Monday, 2 April 2007

Just popping in...

This doesn't feel much like being away...maybe I'm just addicted and having the usual rejection/dependency swings that come with addiction? So I've heard. I'm not sure I've ever been properly addicted to anything before.

Three things I felt I needed to say:
1. Gaby - go for it girl!
2. Weigh-in. 108.7kg. Lost 2.5kg in 2 weeks. (6lbs old money). Slightly below my target but I don't care. Lowest in a long time. First time under 110kg for four or five years etc etc.
3. No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
4. All the best for the SOAMC. Confession time? I was trying to work my schedule to get there but couldn't do it with Easter travel etc. So have a great time, raise a glass to everyone on the blog, and I'll be trying to do the same at 6.30 (or as soon afterwards as circumstances allow).

Thanks for more wise words and more encouragement. If it's Ok with you guys I will keep you all on tenterhooks and not commit to whether this is me back or not. Please continue to think of me as still under a pile of snow with fantastic wireless access pondering my future...


Anonymous said...


Really good to see you :o)

I will respect what decision you make Moose but from a selfish point of view I hope it's just a wee break you need :o)

I have a lot to thank you for Moose, being part of this blog has given me the strength to change my life for the better, albeit in small steps but I no longer feel overwhelmed by what I have to do. Thanks to this blog I found the courage to come off medication I have taken for a couple of years, because of this it had to be done over a few weeks. I took the last tablet on Wednesday! I felt so low on the Tuesday I thought I was going to cave in but thanks to the support from everyone on here I didn't! Today is the first day in a long long time I didn't have a black cloud following me around! Today the sun was shining inside as well as outside, a huge hearfelt thank you to all of you!

See you all for the virtual toast tomorrow eve if I don't see you for a dunk before :o)

Sweet dreams my friends
Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Wahaaaayyyyy!! CLP back AND the writer formerly known as Moose, or is it the revised version - service pack 4 maybe???

BTW - this is loooong - sorry if I'm boring guys!

Moose, you've had my e-mail and I won't bore everyone else here with the details, but whatever you choose to do, you now know that we will all respect any decisions you choose to make in future. You have made a difference to all of us, in one way or another. I hope it continues.

I love having virtual friends, I have them all over the world, but none that I have kept so close to as you guys. You've brought sunshine to my life on days when the sky has seemed so grey that it's black. (Jon the spy, Dirty Dicky, Conrad Insurance, Robert Sport, all are fun, but not as constant.)

Gaby - GO GIRL!!!!

Three more sleeps now until K returns!!!

My goodness, I chunter, don't I? Will someone please shut me up!!

Hazel, sorry you're still poorly lovey. Have a big warm hug {{{}}} and some hot honey and lemon.

SOAMC tomorrow - I'll be with you in spirit (Gin tomorrow, I think) and have fun!

Warmest wishes all,

S xx.

lyndyloo said...

It was my turn to be in the snow last week and it's the Mooses turn this! It's not such a bad place to be when all said and done.

The biggest thing is to say that you're wrong/sulking/not quite yourself/might want to change your mind... well I'm here to tell you it's your mind and you can change it whenever you like. We'll be here if you want us. We'll lurk in the background and play nicely next door if not.

If you like you can have my job for a couple of weeks to see what life's like on the "dark side"!

Loving your work here....
Every little thing you do is majic!


Anonymous said...

I was gonna put 'everything you do just turns me on' but then I thought better of it.

I have to say, that seeing you back before I left work yesterday cheered me up NO end!

I know what it's like to be in the snow. If you may remember for a time last year I was abroad (can't say where, else I'd have to take my cyanide pill) and had to balance on top of a stable to attach an aerial just to get on the internet. It was cold and the huskies never stopped barking for a minute...I was going madder by the day, and it was such a relief when the helicopters came over just for something else to look at!

Just are a Moosestrich...berrying your head in the snow...strawberrying and cream...


...and Moosehopper...never force yourself to do anything you don't want to do. It took me about 35 years to learn to say 'NO' to people and mean it.

jollygit said...


I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I saw that you were back. I can't explain just how sad I was at the thought of the gates to our virtual playground having been chained up but had resigned myself to it - it is your blog, after all. So imagine my delight when I saw that the Moose was back!!!

We all respected your decision to head off into the snow for a lie down, and respect you all the more for coming back to us again, but you will never ever have anything to aplogise for. We are all keeping something of ourselves back, although I suspect that bits of our true selves peep through every now and then but we are all here because we want to be and because we can draw strength, wisdom, support and laughs from each other, whether it's by contributing when we have something to say or just by sitting on the edge looking in when we are feeling quiet.

