Long long drive...too many people with the same idea as me to return from the West Country today. And then the M25 and the A1(M) were complete car parks. While on the M25 I was keeping rough pace with a Mercedes SLK with a dead ringer for Princess Di driving it - that on top of seeing a book review of someone that has "uncovered" the conspiracy theory that it wasn't her in the car but a double - she now lives on an island off South Africa. Except today she was on the M25 in a Mercedes SLK!
Stopped on the way at the gym for a fantastic workout. Felt really good. Then I tweaked something in my back while removing my shirt. Typical!
Still, 0.2kg weight loss. That's a rounding difference in my book but at least it's not gain. Back on the wagon today food-wise and will get back to some sort of normality tomorrow.
I am planning to put up a hearing loop tomorrow and will likely be unavailable all day...until the evening. Have fun.
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I'm here ... but hubby has been comandeering all the laptop time, so I'm missing out on evrything you have all been up to!
We are back home now, and Mum is spending a few days with us, so haven't been able to catch up during the day either! Haven't even been able to listen to CLP since he got back from holiday!
I'm almost in tears cos I'm missing you all so much! How sad is that!?
Anyhoo ... just wanted to let you know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers and I should be back to normal blogging next week .
Love and huggles,
Susan <><
Welcome hoome Susan!!!
Gaby- I'll be thinking of you at 11am, knock 'em dead girl!
Sammie- time for a break, life's too short!
Now what did Moose say about the food bandwagon?... Do you think blueberry and pomegranete smoothie for breakfast is on the "wagon" food, if so I'm striking up the band!
Catch up with you all later, the bears are calling me :)
Thanks everyone for your good wishes for my interview today - I'll let you know how it went! Nerves are starting to kick in but I've got the Nurofen ready!!
I'm hoping you'll all be with me in spirit so let's hope it's a big office!!
jollygit xxxx
Morning all.
Good luck for later Jollygit.
I dicovered this yesterday - now I know why I don't get anything done ... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/04/10/nwilf10.xml
And Moose - she may just have been on holiday from her exile in South Africa .. how did she look? Have the years been kind to her?
Back later ...
PS What do you think of Wilf as an alternative name?
annalog, I used to have a GAWJUS friend called Wilf. He died, but he was gawjus right up til then...so yes I like the name Wilf. I did used to know a Dutchman called Wolf, but that's not for here...actually, neither should Wilf be, but it's done now!
Interesting re Di. I heard she was at a YMCA near Cadiz (which would be nearer to North Africa I s'pose) with Elvis and Jim Morrison. The theories can't all be right SHOORley? Moose, that's the sort of stuff that I usually come out with, but I have no reason to doubt what it is that you say, so I believe it as the troof. Farsands wouldn't.
SusanS, we have missed you too, and I haven't been able to check out the SOAMC photies yet either.
Good luck jollygit, but I spec you've left already. If not why not? GOOD LUCK HONEY!!! XXX
Moose, were you all hot and sweaty when you were removing your shirt? Apparently if clothing is stuck to the body, it can hamper any attempts to remove it at any sort of speed...
lyndyloo, I think that smooooothie sounds like a super fabby breakfast. LURVE pomegranates, but are a real b*gger to eat, even with a toothpick and about two hours on your own! I'm feeling a smidge thinner. Possibly the weather...possibly because I'm not eating like I'm about to go into hibernation...I shall try the trews on tomorrow evening. Cannot currently use loo roll for measuring, as the boy and I are down to our last one atm...
Gotta goo
ps Dentist - one filling to be done in two weeks time, unless I get a phone call this morning once he's looked at the x-rays.
The bad news is that I think my car is now totally effkayed. BIG BANG last night...gear box, clutch or engine...none good!
Moose, you must be pleased that you are still on track weight-wise. As you say, it's not a gain and that's the main thing. A woman in front of me at WW yesterday had gained 3lbs and I thought, I know that feeling, you just want to weep when you gain!
As for Diana - what a wee soul she was, if difficult. (Aren't we all?!). I would love to think she is scooting about in a Merc SLK but unfortunately she's pushing up the daisies somewhere and it's certainly not that island at Althorp! Oooh, don't get me started on the Royal Family!!
