Monday, 16 April 2007

Help - my brain isn't big enough!

A number of recent stories and radio phone-in programmes have brought to my mind, again, the issue of rights and responsibilities. That is, that our societies ills often come down to people's insistence on their rights over and above their practice of responsibility.

I start with myself and recognise the malady most in me. I know when I start thinking that I have rights to certain things or to be treated a certain way, I'm on a slippery slope. I function best when I completely ignore whatever my rights might be and act instead from a position of responsibility. Largely I mean the responsibility to do the right thing in whatever situation I find myself.

The underlying theme of rights comes up time and time again. Richard Bacon hosted a phone-in last week on Five Live about whether owning a home was a right or a privelege. There was another debate on Jeremy Vine about service in shops - about whether we had the right to good service or whether the customer has a part to play in being polite to shop staff. The fat gene debate was peppered with references to individuals right to choose whether they are fat or stay fat, their rights to be treated on the NHS no matter what their personal culpability might be in their medical problems. Much as I hate to mention it, sick of the whole thing as I am, even the reporting of the Wills and Kate affair is liberally sprinkled with comments on the media's right to publish in the public interest and their right to privacy.

This is obvious maybe and not in itself worthy of comment. What my brain isn't big enough for is the question of where these rights come from within an evolutionary framework of survival of the fittest? Surely if evolutionary principles are correct, then the only right that matters is the right of the fittest to exert their influence and power over those that are less fit in order to maximise their survival chances. The rights of "lesser" individuals work against this direction of progress.

The above issues illustrate the point:
1. Houses. 'Fitness' is simply defined as money. If you can afford to buy a house then buy it. If not, tough. The rich enough to get on the ladder in the first place make it to the detriment of those that can't get on the ladder at all. These fit/rich get fitter/richer and the unfit pay them rent.
2. There's a tussle between the fitness of the customer because they have the cash in their wallet, and the power over accessibility to the products as the staff can choose to exclude these customers.
3. Fat people have trouble having kids (in some cases) and die earlier (in some cases). Darwinism says that's a good thing, because the thinner, fitter, longer-living specimens will gradually take over the gene pool and we will develop/evolve.
4. Royalty/Media. A true battle of the wills (sorry!). If the public support of the Royal Family outweighs the public interest to read every detail of their lives and see photos of them doing fairly mundane things like walking along the street with a cup of coffee, then there would be no stories/photos in the press. But it doesn't, so there are. Bad luck. Live with it. Give up your Royal position or learn to take it all even if it ends in death in a Paris subway or anonymous exile on a South African island paradise.

Let me say first off that I do not support any of these positions. Although my level of sympathy for each of them is not identical.

My point is simpler, which is where any rights come from that make us differ from this extreme Darwinistic standpoint. Did the right evolve? Are having rights really the prize for the fittest in evolution, even if the exercise of the rights works contrarily to weaken the gene pool? If so, how evolved does a being have to be to get the rights - why do we stop at chimps?

I prefer to forget rights and instead just try to do the right thing.
So I'll buy my house if I can afford to but also contribute time or money or both to homeless shelters or building projects in the Third World. Providing a suitable but not excessive home for my family doesn't have to be to the detriment of everyone else.
It's the right thing to do to treat everyone politely, as you would want to be treated, no matter what job they do or how much they get paid, or whether they are from Warrington or Warsaw. It's also OK to complain if they don't give good service, in an appropriate manner.
I'll try to get and keep myself healthy, maybe even help or encourage others to do the same, and help to feed people that don't have enough to live on.
I'll leave the Royals alone to live their lives, as I would want to be left alone. The country would be a culturally and touristically (and therefore economically) poorer place without them so they earn their keep and some privacy when they want it. I won't buy the papers that go to excess, nor click on the stories on the web - both of which fuel the idea that I'm interested in the rubbish that's produced in the name of public interest.

The closest I've come across to an explanation (appropriate know who you are) was that as we evolved we invented religion as a means to sustain the evolution of society/community. While we have now evolved far enough not to need religion any more, the principles of treating each other well (best embodied in the Christian tradition) still help to maintain our society and to enable further evolution. They are therefore worth keeping and encouraging, just without the religious context for them.
While I follow this argument, I still don't understand the natural consequences of this which appear to me to be counter-evolutionary. Because society protects the weak, enables them (us?) to procreate and live longer, it therefore stops or slows the relentless march towards a super-race with an ever narrower genetic make-up which approaches "perfection".
Maybe society through medical developments helps us to eradicate the "weakness" of the weak, thus making the gene pool stronger over time, including being stronger for being more diverse.

