Sunday, 15 April 2007

Golden rules are made to be broken

I'm knackered. A good five hours of strenuous gardening/drive repairs etc yesterday and walking with dinosaurs this afternoon followed by some extreme ironing (in this weather any ironing is extreme). My head is pounding, I'm sitting here sweating.

But the real reason could be something entirely different. Well, for the tiredness and the pounding head anyway - not sure about the sweating? I have broken one of my Moose's Fat Fighters rules and given up caffeine. Must have been the incongruity of eating so many superfoods and yet still pandering to my caffeine addiction that I couldn't manage to continue. So yesterday I just gave up. We'll see how long that lasts...

I feel the need to raise the OAMC on here. Given that it will happen on Thursday this week. Note the definite. It WILL happen. In some form, large or small, somewhere, somehow it will happen.

Original plan was Covent Garden at 7.30pm. Some feedback I have had suggests that the location/time combo may not be the best. So can you please e-mail me if you are up for a meet on Thursday. Tell me your preferred location: I'm thinking of sticking with central London as one option, or potentially forming smaller groups further out. As 3 is the ideal number for an OAMC, allegedly, this could still work. I reckon if we looked at a N/S/E/W location, we might make it more accessible for people. Better to have a couple of small meets than no-one make it because it's too difficult. So suggested locations are as follows:
North: Hatfield Galleria
South: Gatwick
East: Bluewater
West: Heathrow

These locations might also lend themselves to an earlier meet time, which while clashing with CLP's show, might allow people to get home again earlier on a "school night".

Once I've collected wishes etc I'll issue more instructions. At the very least, there will be a lonesome Moose, having an OAMC on his own, in Hatfield Galleria. Just so we can at least say it happened!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Moose

I do hope you have stopped sweating by now...although my mum would say that you were perspiring...horses sweat, and ladies only glow...

Wouldn't know about Mooses.

I DETEST ironing with a venom. Rain, snow, sleet, sun, the boy, force majeure...none of these can inspire me that ironing is big OR clever...mind you, neither was the school child I nearly ran over this morning, who decided that 10 metres was too far to walk to the zebra crossing...we are both ok by the way!

And, if you've given up caffeine, you will get shaky, headaches, nauseous and irritable. (Similar to if you decide to carry on with it really...) These symptoms will possibly last up to about three weeks, so be prepared to count to 10 a lot.

I spent yesterday, (having taken a slow stroll to the supermarche pour acheter les viandes for the boy to cook a big Sunday lunch) strenously sitting in the garden (the Children of the Damned were out somewhere, but I'd nearly committed a double murder earlier on because the youngest one has developed a S C R E A M!!! and the boy is currently working nights) and am now sporting two rather fetching strap marks on my shoulders.

It wouldn't be so bad if the mother didn't screech at the Children's like living next door to a banshee farm...

still coming up

Anyhoo, Gatwick. Blinding. There and back, eezy peezy.

Anonymous said...

...and I just HAD to share this one with you all...

Oh dear oh dear...


...should work I think

Jo said...

Hi Moose - Hatfield Galleria, make sure you check out the price drop TV shop, you could bag a bargain (although you could also leave with a load of tat *spell checks furiously!*)

Hazel, it works with some creative copying and pasting. I once read in the Cannock Chase local newspaper that a local man had been found (on the chase) with the following items conducting a lewd act

1. A Goat
2. some rope
3. some pillows (presumably to stop the chafing)
4. A Mirror (to look his beloved in the face??)

It's a good job he wasn't sudanese :o)

Thanks for the smile this morning Hazel.

As for the OAMC, still to far for me to be going I'm afraid....Also not sure what him indoors would think about the whole blog thing *it's still my secret!*.

Catch you all later... :o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Just a quickie

Can't do Thursday.

But, Gatwick would be perfect as a destination as I pass it on the way home anyway.

So, another time, maybe? Who is up for being OIABMC (Gatwick) number three?

Hazel. Me. A.N. Other.