Also want to say, Hazel, you are sounding in really good form, but what a shame about your car. All other appliances we expect to pack in, but it's a nightmare when it's the car!
Finally, can ANYONE talk to me about Life on Mars! I know it's a bit early in the week as there may be some of us still to see it, but towards the end of the week, would anyone like to discuss it?!
C xx
Brilliant series. It was always going to be the last series and I think if they try to do anything further with it it would be wrong. So unusual ending but at least there was a conclusion. Personally I'll really miss it, though I enjoyed George Gently the other night.
OOOOH OOOOH ChrissieS I can...it's the first one me 'n the boy have ever watched (I have a bit of an 'anti' thing about John Sim, although he does seem to have grown into himself now, so that is subject to change) and we felt sorely let down when we thought it was gonna finish...but then we felt a bit better! And then we went to bed...
Garage man says it may just be engine oil (Oh Please God!) but more likely more expensive than that and what the blimmin' heck am I doing driving it? etc etc He's gonna check it when I get home (if?) later...
...and gaining 3lbs. She has to have stopped doing something surely! Moving about possibly.
H. Love.
D'ya think jollygit is back yet?
Hiya Lyndyloo!
I watched George Gently...and now he has a Durham man, but why do all these detectives have to have dead wives?! I s'pose the authors wouldn't necessarily have known what other writers were doing, but it does seem to be a bit of a pre-requisite. I have always said (since the last time anyway) that I ain't ever gonna get married again, and I am certainly not going to marry a Chief Inspector, possibly a QC...probably not.
I am also VERY MUCH hoping that we haven't seen the end of Richard Armitage, but I think he was possibly only in that episode.
Hey ho
anyone'd think I not got no work tubeduin. Good afternoon anyone xx
OOOOOOOOh put jezza on - just about to start talking about policing in 1973...
Life on Mars - Chrissie what do you want to talk about? Don't know why I said that because I'm totally confused about the whole thing and couldn't hold a sensible conversation about it if I tried! What was all that about?
Mr L loved the whole thing and worryingly he seems to know quite a bit about policing in 1973. Do you think there's something he's not telling me about his past??
Hazel - keeping my fingers crossed that a bit of oil will be enough to sort your car out.
Might have to uncross them in a while though as the boss expects me to do something constructive with the day ... bloomin' cheek!
Didn't see George Gently but would very much like to see Richard Armitage's end ... or any of him really. phwoar!
That's it, I'm off to the naughty corner ...
Richard Armitage ooooh yes please!
Sorry about that, must learn to restain myself on the blog at this time of the day....... but seriously though........
Off for some lunch with Ruthy, don't get the chance very often these days so we've diverted the phones.
Annalog - that's just how I feel - totally confused! Perhaps Lyndyloo and Hazel can help us!
Right, my understanding is that he is Sam Williams. "They" gave him the name Tyler because he was working secretly in C Division, having come from A Division. Or perhaps the other way round. Was he EVER actually in 2006? Has he always been in 1973 and is the 2006 part of the story, the dream?
I understand that when he went back to 2006, he couldn't feel pain and so therefore he was dead (or as good as) is that why he jumped off the roof?
Oh good grief, I just don't geddit!
OF COURSE I am delighted at the ending, everyone loves a happy ending, but I just don't understand the middle bit!
And also the wee girl at the end turning off the TV.
See what I mean? CONFUSED!
C xx
I'm back, I'm back. The interview went really well and I'm very interested in the job. It was all rather informal and I should hear by the middle of next week. The salary isn't anywhere near what I was earning before but it's for a very worthy cause so there's room for some compromise on my part, methinks.
Anyway, thanks for all your support - it was only a small interview room so if any of you were a bit crushed, my apologies!!
Got some chores to catch up on but will check in later.
Susan - welcome back. You were missed! Your blog is brilliant, by the way, and I'm so glad you all had such a great time at the SOAMC xx Thanks for taking the time to upload the pics etc - isn't it lovely putting faces to names!
Thanks again everybody - you're all gawjus xxxx
jollygit xxxxx
Glad the interview went well Jollygit.