I think a field trip is called for. I'll need to demonstrate how most people live on a higher plane. I'll visit a fast food restaurants in the most deprived areas of every major UK city and rudely ask the fat people - preferably early teenage girls with a number of kids in tow and wearing Burberry - what they think of the influence of the print media in the Royalty vs Republicanism debate with specific reference to the now defunct relationship of William Windsor and Katherine Middleton.
Hopefully I'll get some polysyllabic answers and make it back alive...


Anonymous said...


It's first day 'back at school' for me today and you have posted a brilliantly thought-provoking blog to get my ol' brain cells working. I am half way through and thought I would furnish myself with another cuppa before reading the rest. I hope i can do it justice - it will surely be a test of whether I have used my brain cells over the holiday or whether I have spent the time pining for my kids and having liaisons in saunas!! lol!!



ps Sammie - really feel for you - I think you are making the right decision, but then I am no relationship expert!!!! Be prepared to overcome his objections to your ending it tonight though. xx

Anonymous said...

oh no, I had just composed my reply - long one - went to put my tea mug down and knocked escape and the whole darn thing vanished : (

Take two........

What is the point of the undo button if it doesn't always undo!!!

Jo said...

Hello all - just a quickie from me before I go to my Teenage Pregnancy meeting (am not that young anymore but I wish!).

Sammie, I mnow your heart will feel achey but remember that a bruised heart is better than a broken one...

Moose, think you're a bit optimistic if you expect to come back alive (you could come to West Bromwich if you want).

As for doing things responsibly, rather than thinking you have the right to do something, if only everyone abided by this. I get v. v. riled when other people don't take their responsibilities seriously (most notably with the whole Health & Safety Risk assessment & new chair incident, it's not the fact that my cow face boss said no to the chair. The chair was never the point, IT'S THE PRINCIPLE, as I was heard to say to my other boss!)

Ho Hum - I did something fun yesterday, I got in touch with a friend from my university days (after well over a year) turns out she had a baby in February of this year. Am so excited.....

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

I think in my reply that I suggested that perhaps within any functioning and successful 'group' there are roles/rights at varying strata that contribute to the success of the group. That's not to say that there wouldn't be survival of the fittest and alpha players(not a euphemism for Reading FC).

As I write however, what I have intimated would mean that everyone was equal but some would definitely be far more equal to have rights than others. I also wondered if what I was suggesting was representative of a certain political party. So, I think I had better leave it there!!!!

this reply is half the length of my orginal (zapped) one ("thank goodness for that", I hear you all cry).



Anonymous said...

Definitely fft this morning Moose! You must have been up all night with this one?

The Water Babies - Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby and Mrs Donebyasyoudid. These two ladies have been my heroines since I was about 10 years old. Nuff said on that one. (I have to say it did take me a while to pronouce their names properly, but once I got there, and mum had helped me understand the basic tenets, the rest is history).

As far as rights go. In America (whether all over the USA or not, I don't know) they don't have speed cameras, because they see it that everyone has the right to break the law. It's whether you get caught or not which determines the fact. I really like that idea, and I think it spreads into everyday life pretty well too.

You have the right to do anything, until you get caught. A big umbrella I know, but it all boils down to choice.

I choose to live by the Christian ethic, as embodied by a certain Mr Charles Kingsley.

Now that my brain has also joined the ranks of being WAY too small...I actually have some work to do...oh yes I have!


May I also add...'Quash'? What an excellent word.

Anonymous said...

Sammie, as I said to Moose yesterday..."And, if you've given up caffeine, you will get shaky, headaches, nauseous and irritable. These symptoms will possibly last up to about three weeks, so be prepared to count to 10 a lot."

Likewise if you give up men.

What's for you won't go by you hon, but you have your offspring to consider too, so it is a much harder and braver decision you are making. They need consistency too, and it is possible that K hasn't been around long enough to prove an absent friend.

Suffice to say, whatever eventual decision is reached, it'll be a complete bastard trying to sort it out.

We'll be here

Anonymous said...

Morning schmorning,

Sammie, I hate to be the one to confuzz matters but I think you are being too hasty. I know I don't know you per se, nor the complete ins and outs of your situation and relationship, but girl - every time you have mentioned this chap your writing lifts and the excitement comes over in your words. So he has to travel a lot, be away for weeks at a time, which at the start of a new blossoming relationship can be hard but bearable. I used to see a guy that lived in Wales and when I say see I mean talk to him on the phone, email, letters every day but actually see him once every 6 to 8 weeks. Yes, we did end up splitting up after 18 months, due to us wanting different things from life not because of the distance or irregularity of seing each other - but I would much rather live with the 'oh well' feeling instead of the 'what if...' Personally, and I may well be stepping way out of line here, I think you may be trying to protect yourself. You have been hurt badly in your past, and you can feel yourself falling for this chap in such a way that it scares you. You probably feel as though your barriers are breaking down, and you are becoming vunerable and open to the same pain you've been through before, and as such you are trying to end something before it hurts too much. But, d'you know what? This time it might not happen. Think about how you feel when you think of him, when you are with him, when you are counting down the days before you see him again. Not everybody experiences the flutterbies and I believe you should take the chance. Good luck, and happy loving x

Again, apologies if I have spoken out of turn, but I hate to see love go wanting.