Have a good day.


Anonymous said...

good morning Moose and all,

Please accept my apologies for absence. I have loads of excuses but that would be just boring and sound like just a string of excuses!!!

I haven't read any of what has gone before (over the last few days anyway) because I just had a couple of minutes to post and so wanted to type something rather than read. So, apologies for missing important things or even the tiny little things (!)

Since the kids have been back, things have been very very busy - nuff said.

I am very sorry that I am unable (despite being willing) to come THIS thursday. Gatwick would be preferred location. However, I have been in training for the London trip and so would happily do that journey if that was preferred location.

I am really looking forward to when we do meet : )

I had loads of visitors over the weekend and now need to go and put the house back together. Younger doesnt go back to school 'til tomorrow - so another busy one!!



jollygit said...

Mornin' all

Moose - I hope your symptoms ease quickly and would definitely sub-contract your ironing!!

HL - am I glad I changed from jillygoat to jollygit!!!

Yippee - I've got another interview tomorrow with the local council but it includes an all-day assessment, so I'll be absent from the blog all day (have got a note from me mum).

The sun's shining here - hope it is with y'all too.

Have a nice day

jollygit xxxx

Anonymous said...

Mornin' ...

Hazel where do you find these stories???

Jollygit it is a VERY good thing you changed your name! Good luck with the interview thing tomorrow. I too have an interview tomorrow, but should be back to report in by lunchtime.

I love ironing - sad but true. I find it relaxing and like nothing more than spending an hour or two in front of the TV with nothing but a pile of crumpled clothing to keep me company.

Would love to try and get to an OAMC meeting, but it would take too much explaining - see Jo's earlier post - the blog is still my secret too.

Till later ...

Anonymous said... bleedin' last...a REAL excuse to eat it...if you ever needed one...

Anonymous said...

I could have done the kissing and eating chocolate thing ..... I've been practicing both for years!!!

jollygit x

Moose said...

Hazel - I'm always shaky, nauseous and irritating, sorry irritable, anyway, so how do I tell the difference?

Jo - I don't consider myself quite pikey enough to be able to grace the price-drop TV shop with my presence...prefer the Thornton's cafe instead. Maybe I just suffer from delusions of grandeur/chocolate. Talking of which, kissing wins for me on the calorific values front. Nutrition Data doesn't seem to say exactly how many it uses though.

Jollygit - absence noted and approved for tomorrow - good luck!

Gaby - absence noted and approved in hindsight.

Looks like we're heading for Gatwick then as the most popular destination. If Thursday doesn't work this week, any other days that do? Or next week? Of course, I'll still go to Hatfield Galleria this Thursday - haven't snagged a bargain there for ages and I do need some new trousers...(no I didn't lose my old ones in the woods when I had to run quickly, but because of weight loss they just keep falling round my ankles with no warning, your honour).

Anonymous said...

Good morning, I am struggling to like Monday today! I am just so tired, I really, really need a holiday!

Hazel, your dessert was a great success! I only ate a little portion but it was very more-ish. I was soooo chuffed with myself, coz I'm useless at this sort of thing, but your instructions were faultless. I didn't have any mint, but managed to wing it!

Jollygit, all the best for tomorrow - with being there all day, you'll really get to see what the job is all about.

I hope some of you guys make it to OAMC on Thursday. I would love to attend - wonder what Mr S would say if I told him I'm off to London for the OAMC! Who knows what will happen later in the year?!

Be back later.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Splendid stuff Moose.

So, passports at the ready. Do I need suncream and my flowery, knee-length swimming togs? Oh, and my floppy sunhat that I only wear when I am totally sure that no-one knows me?

I'll start packing tonight!

Gatwick here we come!


Anonymous said...

annalog - saw a man wearing a t-shirt with your name on it on Saturday. If I hadn't had to undo seventy-twelvety zips to find my mobile phone before he had gone by, I could've taken a photo.

Ah well.