Hazel - not a nice thought but yes I was all hot and sweaty. The deep heat did a bit of good last night (can only use it when Mrs Moose is away as she has a very sensitive nose!). Have been up and down a stepladder for three hours this morning with only minor aches and twinges so it can't be that bad. I'm planning an indulgent gym trip later on for the famous alternative triathlon.
So the hearing loop is up...just got to test it now. There's a funeral at the church tomorrow so will probably get thoroughly tested then what with lots of old people and hearing aids...is that hearingist? Then I have to take the old loop down - someone with a good heart but no appreciation for the aesthetic of a hearing loop did it. The bit of wire was exactly the right length - how lucky was that out of about 50 metres? I was a couple of feet short and had to pull it through all the way around - like you used to have to do with knicker elastic and a safety pin.
On Wikipedia it says that the writer of LoM said that Sam jumped to his death from the roof...so it was all in a coma but it felt so much more real to him that he wanted to go back because he felt nothing in today's world.
Apparently the test card girl switching off at the end was to signal that it was all "just a TV drama" anyway...
I personally think it would also have been better left 5 minutes earlier with him jumping off the roof. But maybe that's just me... The girl could have grown up into a very hot 42 year old blonde (with alice band of course) who is walking along the street below, Sam just misses her and then she switches off the TV.
Right - that's it, I'm applying for another job - sod the fact that I'm pregnant, the stress here (not from work, form the absolutre half wit manager I have to deal with) surely isn't good for me. Luckily one's come up I quite like!
Afternoon all, hope you had a good holiday, glad your interview went well Jollygit - positive vibes to the interviewer and Jollygit together :o)
Lyndyloo, where do you get time for a smoothie in the morning, I barely have time to drag a brush through my hair before I'm out on the open road. - Have re-read your post - am guessing you didn't whizz it up yourself, how would you get all the little seedy things out fast enough??
Am having an 'I'm really French Connection UKed off with the worl day today (except my bloggy people who are loverly gawjus as always!)'
so no-one better cut me up tonight on the way home else there'll be trouble.
Chrissie S - Life on Mars - never watched it, tell me all that happened last night and maybe as an objective person with no previous insight I could work it out???
Peace and Love all :o) Jo
Now then you lot. LOM is on again on BBC4 (other channels are available but without the LOM repeat at 21.00 tomorrow evening) at 9pm tomorrow (Thursday) night.
Alternative triathlon. I am no good in the hot weather, and my time is running wild...I am going to be putting myself permanently into the Naughty Corner for the summer. The boy refuses to be left on his own with me whenever the temperature goes over 19degrees. A cross I have to bare...sic...
Step ladders! I hope it's adapted for hooves (and I should think Mrs Moose does have a sensitive nose...apparently this is a common trait amongst female ungulates, and not to be taken lightly, or sniffed at) and make sure you hang on tight while you're testing it, speshully if you are wearing old navy gym knickers with a pocekt for your hankie and cigs, but you don't really want the attendees at the funeral to be shouting out "pardon!" now do you? Better give Father O'Dier a megaphone just in case.
They installed a hearing loop at the theatre in wot I used to work in, but they had to take it down when they realised the squirrels were using it as a zip line.
Jollygit, all crossable things crossed + x + x +
Well my old gym knickers had a pocekt.
I exocet yours did too...
Anyone really hot on fixed term contract & maternity law???
Just a question
and Hazel - never ever wear gym knickers http://www.team-colours.co.uk/images/netball/knickers.jpg (go for little gym shorts http://www.team-colours.co.uk/images/netball/ntsht.jpg ) permanant wedgie and flashing your bum, not appropriate over the age of 10, only skinny witches wear them at adult netball!!
Moose, thank you for the reply to Life on Mars. Starting to make a wee bit more sense, so I will check Wikipedia to read the full story. I get what you mean about the last five minutes, but my hormones would have been all over the place if it had been a different ending!
Jo, thanks for your offer too. You cannot begin to imagine how the storyline just went off in a confusing direction! Also, I think you're right and it's a good idea to move to a new job! What IS your manager's problem?!
Jollygit, glad the interview went well. It's great when you come out of an interview and you know it was o.k. Fingers crossed for the result!