MW, a!

Anonymous said...


Utterly brilliant blog today. Pretty much out of my league (my brain REALLY isn't big enough!), but I will say I treat people the way I would like them to treat me. It would be a wonderful world if everyone behaved like this, but that's just pie in the sky.

The problem with people not taking their responsibilities seriously is that so many people don't give a toss about responsibility towards others. "I'm alright Jack" is the attitude and it makes me seeth!

But I guess I do go along with Hazel, everything is your right, until it blows up in your face - and then that's your responsibility!

I'm not very good at this type of thing!!

Can I say to Sammie - I am sorry it has worked out this way. Was K aware of how you have been feeling? I know I have no experience of this, but is it impossible to just enjoy seeing him when you can, and in the meantime getting on with your life? Or is it just too difficult, being apart so much? Either way Sammie, your inner voice is telling you what to do, and it's seldom wrong.

Sorry to have gone on and on.

C xx

Moose said...

Sammie - not sure I'm much of an expert but I'm with Mariella. Why not talk to K about your concerns rather than make the decision beforehand? If the conversation goes a certain way then you can still make that decision during the conversation. But there are so many other possibile outcomes, most of which you, I or any of the other bloggers can't imagine, that I think you could miss out.

I have to say that the feelings that come across when you write about K, the fact that you've started writing again (I suspect your relationship with K is really the biggest influence to get you started again) etc etc all point in that direction.

But I also understand that we all only see a very small part of what is going on...enough though to care deeply about you and the outcome.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Anonymous said...

Hi, just back for a "quickie".

Hazel, I don't know if you are aware, but I agreed with you next door yesterday and I agreed with you again this morning. I don't want you to think I am becoming your stalker - it is just that I DO agree with what you're saying!

Also, just want to say to Amanda, Anna, DWNB, EG, Keith, MWK, SusanS, and t - where are you?!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Well Hi there… I am back …. If you’ll have me ;-)

I thought I would come back with a bang and head straight for the naughty corner!

Golf anyone?

The Englishman's wife steps up to the tee and, as she bends over to
place her ball, a gust of wind blows her skirt up and reveals her lack of underwear. "Good God, woman! Why aren't you wearing any knickers?" her husband demanded. "Well, you don't give me enough housekeeping money
to afford any." The Englishman immediately reaches into his pocket and says, "For the sake of decency, here's £50. Go and buy yourself some underwear."

Next, the Irishman's wife bends over to set her ball on the tee. Her skirt also blows up to show that she is wearing no undies. "Blessed Virgin Mary, woman! You've no knickers. Why not?" She replies, "I can't
afford any on the money you give me." He reaches into his pocket and
says, "For the sake of decency, here's £20 go and buy yourself some

Lastly, the Scotsman's wife bends over. The wind also takes her skirt
over her head to reveal that she, too, is naked under it. "Sweet mudder of Jesus, Aggie! Where the frig are yer drawers?" She too explains, "You dinna give me enough money ta be able ta affarrd any." The Scotsman reaches into his pocket and says, "Well, fer the love 'O Jasus 'n the
sake of decency, here's a comb. Tidy yerself up a bit."

Keith the BigUn

P.S explanation for my absence later….

Anonymous said...

Too late ChrissieS I'm afraid.

Your protestations of innocence only serve to prove your guilt.

I have instructed my solicitor to construct a 50 yard exclusion zone made from tuna net, and to shred all paperwork before I put it out for the binmen. (Other sexes of bin personnel available).

Please let that be a lesson to you.

H. Love

Anonymous said...

Sammie - I fear lest I have advised incorrectly : ( I knock things on the head all too easily. I don't know what is wrong with me : ( Nuff said.

Keith - I have been away too - hi xx



Anonymous said...

that should have read 'I knock things on the head too easily.....'

The 'I' got caught up with the sad face!!!.....

Anonymous said...

i'm back too - albeit briefly as i am trying to catch up on a mountain of stuff.

cant stop, but wanted to say - Sammie, I'm with Mariella and Moose.... Perhaps a conversation about how you feel would be a better way to go first, may feel a bit out of the blue for him if you suddenly call it all off, particularly after how much you have already invested (both of you) emotionally I mean.

Dont be too hasty.......

Dont protect yourself from the potential to love and be loved.


Anonymous said...