...and it's only BBC news. Just the ones that catch my eye, or the ones I think may catch everyone elses. I try to stay abreast (or aleg) of currant affairs (sorry getting foody - by the way, did anyone try the Eton Mess over the weekend? Did you enjoy it?) and some of the stories are just farcical.

btw Jo, I'm REALLY hoping it was a Daily mirror...

Have just proved scientifically beyond any doubt at all that Dogs are Stupider than Cats.


My cats wouldn't even sniff at a bowl of milk if it was just water with a bit of milk to make it opaque. Dogs do. Then they drink it because they think it is milk.

On that note

ps I am not counting Bears or Dalmatians in the above sweeping statement...I ain't that stoopid!

Anonymous said...

Now then. It took me ages to do the last post (cue bugle) so now I have missed some.

Moose. If the itching carries on, you'll need calamine lotion. If it persists for more than a few days you may need to see your GP.

ChrissieS - Glad you went for it hon! Easy innit!

MfR - I read thongs. Then I worried that you had knee-length thongs. I'm pretty sure that I don't suffer from any 'ists' or 'isms' as far as the human race goes, but I have to voice my concern as to what sort of shape you may have been when I meet you. Then I re-read it and saw it was TOGS. Small sigh of relief. Strange isn't it though. EVERYONE has a hat like that...

on a final note (for now) apart from wondering where the blimmin heck BigUn is????? Anyone??????


When you're too pikey for Asda.


Primark Rules

Moose said...

I shop at Lidl (occasionally). So maybe there is hope that I'm pikey enough for price-drop TV after all!

Where do Moose come on the intelligence scale with dogs and cats?

Anonymous said...

Hello all

Fab weekend, great wedding...I didn't cry (HARD, me) others did and the bride and groom were both beautiful, and they loved the reclette grill! I met a really old friend and told him about you lot..but I only told them about the CE blog, cos i can't remember mooses address, he thinks i'm mad.
Anyway -
thanks for the poem Hazel..I will print it out for Mr C..who will look like a parrot with a mega puffed out chest! Luckily no airrifles in the vicinity
Moose, hatfield galleria..I used to go to the TKMaxx, and Mr C found a pair of bright pink Cathering Hamnet Jeans for £ fab is that! (well Mr C almost wet himself, he was so excited at that find..not to everyone's taste though, I admit)
We had a "Snakes on a TRAIN" moment at the w/e - the train stopped at Luton, but the back doors wouldn't open...Panic ensued with 30 passengers running up and down...and in the end MrC pulled the emergency door open...I came over all "shakes on a train"
Hope weather great with all of you
JO - how's bump?
Gaby - I never get to read backwards either, and am so keen to get my 10 pennthworth in!
Jolly - good luck tomorrow
EG/Susan/Mary - good weather in Scotland too!
Keith - how's it going
Matt - Tattoo update?
Annalog - I saw the annalog t shirt too, this wierd is that
Annalog/Jo/Chrissie - why a secret?

Oh no..TKMaxx rules
Don't tell 'em Pikey! Except in Bristol they're refered to as Bedme's

Moose said...

I always refuse to go into TK Maxx. I take the Mooselets to Costa Coffee while Mrs Moose goes for a good rummage. She's made some decent profit on e-bay from it...but I've never yet found anything in there for me. So I don't bother.

Pikelets - yum, could eat a packet right now...

Bedme's - hopefully this is because they were from Bedminster?

Anonymous said...

Costa Coffee*. Where coffee is more expensive per litre than petrol.

However, I did try drinking petrol once, and although it was a passable beverage once I had added steamed milk and sugar, I think the effects from the experiment speak for themselves...

*Other coffee outlets are available. Some even sell Chocolate Brownies**.

**Other girls groups sometimes affiliated with the local church are available. are jumble sale bargain shops. The Catherine Hamnett jeans sound gawjus. I would not be able to wear pink

Glad you liked the pome Caroline! Spesh for you, in eight minutes. Quicker than two boiled eggs. These would be parrot eggs of course.