C xx
Can anyone tell me why gym knickers (with or without the little pocket for your hanky) were fleecy lined? It always seemed rather unnecessary to me.
Chrissie S - I've no idea what's going on either - LoM - Princess Di conspiracies, it's all a muddle to me!
Little Man is hovering... His dad's late picking him up again - mind you, that man was never on time for anything, so why I'm annoyed now, I don't know!
Jo - so right about gym knickers. I've just thrown mine away - cycling shorts (not the sparkly type ones!) are much, much better! You can keep tissues stuffed up the legs and everything!
Jollygit - well done you. Fingers and toes crossed x x x.
Am MUCH better today - even managed a shower without having to sit down halfway through - that's progress. Back on the old work treadmill tomorrow, although logging in later to make sure there's nothing awful awaiting my return!
K will be here tomorrow night - sigh!!! Soooo excited, although we have yet to find out when he's to return to the Deep South. Not getting my hopes up too much, I'm thinking Saturday...
Anyhoo, will be back later to see how all you lovely people are!
S xx.
Sammie...PLEASE be careful...PLEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!! I nearly died about 18 months ago from a kidney infection...not big not clever, and 'nearly' stories aren't quite so compelling, but if I had, I wouldn't be here...
...and annalog, I think it is because they were invented back in the days of yore (or mine) when gyms were cold dark places with cold dark tiled floors, or you were outside in the rain or snow (other types of inclement weather available) without a note excusing you from your mum, playing hockey (other field sports are available) so the fleece is so that you are a tad warmer about the nether regions (other flatlands near Belguim available) and they obviously over ordered on the material in 1948 which is why they still do have now.
Does that explain it?
...and personally I'd quite like a tiger on my @rse.
ps my colleague REALLY wants a USB dog...
If I had a tiger on my @rse it would bring a whole new meaning to the term "big cat"!
Hazel - thanks for the word of warning, I am taking it easy and will be gently breaking myself back into work tomorrow, won't be going wild at my mums birthday celebrations this weekend and will definistely going back to the Docs next week. Personally, I blame it all on the bouncy castle last weekend. It was sooooo much fun, I just couldn't stop!!! (Have you ever been on one of those, whilst slightly under the influence???)
Re: gym knickers and things of that ilk - did anyone ever have liberty bodices??? My mum used to moan that she couldn't get them here, so my nan used to bring loads back from Ireland for us!
Over and out,
S xx.
P.S. Tiger or Tigger??? I know which mine would be, even if it did start out as a tiger!
My 11 year old son has refused all notions of a hair cut for about a year now, so it's something of a messy mass covering half his face.
When we go out for a drive, however, he ha fun winding the window down and "hair-surfing" - enjoying the weird and wonderful shapes it creates.
The other day it seemed to catch and roll the fringe in a particular way that was a dead-ringer for late '80s Princess Di. Which gave me and his mother a good laugh.
However, we don't have an SLK, so it couldn't have been us...
Sammie - I really hope you feel better soon, you poor soul, and I'm sure K will make you feel a lot perkier. Just take care of yourself, OK?
Moose - can't get the image of you all hot and sweaty out of my mind .... hope yer hooves weren't too slippy on that stepladder.
Annalog - I've got an uncle called Wilf if that's any help!
Thanks again peeps xx
jollygit xx
Sammie - I used to love my liberty bodice. I haven't heard them mentioned for years and years. In fact, so much so, I thought I was probably the only person in the world that ever wore one. And I just love saying liberty bodice. Liberty bodice - ok, I'll stop there.
Jollygit - well sounds like things went well. Well done. I'll keep fingers and everything else crossed.
Susan S - Good to have you back on the here - look forward to normal service resuming. Thanks for your text today - hope you got mine. Anyway, I'm up for next meeting of SOAMC in June. Let me know if you want suggestions re suitable Edinburgh venue.
Anyone else up for Edinburgh in June?
Jo - sorry to hear you are stressed today.
Hazel - you're on really good form. However, after half a bottle of fizzy rose I'm not understanding everything. Nothing new there then! (Wine or understanding!)