...and you're back in the flume...

"I was a Teenage Pregnant NHS Turtle!" is the latest film to be sweeping international cinemas this month. It stars Jo. A hitherto unknown actress, who's main claim to fame is Dalnatian related. No, laydeez and gennelmen, it's not her wot is spotty, but her dawgs. Jo is given to wearing bright pink, but we think it is only a matter of time before she changes that to baby pink eh Jo? (Yes boys can wear pink. It hasn't done Moose, MfR or Keith any harm now has it.) IWATPNT is not essentially a violent carries a PG*18 certificate, presented by Lord Harlech as a special dispensation...but when Jo gets upset, you should see the fur fly. It is an up and down tale following the adventures of a hapless NHS Trust employee, and the trials and tribulations she suffers at the hands of the evil boss (not the other one). If you wait long enough there should be a happy ending, but I'd cancel the milk and papers in case you're in for the long haul.

"I Was A Teenage Pregnant NHS Turtle!"

Coming soon to a picture house near you!

Anonymous said...

or DalMation even.

Anonymous said...

Crumbs Moose - my brain is definitely not big enough. In the words of that old Far Side cartoon ... "Please sir, my brain's full". I need time to digest today's post and may be moved to comment later.

I'm a bit concerned about your plans for a field trip though. Sounds highly dangerous - you may need get one of those knife proof Kevlar hoodies Mr L was telling me about yesterday (but don't try wearing it to Bluewater - they won't let you in).

Sammie - I'm with Moose, Mariella and Anna (and any others I may have missed). Don't be too hasty. Talk to K and see how he feels. I have several friends who have had relationships with blokes in the forces and who are therefore away for months at a time (sometimes with no external contact at all for 3 months) and although it is a strain, if he's the man for you he's worth waiting for. Good luck whatever you decide.

More later

Anonymous said...

I said I will be back (not for the first time I hear you cry)

Now I will explain my absence a little. I have not been well unfortunately. My lymph nodes in my left groin have been playing up swollen I have been backwards and forward to the doctors for far too many checkups as they decide whether or not to operate. It is just a worry I guess as they have become swollen for no apparent reason this time.

One of the main reasons for the delay on the doctor deciding on surgery is my size :-( The risk may be too great for me so I may just have to struggle on. I must have been a bad person in a former life I guess!

I have come back to work today to the biggest in-tray I have seen in years ;-( Oh it is good to be alive :-)

I have been checking in to the blog on a regular basis but I have not had the heart to contribute as my mind is elsewhere I am sorry to say.

Still enough abut me…

Sammie, please do not do anything you may regret later. I would urge you to talk to him not just tell him. It may be you both agree, or not as the case may be. I speak as one who has spent long intervals away from home, all I can say the homecoming has been some of the best times we have had. Distance alone is not such a big barrier today as it was ten, fifteen years ago.

Gaby, missed you too xx

Hazel, chrissie thanks for missing and asking after me ;-) xx

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

Hazel, I have indeed heard from your "Brief" and it's not looking good for me. I tried to head you off at the pass by explaining my actions, but it didn't work. I am hoping Naomi Campbell can give me some tips on Community Service!

Keith and Anna - well .... hello!
Brilliant joke Keith, and I hate to say it, but probably quite accurate. Scotsmen, you gotta love 'em! (well, maybe you don't!).

C xx

Anonymous said...

Keith...I do think you should console yourself that many, many men would LOVE to have a swelling in their groin. When the boy had his hernia op, he was heard to say that if only the bruising could go but the swelling could stay. Alas (for him only, I hasten to add) neither condition did what he'd hoped for.

That aside, sorry you've been a poorly bear. Glad you've been in touch...well, you know we're usually here!, and DAHLING, just because I can, best you have an in-tray than end up in an out-tray eh!

Available for weddings, bar mitzvahs and childrens parties.

Book direct on

Anonymous said...

Moose, very thought provoking but I do think there is more to this than meets the eye. Understandably you are talking from your life experiences of respecting rights and taking responsibility for your actions.

A 'field trip' as you call it may be an eye opener for you as to how the more deprived areas of our society percieve respecting their rights and taking responsibility for their actions.

I have a feeling you may find it more informative to ask any young person from any background to take you to their parents and grandparents to see where the difference lies.

Young people learn from their mentors (parents, teachers, older siblings) how to behave and the values to carry through life with them. In my opinion it has all gone very wrong over the past 20+ years. I worked in a public service industry from the age of 18 to 39 and can vouch for the deterioration of the general public's behaviour during that time. My hubby currently works in a public service industry and my toes curl when he recounts some of the things that have gone on during the day at work. Most of this behaviour does not derive from deprived young people in a poor area but from distinctly middle class young people whose parents go out to work leaving them to roam the streets outwith of school hours (or if they go to school).

