Tuesday, 3 April 2007

...long live the Moose?

I spent most of the day writing today. I didn't write my book and I didn't blog.
I poured my heart out onto the page...well onto the screen actually but the page still sounds better. I edited the contents of my heart. I re-ordered them. I re-arranged them. I realised that some of them made no sense so I discarded them. The process gave me new ideas and new insights into my heart and my head.
That's why I love writing. Everything takes shape and makes so much more sense.
The output is something I still need to mull over. I have a very specific use in mind. I just have to summon up the courage to use it for that purpose. And it still needs a little polishing.

Anyway, the outcome is that there is absolutely no reason for me to stay under this ever-decreasing pile of snow. I guess the first week of spring was never the time of year to be hiding in snow and expecting to stay hidden...

...so ends one of the shortest exiles in history.

PS Feel free to have an egg hunt on here on Thursday. I will be travelling but will be in need of some chocolate when I arrive in the deepest darkest South West...What about an egg hunt across a number of blogs? Makes it far more eggxiting...(Sorry). We've got Susan's, McCrumble's, Hazel's, Lyndyloo's, Jo's, DWNB's (sorry if I forgot any...)


Anonymous said...

Huraggh.... thats what i like to hear!!! In fact, i should say i am eggstatic. Welcome officially back moose, good luck with your musings from yesterday.

I am off up norf on Thursday so will also have to be eggscused from the race. Going to Edinburgh for a few days then up to Nairne via Nessies place. She promises to have a cup of cocoa on the go.

Will be dropping by again later today, have a nice day all.

oooh, i feel all fuzzy inside.

PS looking forward to hearing about the date and the SOAMC.

lyndyloo said...

What a great idea there Moose. Clearing out your life by narrating it to yourself and deleting the parts that are no longer useful. It's what a therapist would get you to do verbally, you've just done it in writing.

Egg hunt on Thursday around the blogs.... sounds great fun, have no idea how it would work but I'm sure we can all give it a go.

Are the pics from the OAMC (Scotland) up on Susan's site yet?

Hi-ho hi-ho...


Anonymous said...


What happened last night? SOAMC? Gaby?

Do tell.

The sun is shining down here in Kent. The accounts are nearly finished and the weekend is but a tickle away.

Yep. It is an 'up' day today.

Hope it is for you too.

Much peace


PS Poor old Johnny Ray.

Anonymous said...

Good morning y'all...have a better day in store today...and that's just the weather...GAWJUS darn sarf o' the Darns...

Moose - the Ski Captain had a complaint last evening. A couple of slalomers came a-cropper because there was no warning of a washing line hung between two Cypress Pines halfway down a slope. Friiston Hoeknifenn ended up with a sock on his pole, and his wife, Frau Hoeknifenn suffered from a slight Y-front invasion across her goggles.

Suffice to say, it's a good job you've decided to give up the self-induced inhumation because they are looking into sueing you, and I thought you could only do that to pigs.

Eggs then. Whaddya say if we all hide two eggs on our sites...in words or pictures...those who have done so tell us they have, so we know how many we have to find...and the prize shall be a Moose-sized pot of Clatted Crame that he can bring back from the Wes' Coun'ry...hmm?

So, the SOAMC...how did it go? How are you all feeling today? Did it end up in a fight and you had cameras shouting at you in Glaswegian accents?

I did toast with a small glass of lager as still off the hard stuff til Friday!

Cannae wait for the pics! SUSANS wakey wakey!

BTW, Moose, it's a bit magic, the writing down of stuff, and if you did it yesterday, then that is the bestest time almost ever, what with the moon and all...glad you're feeling better...

Worn out already

ps Keith - the boy really liked your horse joke...

Anonymous said...


On the night when flowers didn't suit my shoes...

GABY! Well?

forgot due to memory of Goldfish

lyndyloo said...

Sometimes old Tel in the morning get's it so right... I refer to the statement "Sometimes stories are sometimes best not known" ref: Keith Richards.

jollygit said...

Moose - hope you know how pleased we all are that you're back xxxx

SOAMC - hope it all went well and can't wait to see the pics!

Love the idea of an egg hunt.

Won't be around again today as I'm orft art wiv me muvver and won't be back til at least teatime, by which time you'll all be on your way home, so I'll catch y'all tonight or tomorrow.

Have a lovely day - the sun's shining.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

morning one and morning all,

Moose - great news that you are back : )......is it a bit strange that I actually (at one point) visualised a Moose snuggling (quietly nay sadly) under some snow?????

