog. Who says that this isn't real friendship - it feels real to me.

I would like to be more open with the group here - I'd love to tell you what I do for a living and why I'm proud of what I do. But like you I fear a certain element of those that prey on blogs - and I wouldn't want to be publicly identifiable. So maybe it's ok to hide behind a blogger name - why not. And if we do all meet up then we can share so much more.

And we are all influenced by the things that have just happened to us - things rock us or get to us - we wouldn't be human if they didn't.

So, I know you are probably still undecided but if you decide to stay then that would be great - if you don't then we'll still respect you in the morning!

By the way .... if you think Peter Davidson ages you ..... well I'm just not going there for me.

And ..... thanks to you - I lost 5lbs in my first week.

OK gotta go for now. Won't be able to check in tomorrow night as it's SOAMC - we'll drink a toast to Moose and his bunch of merry bloggers.

Cheers all.



Anonymous said...

To The Artist Formerly Known As Moose (TAFKAM)
Be whoever you want to be, but you must be true to yourself.

Words of wisdom from a virtual friend!

DD out