Hubby and I are trying to teach our boys to treat others as they would like to be treated and for now, it appears to be working, we can only pray that this continues.

I come from very near your neck of the woods originally (I went to school in Hatfield) but in order for me and hubby to afford a house after our marriage we had to move to North West England and put roots down. Ok it was near to my hubby's family but a heck of a trek for me to visit my family. We got what we wanted though and have never looked back!

The Royal Family - I am a proud subject of HM Queen Elizabeth II. I am sure the media fuss regarding Prince William is of great pain to her because she comes from an era when that sort of thing just didn't happen to the extent it does today. At the end of the day they were a young couple who appear to have grown apart, and yes we should leave them alone to get on with it but we haven't done in the past. Moose, you may not buy the paper or click the internet story but you are in the minority and there are not enough like you to make a difference.

I hope none of this has offended anyone but it is a subject I think passionately about and felt the need to reply.

I will hand my absence note in later!

Hope everyone is better from their previous ailments.

A x

Jo said...

Have bought some love hearts - here's what - pick what you want but best be quick

Bonnie Lass
Wild Thing
Cheeky Boy x 2
You're Fab
Gee Whizz
Be Happy
What A Smile
Canny Lad
Love Bug
Just Me
Dream On
Fax Me x 2
Hold Me
I love You
I Hope
How Nice
My Doll

Each love heart has cost me 1p!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

jo - please can i have both the cheeky boys : )

Keith - so sorry you haven't been well - wish I could help you with your in-tray; I am useless with paperwork but enjoy being ruthless!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jo said...

Gaby - They're on their way!

Keith (Why does your name cotradict all my spelling rules???) - I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling too hot. I would have thought having a large groinal area (other beach conservation devices are available) was a bonus (NC1 I'm on my way!) but I guess not if it means that healthcare is withdrawn.

Fingers crossed that it starts to go down (I know, I know) soon, and they are able to find a suitable treatment.

:o) Jo

PS don't get me started on the NHS - bah!

Moose said...

Welcome back to all wanderers...Keith - been missing your jokes!
Jo - too many calories in a Love Heart. Keep one and eat it for me...I shall donate my 1p to the NHS next time I'm in Addenbrookes.

Jo said...

Moose I had Wild Thing down for you so I'll scoff it now :o)


Moose said...

Jo - good choice!

Anonymous said...


I did suspect that all was not terribly well with you, but I was reluctant to say anything. You know we are here for you when you want to talk. There's no way you have been a bad person in this or any other life. Life, when it is not being a bowl of cherries, it a bitch! Hang in there.

Amanda, good to hear from you - I wondered where you had got to!

I see where you are coming from with regard to young people. I see friends of my daughter, all from really "good" homes in all sorts of trouble. Drinking, drugs and of course (because they are 16, don't you know) sex. It is frightening the life out of me. I KNOW that I have done the groundwork. Simply because my parents would not discuss the "facts of life" with me, I have made it one of my main priorities to be completely upfront and almost brutal with my daughter. I can only hope it is going to work, but given what I am learning about her peers, I really do have my doubts.

I am in no way offened by anything you say. I think you are spot on, but my question is, if the parents HAVE met their responsibilities head on and have not shirked from the facts, what do we do if these kids are hell bent on destruction?!

It's a bloody minefield!

Thanks for listening.

C xx

Moose said...

I am sitting here contemplating whether it's too early. I have a (decaff) tea on the go, nothing to dunk except a virtual Love Heart, and a surprising lack of achiness from yesterday's exertions.
No not going to the NC1 - I decided yesterday afternoon to leave early and do a triathlon at the gym, not an alternative one but a real one.
Didn't quite make it all, but 16km cycle, 5km run and 750m swim later, 1,350 calories burned (that's a whole day's eating!), I treated myself to an alternative triathlon as well, all in the name of recovery. So today I'm only up for some swimming.

I should leave and go swimming now so that I can be home early enough to help with homework, tea and bedtime...I'll just finish my tea first and then I'll be off.

Jo said...

Chrissie - Just to let you know, I was from a 'good' home (parent both teachers etc, in fact pops was deputy head!). I discharged myself from their direct influence at 16 to head south and do my A levels in my childhood home which was being used for holidays at the time. I got into Sex, drugs, booze, fags, you name it I thought it was worth a try!

Look at me now, in retrospect it was the best thing I ever did, having had a strong sense of right and wrong instilled n me I knew when the time was good to stop misbehaving and start studying (unfortunately not until after my exams) but to be honest with you I had such a blast and wouldn't change a thing!

:o) Jo

PS I always had good manners though

PPS and always knew when to draw the line with my cheekiness to grown ups - a little bit coupled with a smile is funny, too much is rude

Anonymous said...