On the pomegranate front - which I simply adore - I say you have to go for it. None of this pin nonsense (sorry, not judging, just not my approach!). Cut said fruit (yeah, yeah, others fruits ... ) into quarters, take one quarter in both hands, push corners, catch those bits that pop up (!) in mouth (!!!!) then delve in (!!!!!!!) Mmmmmmmm Heaven!!!!!!!!!!
Moose - you did a good job today.
I didn't hear anything today re my promotion - so looks like something will come tomorrow. I'm thinking that those who have got to next stage will have heard today - those who didn't will hear tomorrow. Oh well, I had hoped I would know one way or the other today so that at the very least I could start thinking about plan B.
Plan B ...... more vino I think.
Luv to all.
And I'm back.
Evening all.
Been very busy and at a surprisingly interesting 'management course' today. Jo. You may be interested, it was about equal opportunities and run by a mad, but quite brilliant lawyer.
Chrissie. I have been LoM mad and loved what happened last night. Sam was in a coma, but I couldn't fathom whether he had died and merely 'dreamt' his return to 2007 before drifting back to a dream state 1973 or whether he actually made it back to real life and then committed suicide in order to return to 1973, Annie and Gene.
Either way, brilliant.
Anyway, good to see you are all well.
I feel slightly rebellious, so I am going to have a new tattoo on Friday.
So there.
Just don't be tempted into getting a Moose on your muffin...tattoos I'm talking...
MfR - that is so uncanny. In between visits to the Moose site I've been on a tattoo site!!!! Spoooooookeeeee!
What are you having and what have you got already?
hello all
i'm back from sunny majorca..NOT! it mostly rained, but a few sunny days..but it was lovely to be a family together and really spend time without the trappings of technology.
we had a lovely time, all inclusive is great - show your wristband, "quatro baileys, quatro Gin & tonic por favor"..and that was at 10am. Needless to say, i've put on 6 Lbs and I haven't even tried to fit into the wedding outfit for the weekend. (My BF is getting married this saturday in London)
Anyway, it was lovely to read about the SOAMC - Please can i join in next time? Next stop Susans blog for photos.
Am Sooooo glad you are continuing Moose..don't worry if you have to have breaks every so often.
As for princess Di, I saw her once in Floors Castle ( in Kelso, near where we live) completely natural, and with princes harry and william..and i guess she could be alive and well, but wouldn't she be driving a blacked out windows kind of car?
L o M - I'm a very late developer on this, but have enjoyed it...Thanks for telling me the girl with the hairband was the test card! Dur!
I'm glad he went back to 1973..Annie was lovely. I was 8 in 1973..I'd love to back to that time..however, not be "stuck"
Philip Glaisier is my kind of man! Don't tell Mr C!
I didn't miss you all per se on hols BUT Mr Caroline often commented that I'd say..OOH moose'ld laugh at that, Susan would think thAT WAS FUNNY, i WISH I COULD BUY THAT FOR Hazel... so i suppose you are all in my thoughts unconsiously.
We've had a but of a prob with the wireless router, so limited access to blog..I'm thinking of you guys..will be back in full next week.
Lots of love
Caroline x
I have the superman emblem on my left shoulder and a tribal thingy on my right arm.
To be honest, I will only be extending the tribal thingy as Mrs MfR is not a big fan of tattoos, so the peace must be kept.
I only started this a year or so ago (mid-life crisis anyone?), but as many people say, it is sort of addictive.
You only get one body, customise it, personalise it, go for it.
Keep us posted.
MfR - I ALMOST had my tummy button pierced last week!! AND I ALMOST had a tattoo last year when me and Ex split up.
I have ALMOST been very rebellious, but the 'good girl' in me keeps me on a tight leash!!!
I have grasped the nettle and invited K to my mums birthday dinner this weekend. Very scary - wasn't sure what he was going to say - but it's a "go", unless Savannah calls... fingers crossed and all that.
(We seem to spend a lot of time with things crossed here, don't we???)
The house is empty - little man is with his 'father' and Teen from Hell is staying at her friends. Perfect you may think, but not so, I hate it. Sammie Towers is far too quiet!
Right, I'm oorff, back to work tomorrow - yippee - so need to have an early night.
Love and Hugs all,
S xx.
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