Moose - I've said before that you are a good man - I don't need to know exactly who you are to realise this is still the case.

Welcome back matey, for however long you choose xxxx

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...


Whether you are "back for good" (cue Take That) remains to be seen -it's your decision and we'll go along with what you want. However, it is SO GOOD to see you, even if it's temporary!

Well done on the weight loss! From what I remember, 6lbs is a sensible amount to lose. Losing too much, too quickly is always a bad idea - the minute you eat anything remotely naughty all the weight come back! What delights await me at WW today, I wonder?!

It would have been a wonderful surprise if you had walked in the door at the SOAMC tonight, but naturally, with the run-up to Easter, it's just not possible. I am so looking forward to meeting the rest of the troops, I'm getting quite excited!

Gaby, so glad to hear your news - enjoy the date and report back immediately!!

Mary, how fabulous for you to come off your medication! Hope to hear all about it tonight.

Hazel, you are still not well, you wee pet lamb!

To everyone else, hope you are o.k. Will check back later.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Moose - for as long or short a time as you feel is right.

I returned from my few days away to the sad news and could only put in a brief appearance yesterday. I can't really express how sad I felt when I read Friday's blog and I didn't have to try too hard as my feelings had been conveyed far more eloquently by other people before me.

Then I checked in today out of habit more than anything else and there you were - twice! My spirits have lifted and I'm really pleased to see you back. There's no need to feel embarrassed, obliged or anything else about your decision - just do what is right for you. We'll miss you if you go and be happy if you stay but we're all big enough and ugly enough to deal with whatever happens. In your words this little group are unconditional friends and it's rare to find that.

Thanks again for letting us share your corner of the world. And thanks to the rest of you lovely people for inspiring me to do something about my life. I've started to look for a new job because I'm just sick of this one and it's only because of you lot that I've got the oomph to get up and do something about it.

See you around ...


... Life is a minestrone ...

Anonymous said...

Doh! Lost my previous comment and it was so short as well! That's a first!

Susan, please take lots of pics tonight. I'll be logging opnto your little corner of t'internet bright and early tomorrow.

Have a great day all, with check in later.

S xx.

jollygit said...

I've got an interview - yaaaay!!!! Next Wednesday, 11am, and it's the one I wanted. Sorry for crashing in like this but I've got no-one to tell !! 'Im indoors is in London at a meeting and my mum's on her way to me now, by train, to spend a few days with us and I thought "who can I tell", "who would even care"? Then I remembered that my virtual friends were all out there and would listen to me!!! Hello???

Annalog - good luck with the job search x

Mary - well done for being brave and coming off the old tablets. I came off antidepressants after a few years and it took a few weeks and some wobbly steps, but it was worth it in the end. Well done you xx

Hazel - hope you're feeling a bit better today - just nod if you are, we don't expect you to speak! xx

jollygit xx

Dr Joseph McCrumble said...

Moose - if you go it will be trouble, if you stay it will be double

In case you do decide to call it a day, and you are all kicking your heels, you and your readers may like to know that I have begun a new blog, entitled

The Daily McCrumble

Wherein you shall find all sorts of ideas, points and counterpoints to lighten your day.

best wishes


jollygit said...

Forgot to say - to all those attending the SOAMC tonight, have a fantastic time! I for one will be toasting you all and look forward to seeing the photos!!!!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...


Annalog - good luck with the job hunting, your over the first hurdle :o)

Jollygit - Thanks. It's antidepressants I have come off, being on them I was starting to feel I was doing everything in slow motion! Yesterday and today are the two best days I've had in a long time, it's so nice to feel good :o) I am enjoying every second :o) I know I may have down days but I will take strength knowing I can have good days like these :o)

Today would be my Mum's 79th birthday normally I would be so down because she isn't here to celebrate but I want to send her happy cheery thoughts on her special day, I'm sure she will be having a wee party on the otherside, who wouldn't with all those spirits around! :o)

Of course the other reason I'm so cheery is the fact I'm soooo
excited about our meet tonight!!!!

It's a beautiful sunny day here, I hope the sun is shinning bright for all of you :o)

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Moose and good morning all,

Moose - great plan methinks ie. to nestle under snow and make not the commitment either way just yet. Thank goodness you have a wireless antler and that you can still communicate with us on the slopes (some more slippery than others - slopes that is )

jollygit - congrats my friend - you have beaten me to it : ) Am delighted for you and good luck,

Mary - so pleased to read your lovely message on here. It would be my Mum's birthday this month too.