I love you all! Thanks for your wonderful messages of support. I am teary reading them.

Moose, your Blog today was brilliant. I have taken my teenage daughter on such "field trips" before, with the old lecture "If you don't pull your socks up - this is what you'll end up being". Socks duly pulled up and held in place...Thankfully, the "Is it me" question of Toggdom has been answered...

Keith - honey - did wonder about you. Thinking about you and hoping things are OK.

WEll, after a sleepless night, I rang K at 6.30 this morning to tell him not to come round tonight. I explained my rationale, at 4 am, it really did sound quite articulate, but two and a half hours later, I stumbled through my speech. In response to my suggestion that we cool it so he has time to think about 'things' in Savannah - he said "NO!" Being in Portugal, apparently is difficult, having to load AV softare to his brother's PC is difficult, but I'm not. I cried this morning for the first time in 12 months.

Thankfully, I was able to focus on work today, even though I got lost twice, driving like a complete Muppet.

So, now I'm home, pretending to read work e-mails, while all the time I am terrified and thrilled all at the same time of seeing K tonight.

Wish me luck.

S xx.

P.S. Moose, I gave up caffeine 18 months ago. I still have it occasionally, although I have overdosed today and am now suffering palpitations and shakes. (3 cups is all it takes!) So indulge, but only a little...

Jo said...

Sammie if I had your email address I would send you the Be Happy and Love bug Love Hearts!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Chrissie - you are so right. My sister in law is going through this just now with my teenage niece. But I can see where some of the problems have come from and maybe they were not dealt with at source, then subsequently spiralled to the sad situation the whole family now find themselves in. I cannot be more specific as it would be unfair to comment on a personal family situation in a public forum. I think with a lot of circumstances where there is a child who is dangerously out of control you will be able to see varying forms of past experiences biting you on the bum so to speak. As I said it is a subject very close to my heart and should you wish to debate further Moose has my e-mail and I will be glad to share my experiences and opinions with you.

Keith - thoughts and prayers with you.

Jo - Please may I have Hello? Kerching - that's my virtual penny rolling to you!

Sammie - will be thinking of you tonight, I think you are doing the right thing seeing K again and hope it works for you.

Absence due to family holiday - note from sons - thanks for letting our mummy go away - we had a really fun time digging lots of holes and tunnels on the beach!

A x

Anonymous said...

It sounds mainly like a manners issue, looking back on the day...I have to confess I have a small amount of vested interest in Wills due to a family connection...heh heh heh...and Amanda, I was also in 'public service' for a long time. I treated the people I served how I would like them to treat me, and for the most part it worked. I find it is usually those with a big wallet but a small vocabulary who are the rudest, and that is not meant to sound snobbish, but I am not going to sink to the level of answering someone in kind. Lordie lordie, this is feeling like a soap box now...

You know it all started with that bloody Anne Robinson on Watch Dog? 'Make a fuss', she said. Effing bitch.

I'm getting down now. Now that I have sunk to the level of a Weakest Link contestant.

My watch has stopped at 12.54. I think I did too.

Oh, and another one for you Moose! Everyones 'right' to have the government help them out of debt. Whaddya reckon to that one?


Jo, you sound so much like me, except I was already living darn sarf!

Please can I have My Doll?

ps What is an alternative triathlon? I doubt very much if it's the three things I can think of which make me puffed out...

Anonymous said...

Jo and Amanda,

Thanks for the replies. It never ceases to amaze me that when I share something on this blog, there is always someone who understands!

Jo, I totally take on board what you said about going off the rails a bit, but you obviously had your head screwed on the right way, and woke up to reality. It's the alternative to that that scares me to death!

Amanda, thank you. You don't have to give me any personal details, but I will be in touch.

Sammie - so glad you are seeing K tonight! That man is not going to let you go without a fight!

Moose, you really are turning into Superman! Wish I could get some of your energy which may have helped me lose more than just the 1lb I lost at WW today. 4lbs off in three weeks - it's not the best is it?!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Hazel - completely agree and I also am of the opinion that you treat as you would be treated. Way back when I would agree with the big wallet, small vocabluary scenario - but more recently have found that is no longer the case. A lot of people from all walks of life see it as their right to have a pop at those in the front line. I have to say that in the end if folk were rude to me I refused to deal with them and that was my cue to get out and find a job hidden away from the general public!

A x

Jo said...

Chrissie - I understand about the alternative being mega scary - as long as there is a good grounding it should all work out, undoubtedly my parents were scared stiff at the time but now I think they see it was something I had to do and I wouldn't have become me unless I had spread my wings and danced with the devil a little.

Hope it all workds out and Amanda I'm sorry for your family problems, I hope they get sorted out too.