So, any thoughts on Aldi?

I don't mean aldi quattro or anything like that either...just in case you wags are feeling punny...punny har har...

Need liquid. Can hear kettle. Dunk-in for 13.05?


Anonymous said...

You are spot on, but,how do you know about Bedminster?

honestly you should have a go in TKMaxx..but obviously, unlike Mr C you do not have a penchant for brightly coloured clothes or a good rummage.

Pikelets .. are they what are to pikes what mooselets are to moose?

Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

anyway Moose, I should have thought you would steer clear of most clothing outlets as a general measure. They are short enough of hangers anyway, without a Moose going in and catching everything on his antlers. I can hear the shop-lifting buzzer from here...!

Anonymous said...

i'm in to the dunk (bit late now)...I've got M&S chocolate marshmallow teacakes for my Monday Critical path meeting, so I'll pinch one of those!

However, usually Aldi biscuits are on offer at the meeting - when I first introduced Aldi all my collegues were sniffy..but now they look forward each monday to my meeting in anticipation of the biscuit variety they will get.
Lidl and aldi are good for different things... there is a phenomenon called "treasure hunting" where people who can afford to go else where go to Lidl, Aldi, poundland and the like to get odd pieces of "treasure" I am deffo a treasure hunter!

Anonymous said...

Animal Stupidity Scale

Stupidest to Cleverest

My colleagues
Human Race
Egg and Spoon Race

..and how about this for une coinkydinky...Just had the manager of the local (for local people) TK Maxx on the telephone...

SFX: twiglet zone music here.

Still have no tea

Anonymous said...

Where do I get a t-shirt with my name on???? Don't tell me it's Lidl, TK Maxx or Matalan because I couldn't possibly go through the doors darling - someone might see me! (Also we don't have any nearby as far as I know.)

Caroline - it's only a secret because I haven't got round to telling Mr L yet, not for any other reason.

Moose - the following is an extract from a book review on Amazon (other bargain book purchase web sites are available etc) - I think you're well up there with cats and dogs.

"Moose: Behavior, Ecology, Conservation by Valerius Geist. Russian-born scientist Valerius Geist ... offers a highly readable, affectionate, and entertaining natural history of the moose. ... Geist explains why moose are small in some places and large in others (the more mature the plant environment in which it lives, the smaller the moose); discusses migratory patterns, mating habits, social organization, and other aspects of ecology; and honors the moose's highly developed intelligence ("moose," he writes, "are programmed for learning"). With continued conservation efforts and continued goodwill on the part of humans, Geist foresees a healthy future for the moose, even in the face of global climate change that threatens the creature's favored habitats."

So now you know - Moose are programmed for learning. If only the rest of us could live up to that!

Anonymous said...

You could go to the Ed fringe fest - sponteneous pome originated and orated (by) Hazel
What a laugh!


Anonymous said...


Tat update.

Entering Phase 2 - Dry, cracked, generally nasty. Bit like black flaky pastry. Not the time to roll your sleeve up and say 'check out my new tat guys!'.

Hazel. I am going to scour the planet for a knee-length thong.

And when I find it, I shall wear it to the OAMC.

I've never seen, let alone been in, an 'Aldi' or a 'Lidl'. Where do I find these places? Do I have to wear anything in particular to go there? Will I find a knee-length thong there?

Interesting developments on the JFK assassination conspiracy front yesterday. Vice President (and then President) Johnson was behind it. Alledgedly.

Have to pop to Ascot this 'avo. Then out for beer in Billingshurst with No. 1 mate.


Jo said...

OOOhhh - Lidl,

Avast me hearties there be treasure in these here parts! (unless you have lived in Somerset for most of your formative years the accent won't come too easily!)

I found some fruit trees there for only £3.99 each - the apple is currently planted and seems to have survived both the move and the sitting in garage for 3 months! Unfortunately Mother outlaw has laid claim to the plum but we still have the pear!