To the Scottish OAMC - have a wonderful and special evening.

Thank you friends for your encouragement re 'date'. I really don't think we are compatible. BUT, I wouldnt want to be judged in that way and I am not judgemental so I am not going to make a judgemental judgement!! Talk about being laid bare....NO, I didn't mean that...I meant that we were 'warts and all' in that sauna.....AH, EUREKA....I know what happened....he left his glasses in his locker.

laters my very lovelies


Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Just a couple of things:

Went to WW at lunchtime. I have lost 1.5lbs which of course is a drop in the ocean, but considering I had my weekend away and I denied myself nothing (except chips and crisps) I feel I have made a start. Thanks for that, Moose!

Jollygit, well done - knowing you have an interview is a great feeling. Good luck for Wednesday!

Gaby - nothing ventured .... and all that!

Dr McC, I will indeed check out the new blog!

Sammie, Jollygit and Gaby - thanks for the good wishes for tonight, I am really looking forward to it. But, not looking forward to having my photograph taken! I absolutely hate it, so there will probably be one photo of me, and trust me, that will be enough!!

Be back later.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - so sorry forgot to say in my earlier msg.....Good luck for your interview!

Chrissie - Well done on the weight loss. Looking forward to hearing all about your weekend tonight. re photo you and me both, i will be hiding at the back!

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Hello there one and all!

Wishing the SOAMC a fab evening and I will attempt to raise a cuppa for the 6.30 kick off time! Will be thinking of you all.

Moose - Well done on the weight loss, you must be so pleased. I was really happy to see you had made another appearance overnight. Take care of yourself.

Gaby - sometimes the people you seem to be least compatible with in the first instance can turn out to be those you are most in tune with, so good luck and enjoy!

MWK - Congratulations on your progress so far and I am routing for you for the future. Your mum will be so proud of you. {{Mary}}

Jollygit - so pleased you have an interview tomorrow and sending PV's to you. Good luck.

Chrissie S - Well done on the weight loss and good going considering you had a weekend away.

A x

Anonymous said...

Moose this was a fantastic surprise this morning when I took my almost ritual look at the blog and find you have indeed reappeared. I have to say just reading the other bloggers comments and seeing your response I have an inclined to think that you may be in need of blogging as much as we are!

I really must get a job that enables me the time to blog more often. I have been so busy here today (not for the first time I hear you cry!) it has taken me 4 hours just to compose a suitable post due to constant interruptions at work.

Mary, well done with the medication, keep smiling I think that is they key ;-))

Annalog, good luck job hunting.

Jollygit, well done you and good luck with the job interview ;-)

Gaby, go on you and just have fun….be sure to report back though ;-) Just for you just coz I can … Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good-looking? Because those men already have boyfriends.

Chrissie, well done on the weight loss ;-) (Note to self, “I should really try harder”)

J McC, I have visited your new blog and saved it to my favourites, so in the immortal words or Arnie “I’ll be back”.

Keith the BigUn

P.S A wee joke in honour of the SOAMC

This bloke is sitting reading his Daily Record newspaper when his wife

sneaks up behind him and whacks him on the head with a frying pan.

"Whit wis that fur?" he cries.

"That wis for the piece of paper in yir trooser pockets with the name

Mary-Rose written oan it," said she.

"Don't be daft," he explains, "two weeks ago when I went to the races and Mary-Rose wis the name of one o' the horses I bet on."

She seems satisfied and apologises, and goes off to do work around the house. Three days later he's again sitting in his chair reading when she nails him again with the frying pan, knocking him out cold.

When he comes around, he says, "whit the hell wis that fur?"

"Your horse phoned!" she said.

Anonymous said...

My oh my what a busy day it's been on the Moose blog...

...and this may interest you Moose...I wonder if they have the same heirarchy at St Pixels???

and Gaby...what Amanda said. So there.

Lovely colleague has just brought in delish HCBs. We do have butter too...this is only a very small silver lining this afternoon though I assure you...because we have just this minute run out of loo roll. Colleague who most recently shopped is now in dog house.b Probably the only place round here with any.

...but only an hour and a half to go...

oooh look there's Maurice, dancing...

Anonymous said...

...sorry, I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry!

jollygit! HOORAH!

mwk - the opposite to 'keep taking the tablets'...(other cleeshays and popular sayings are available)

Keith...mwah mwah MWAH...just because I can too.....

H. Love

Anonymous said...

Aren't we all just fine and dandy? New jobs/interviews in the pipeline (good luck J), stopping medications - well done Mary - not easy, I know, and losing weight!