:o) Jo

PS - all Love Hearts now scoffed (the baby made me do it!)

Anonymous said...

Chrissie/Jo, et al...

I have a teenage daughter who scares the living hell out of me. In some respets, she's a complete dufus and in others, wise beyond her years.

Take for example, the night she was staying at a friends house a couple of months ago and 'popped in' to see me at 10.30 pm - completely hammered! 1. I wouldn't have let her and her friend out at that time of night and 2. she was hammered! I managed to persuade her to stay at home and she went upstairs to bed, boucing off the walls as she did so. I took a bucket and towels up - just in case. The witch was up at 7 am the next day, cooking a Full English! I talked to her about the fact that what she'd done was dangerous, not least of all the physical side effects, but also the fact that she was not in control and could have ended up in a very, very bad situation...

Then, there's the day, a few weeks ago, that she came home and told me one of her friends was pregnant. These girls are 15. She explained to me, quite rationally what she thought the girl should do, although of course, she said, she wouldn't tell the girl herself, as she had to make up her own mind.

She still amazes and astounds me, even at 15.

I'm with everyone else on this topic - you have to hope that you've done a good enough job in the early years, so that when it really comes to it, they know what the 'right' choice is.

There are young people out there that have had such an awful upbringing, you wonder how they ever grew up. HOWEVER, responsibility (back to your Blog Moose) is not something you can choose to have, when it suits. I'm a firm believer in taking responsibility for my actions and I hope my kids are too.

S xx.

P.S. Still wobbly - not sure if it's the caffeine high or K...

jollygit said...

Moose - I'm sorry I can't do your wonderful blog today justice but after my assessment day today for a new job which included a group exercise (oo-er) in which one of the candidates took over COMPLETELY and didn't let any of us get a word in edgeways for at least 5 mins, a PC test and an interview, I'm too darn tired to even give my name! I will say, however, that I am completely with Hazel on her two heroines. Be nice to people on the way up, 'cos you never know if you'll meet them again on the way down!

Sammie - wish I could give you a hug my darling. I would just say though that you always sound so upbeat when you mention K in your writing. Hope this evening goes/went well and that you can resolve things ...... absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that xxxx

Keith - huge hug to you too and I'm really sorry you've been so poorly. It's lovely to have you back again - you were definitely missed xx

Annalog - how did your interview go?

I'm sure I won't get the job but I'll know by the end of the week, so not too long to wait. Here's hoping!

Catch you all tomorrow.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Sammie - good luck tonight xx

Anonymous said...

Sammie - good luck, sounds like he's a good one. I have it all crossed for you. Feel the fear and all that.

Jollygit/annalog - good luck, fingers crossed etc!!

on the subject of kids, i was brought up with a strong sense of right and wrong. I always knew when i was doing wrong and made the decision to do it anyway, because i am the sort of person who likes to push boundaries, challenge convention and ask questions. I got in to a few scrapes, and i think i got very lucky quite a few times.... i survived and i learnt from it and it made me who i am today.

I hope that i can instill the same sense in the mancub, and i am terrified that it wont be sufficient to stop him making mistakes that he cant get out of - but he will have to make his own decisions and therefore possibly mistakes, and i will have to be there to help if it goes pear shaped, and fingers crossd, there to hug him and breath a sigh of relief when he comes out the other end.

I can protect and guide and teach and love him. And that is it.
Well that is how i feel anyway.

Re the blog, and specifically royals.I dont care about their private lives and i wish the media would stop fuelling the interest to make money. They are good for the country but im no more interested in how will dumped kate than i am who the father is of my next door neighbours illegitimate child. honest.

Keith - [HUGS]

Oooh, love hearts. Only slightly better than a parma violet.


Anonymous said...

Moose - what a great blog. Very thought provoking. I always feel so inadequate when you post stuff like this. I end up with a zillion thoughts in my head and end up failing to post anything sensible. The one thing I do think is that society is driving us (quite how I do not know) to be more self-centred and to be less socially responsible. It is the me, me , me culture and I don't know what we can do to stop it advancing at such a pace. Sorry - that's the most/ best I can offer. As always though I will go and mull it over.

Thanks to all who left messages for me last week - very, very much appreciated - cheered me up.

Chrissie S - thanks for noticing I've been missing.

I actually had a trip through to Glasgow on Saturday with my niece. Took her to lunch to the place we went with SOAMC. She was most impressed. Brownie points for me. Let's face it - you can't go far wrong with Chinese buffet and a 16 year old. Won't bore you with my public transport woes that day though!

Spent Sunday in the garden enjoying the fab weather. Didn't actually do any gardening - read the papers and in the early evening sunshine sipped away on a love glass (or two!) of rose. Ahhhh - what more can a girl ask for.