:o) Jo

PS Sophie not yet learnt to pant without yawning - very funny!

PPS - MfR, have decided I'm not quite so keen on the flaky look as the red weepy one.....

PPPS Christine's Garden(BBC2)rocks!

Anonymous said...

Matt - I have gone to the websites and found locales for you
London Road
West Drayton/Yiewsley - High street

Victoria Road - Horley
Dogflud Way - Farnham (blimey!)

give them a go in passing!
Love caroline

Anonymous said...

Lidl. Farnham?


That's, erm, near. Mind you, it is a different county, so I guess that is OK then.

Don't worry Jo, flaky soon gives way to near-normal before more flaky and then it's there.

...when you notice a few bits that haven't been filled in properly and you go through the whole thing again.

Ho hum.


Moose said...

Lidl is exactly the sort of place you will find a knee-length thong, but it will be on a WIGIG promotion so you'll have to hurry.
Otherwise check out Borat movie memoribilia on e-bay...or wait 15 years for them to go out of fashion and you can get one in TK Maxx.

...and I'm looking forward to the OAMC even more now!

Programmed for learning. Yes! Slightly disappointed to be behind the human race - well, most of it anyway, present company I allowed a promotion above the parts of the human race called Wayne or Colleen or Russell or something similar but stay below the Matts, Carolines, Hazels, Annas etc etc. (I especially want to stay behind the Matts if they are wearing knee length thongs - don't think about what the front view will be like...Doh! Too late)

Moose said...

And do we want to know how a Dogflud Way happens? Drinking too much water disguised as milk?

Anonymous said...

Groing on previosu comments - is an Aldi for when you're too pikey for Lidl?

Anonymous said...

Doh - must learn to proof read properly.

What it should have said was - Going by previous comments ...

Moose said...

Annalog - not quite. Lidl and Aldi are about on a par. If you're too pikey for them you rummage for scraps in public litter bins.

Except in Germany, where Aldi and Lidl are both quite upmarket and you have PennyMarkt, Norma and Netto to go through before you hit the litter bins...

Anonymous said...

Caroline, I am delighted that there is someone out there with as many work breaks as me...and thank you for the faith in me...

Couldn't believe the call from TK Maxx though. Now I know when they get their deliveries I may be tempted to ride the escalator of fear.

Moose - programmed for learning. i suppose you would be a larger, but getting smaller Moose? Not forgetting that mooscle weighs more than fat (phat? wot's that?) and you'd obviously weigh less without your antlers on.

I so hope you find a knee-length thong MfR. They make knee-length knickers (see previous gym discussions) so it's only a small stretch (ouch sorry had KNOW I DID) to a thong...

Now have odd knee-length thong design pictures jumping around in head. V disconcerting, but reasonably amusing...

Why are you not adding savlon at any time you like instead of waiting? The quicker it goes dry and flaky the shallower the colour will be. Slappitton matey...and don't spare the 'orses!

Billingshurst eh...used to go to the Kings Arms 'kin YEARS ago on the bikes...drink proper beer, throw darts (well some of them played darts...myself and KJJ threw) and go home again. They were some jolly fun times.

Matts Tatts

MfR got a tattoo
he got it on his arm
When Mrs M protested
he said it's not doing harm

And now y'see it's all gone black
and bits are falling free
Mrs M was heard to say
Y'should've listened to me

The moral of this story
Well there isn't really one
But once a tattoo's been drawn on
It's well and truly done

Now I am going for a smoke. My creative moose has deserted me, and I just caught my (quite long) skirt under the wheels of my chair and narrowly avoided banging my chin on the desk. Plenty more time across the summer for that to happen...

Anonymous said...

and this was surprisingly easy to find...

or try

I could've sworn it was spelt like yours though Ms log!

Moose said...

Love the Analog Sushi shorts...will they do instead of a thong. Far more appetising!

Jo said...

A whole clothing range - how clever!

Hazel - it's not so much the breaks but more so that we never do any work (well I certainly don't!). Also, don't make me laugh, they think I am actchually working over here :o)

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...