S xx.

Anonymous said...

Dear All who are attending the S.O.A.M.C.

Have a wonderful evening!

CHEERS (or whatever it is in Gaelic)

Will make sure that we are all stocked up on Alka Seltzer, Rennies, Paracetomol, Ibuprofen, Full English, Full Scottish, Full Irish (do they do a Full Welsh?) and a ride on a rollercoaster for tomorrow...

I think we may have an Easter Egg hunt on Thursday...what do you think? Moose? You up for it, or are you away? Or still in the ice floe? Does Floe mind?

I've just thought where we could hide the last Egg...cue Mr Caroline and Panto baddie laugh here...

boa noit

Anonymous said...


Thank you all for the good wishes for this evening. To call it surreal does not begin to describe it!

I am about to walk into a restaurant, to meet several people I don't know and the only one I have a hope of recognising is Susan! I thought I would open the door and wave the video of Comic Relief that I have been keeping for her since the middle of March, but of course it's sitting on top of the TV where I left it this morning, so I wouldn't forget it! Off to a great start!

Will check in tomorrow. Hope you all have a great Tuesday evening and raise your glasses at 6.30!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Toasting, early again, but im too excited to wait any longer. Really looking forward to hearing all about it.

Hope you all have a lovely time, and that Susan can forgive Chrissie for not bringing the video! ;o)

Hope that the antlers are defrosting nicely even if the rest is taking a bit longer. x

Am going to throw all the food i have in the fridge together in one pot and hope it comes out ok.... salmon and spinach ricotta pasta anyone?

bleauch...just tasted the glass of wine i poured, no wonder it was the only one left. Think i am going to be making some very rich gravy over the next week or so!

Is it a bit desperate to turn to the port!?


Anonymous said...

cheers to the Scottish OAMC xxx

anna - port out, starboard home my lovely


ps I am soooo nervous about my date - just about to leave - wish I were back home at 10.30pm with a glass of wine. Good job I'm not asked out much (if, at all)....I don't think I can handle the nervousness. At least I have my clothes on this time......yikes!!!! - will we recognise each other with our clothes on!!!!????!!!


Anonymous said...

A momentous evening for Scotland and Glasgow …. Will it know what has hit it? Enjoy the SOAMC!! x

I will join in with a glass of port… cheers… mmmmm… just right. Wait should it note be a good scotch instead? Ah well one of each just in case ;-)

Good luck to the Gabster! ;-) I m sure your date is pleased you are going out with cloths on, would not like him to take too much for granted! ;-))xx


Anonymous said...

Evening all

Sorry it has taken me all day to pop in. I figured (better word unavailable) that if I went hell for leather and broke the back of my accounts I may be able to ease into the fantabulous four day weekend that is poking its head over the horizon.

Made two fine decisions this evening.

First, was to go for a run OUTSIDE as opposed to going to the gym.

Wonderful. I was like a gazelle, bounding across the Serengeti....

Second. I popped a cork in honour of our Scottish friends.

Cheers guys.

Gaby. Sorry I didn't catch you before you headed out. It'll be fine. Let us know how you got on.

Tally ho. LoM and sleep.



I had composed my views on Easter, but they'll keep.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, gaby i am nervous for you now!

Keith, if its ok ill avoid the scotch. Its always made me retch.... too much info? Sorry!

MfR, Easter - dont get me started.

Oooh, him in doors has just got back with garlic bread to go with tea - which is very late cos i got caught up with work. Right, off to cook.

see ya, sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite....or anything else for that matter Gaby. Not on the first date after all!


Anonymous said...

Gaby!!! Hope the date went wonderfully well. I know what you mean about the nerves - I'm the same!

This time tomorrow, the wonderful K will be on his way home xxxxxxxx.

SOAMC - I'm a little envious, especially as I can't join the southern equivalent on 19th, if that's still going ahead. Have a fab night, looking forward to reading about LOTS of bad behaviour!!

I have hurt my shoulder! No idea how. It is making me grumpy. I had hoped after a few glasses of wine (no work tomorrow) that it would be feeling better, but no such luck. It will either be completely healed in the morning, or worse. Having had to have almose 2 seasons out of netball because of a problem with the same shoulder (Dislocation, then car accident!), I am hoping it's the former. :-(

Righty - am off to finish the bottle (hic!) and think lush thoughts about Thursday! ;-)

S xx.

P.S. Moose, sent K one of my scribblings, without telling him it was mine. Only when he told me he thought it was brilliant did I confess. Am I a coward???