Hope you are all well.


Anonymous said...

Well, that was an odd visit!

K arrived just after 8pm, having come straight from work.

We ate, we cuddled, we talked. I think I'm OK now. There weren't any more tears. He left at 9.30.

Having thought some more and chatted things through with K and my friend Phil (she's just the best friend), I've realised that what's happened is that things were very intense, very quickly - time pressures and all that and actually, we've both forgotten about our 'other' lives.

I haven't been out with my friends since K has been on the scene. No mid week meals, no weekend wild nights out, nothing at all.

I've worked hard to get my career back on an even keel, and I continue to do so. My personal life, however has been so dominated by K and my feelings for him, that it's off kilter. SO, while he's away, I will concentrate on having fun again, with my friends. After all, when all's said and done, they were there for me last year and don't they deserve to share the new and improved Sammie?

Thanks all for your lovely thoughts and words of wisdom and support. In simple terms, I need boyfriend lessons!

Love and hugs

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Sammie - I don't think there are enough boyfriend lessons in the world to cover the various situations we find ourselves in. Follow your heart - but listen to your head a bit too.

Good luck.


Anonymous said...

Eg - my head is saying it's not right. My tummy is saying the same thing.

I'm intuitive. I should listen to myself. I have started to prepare for the end of the wonderful thing that K was. I can't help it! I won't shed any more tears though. Just stoically stand tall and never, ever allow myself to get carried along on a tidal wave of emotion again.

Another sleepless night ahead of me. The caffeine is still there, buzzing away. Not good!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Morning chaps.

Managed a few hours sleep last night. Not good. Have an all day session today planning Business Continuity Management with my supplier and some seriously senior people from my place.

I have lost my sparkle and I want it back!

I'm going to start by having a well and truly raucous BIG night out with my friends - well overdue I think. Haven't had one since the beginning of Feb - far too long. Plans are in motion for 28th April...

As for now - well, I'll get through today. I start training with a new netball team tonight, so that will also keep me occupied (Or kill me!). That's about as far as I've got - apart from maybe a few quiet drinks with a friend tomorrow night - depending on what the Doc says tomorrow.

Isn't work great for taking your mind off things?

Have a great day all,

S xx.

P.S. I blame global warming for the brief defrost...

Anonymous said...

'Scuse me but I think I have taken a 'stupid' I missing something? Sammie - are you seeing K when he gets back, and you are gonna catch up to your friends while he is away? Or am I totally off the button...??

Suffice to say, if your friends are lovely, they won't mind that they haven't seen you for a few weeks, and should be glad that you have been happy. Everyone loses touch with their buds when they start seeing someone new...yes they do!

I am freezing cold. Because the sun is out, we have to have the door open. The fact that I am by the door appears to be niether here nor there. I cannot be expected to work under these conditions, so I'm gonna make a cuppa char.

Just to wrap my hands around.

Best wishes from a real icey maiden!

Anonymous said...

Hazel - I think the self-protection has kicked in.. WITHDRAW, WITHDRAW!!!!

Just feel really, well I don't know, at 6's and 7's I suppose. Big knot in tummy at the thought of not seeing him again...

I'm soooooooooooo bad at this stuff.

There's more, that I'm not going to bore you all with (hooray, I hear you shout), but suffice to say, comms haven't been the best.

Did have lovely cuddles last night though.

IM out. xx.

P.S. I am cold too and not just in an ice maidenesque manner. Can I have an Earl Grey please? Oh drat, time to go to work...

Moose said...

Bit late but a new post is up in case you don't see it...

jollygit said...

Sammie - good and true friends will stick by you whether you see them every week, or once in a blue moon, and we all know that we disappear off the radar completely when there's a new love in tow!! It's a fact!

Couldn't you have the best of both worlds ..... keep the social life going with your friends and play netball etcc while K is away, but see him when he's back? Is it likely that his long absences will continue indefinitely or is it just for a certain amount of time?

Whatever you decide though has to be right for YOU and only you can decide, but your real friends, plus us virtual ones, will support you, whatever happens.

jollygit xxxx

Anonymous said...

Sammie - glad things went ok with K, at least you have some breathing space to put some normality back in to your personal life and make your decision. I really hope you have a good night on 28th and blow all emotional cobwebs away.

Hazel - it is very chilly here today too, more like April rather than the summer weather we have been having! There was even frost on the park outside our house this morning! But the sun is shining and my boys are so excited 'cos the head teacher let them go on the grass for the first time yesterday!!!!

Jollygit and Annalog - hope the interviews went well. Was thinking of you both.

Hope everyone has a good day today, after all it is hump day!

A x

Chrissie - I will be in touch later on! - Thanks Moose!