Been a 'slappin the Sav since yesterday. Tried 'Tattoo Goo' last time but my poor sensitive skin didn't like it.

Do you think if I wore my knee-length thong in the sauna CLP may mention it on the blog?

If he ever gets round to blogging again that is.

If you're ever in the southern US find a store called Piggly Wiggly, a sort of red-neck Asda. If only to say that you did.

Now going to Ascot in the morning. Mmm. Beer tonight, lay-in tomorrow?

Sounds good to me.


Anonymous said...

Well - that's it then. I'm changing my name to match that of "my" clothing company and then I'm going to buy an Analog Japndemonium Trucker Cap (it should match Moose's sushi shorts nicely). I'm going to wear it turned backwards because I don't think I'm pikey enough and that might help.

Do you think I'll get it in time for my interview tomorrow?

Toodle pip

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jo.

I will try not to make you laugh.


That works doesn't it.

I have, surprisingly, done quite a lot of work today. Brighton is still at a complete gridlock (did anyone see Doctor Who? Din't the guy in the pinstripe look like Ewan McGregor? I din't see the actor's name on the credits, so I s'pose it could've been) and set to remain so (with possibly getting worse during the summer - IF YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU DON'T DRIVE INTO BRIGHTON - MY HANDIWORK IS EVERYWHERE) until at least November.

It would appear that my work here is done...although I do need to stay here til 5. Now I'm going for a smoke.

How about Sovereign V Berkeley?

When you're too pikey for Lambert and Butler...

Jo said...

I didn't think it was possible to be too pikey for Lambert & Butler?

Even Golden Virginia is higher on the class stakes surely?

:o) Jo

An ex-benson smoker and ex Golden Virginia roll your own :o)

PS. is too pikey for L&B when you pick up stubs and take the remnant ash from them to roll your own?

Anonymous said...

Jo, you could be my mate Debs. 'cept she smokes Dunhill International...altoghether a better class of butt doncha know...

Regarding the analog clothing debate, I am thinking some Descent Shorts. I used to play the recorder when I was younger.

Good luck for the interview tomorrow honey...likewise jollygit...grayshyus me, I can feel another early night coming on...

Still coming up on the inside

Anonymous said...

My sister never wore shorts when she played the recorder. Is that why she was cr*p at it?

Anonymous said...

Just a wee couple of things:

Analog - good luck for tomorrow.

Jollygit - I've already wished you well for tomorrow, but it never hurts to say it twice!

Caroline - re: the blog being a secret. I have actually told Mr S about it (from time to time he asks how everyone is!) but I do think I may be pushing my luck to go to London - but you never know!

Have a good evening one and all - I am working until 6pm every night this week and I honestly could cry! On the homeward stretch, only 45mins to go!

See you tomorrow.

C xx

jollygit said...

Annalog - hope your interview goes well!! I'll report back with news of mine on Wednesday .... getting nervous now!

Moose - there's a programme on BBC2 on Wednesday all about mooses that you might like to see .... I think it's about your American or Canadian cousins!

MfR - hope the tattoo heals quickly .. sounds like you're suffering xx

Thanks for your good wishes about yet another interview and sorry if it's getting boring for you all. You'll all be as relieved as me when I finally get a job!!

jollygit xxxx

Anonymous said...

You guys are such a tonic and boy do I need one right now, with a large GIN...

"It'll end in tears...", well, maybe. K is off again to USA this weekend, for 5 weeks this time.

I have decided that this relationship can't be sustained while he's globe trotting.

As much as I like the man, there are just too many other things in the way, like geography for instance.

He's supposed to be coming round tomorrow night (last chance until he's back from US, as he has to go to Portugal on Wednesday for a couple of days), but I'm going to phone him and tell him not to.

Sometimes the right thing feels very wrong, even though you know deep down that it is the right thing.

Stick with giving up caffeine Moose. I'm giving up men.

S xx.