Any news from the SOAMC?????

lyndyloo - I was laughing out loud to Sir T this morning - and yes, I agree with you : )

Thanks for all your support last night guys n gals....boy, did I need it....I was soooo nervous - I surprised even myself.

I know it's a bit irrational but I don't want to write too much ("thank goodness for that", I hear you all cry) because he listens to Radio 2 (despite the fact that he is 34...ahem) and, well you never know who is lurking. I wouldn't want any of my attempts at comedic writing to be construed as insulting : ) ("well! that WOULDN'T be a first", I hear you cry).......

He seems like a decent man - polite, kind, seems honest, said he was single (always a good start), we laughed (also a good start), ..........I am nervous about starting something, for lots of reasons.....maybe I will write a couple of notes later. We will meet up again. That full moon were'nt half bright last night. What does it mean?

My lovelies, I will post again later - and then I am off to my Dad's in sarf londin this afternoon - just for the night.

I must now dash to a stadium in Reading, where I am going to queue to buy tickets for a match against Fulham (Matt - an honourable draw?), as a surprise for my girls when they return on tuesday. Actually, I will be surprised if I can get them - they will probably be sold out - but will try.

I am sure last night at the Scottish meet was a very special one.

Look forward to hearing from you


Anonymous said...

morning one and morning all,

Moose - great news that you are back : )......is it a bit strange that I actually (at one point) visualised a Moose snuggling (quietly nay sadly) under some snow?????

Any news from the SOAMC?????

lyndyloo - I was laughing out loud to Sir T this morning - and yes, I agree with you : )

Thanks for all your support last night guys n gals....boy, did I need it....I was soooo nervous - I surprised even myself.

I know it's a bit irrational but I don't want to write too much ("thank goodness for that", I hear you all cry) because he listens to Radio 2 (despite the fact that he is 34...ahem) and, well you never know who is lurking. I wouldn't want any of my attempts at comedic writing to be construed as insulting : ) ("well! that WOULDN'T be a first", I hear you cry).......

He seems like a decent man - polite, kind, seems honest, said he was single (always a good start), we laughed (also a good start), ..........I am nervous about starting something, for lots of reasons.....maybe I will write a couple of notes later. We will meet up again. That full moon were'nt half bright last night. What does it mean?

My lovelies, I will post again later - and then I am off to my Dad's in sarf londin this afternoon - just for the night.

I must now dash to a stadium in Reading, where I am going to queue to buy tickets for a match against Fulham (Matt - an honourable draw?), as a surprise for my girls when they return on tuesday. Actually, I will be surprised if I can get them - they will probably be sold out - but will try.

I am sure last night at the Scottish meet was a very special one.

Look forward to hearing from you


Anonymous said...

Good Morning all

Hoooorrrraaaaahhhh Moose is back xx

Gaby - Pleased your evening went well xx Have a nice time at your Dad's and good luck for your ticket purchase :o)

SOAMC - We had a brilliant evening! Great choice of restaurant, thanks to Stevie fae Glasgow and Dundee! A HUGE thanks to Susan S for making the arrangements. In attendance were Susan S, Susan's Hubby and daughter, EG, Chrissie S and me. Susan's daughter is the most adorable 2 yr old I have had the pleasure of meeting :o) We had good chat, food and wine, you were all very much part of our evening! It was very surreal chatting face to face with friends we have been chatting to on here for so long :o) A very pleasant evening was had by all and we can't wait for the next one! :o)

Susan will be travelling back home today, so it will be later on before the pics are posted!!

Have a good day!

Mfr - I absolutely agree today is an "up" day! My third day in a row :o)

Lots of love
Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Good Morning from a happy member of the SOAMC!!

First things first though - welcome back Moose! So, so, glad you have emerged from the snow!

Last night was just lovely, lovely, lovely. You will hear from the rest of the girls soon, I am sure.

EG (Scotland) was standing outside the restaurant when I arrived, but I wasn't confident enough to say anything. Just at that moment, Susan, Andrew and Charis arrived and EG and Susan recognised each other.

EG and Susan waited for MWK to arrive which she did a few minutes later. Unfortunately DWNB didn't make it, but she had emailed Susan to say it was looking doubtful.

Well, we ordered the drinks, raised a toast to our absent blogger friends and later in the evening raised a toast to Mr Evans, who we have to thank for starting all this.

Lots of chat, finding out where everyone works, etc. Lots of laughs too and getting to know each other a wee bit better. We all agreed on how fond we are of every single person on this blog! And we are all amazed at how we all think along the same lines about so many things, but at the same time everyone is so individual. Also, how is it possible to actually care about people you don't even know?!

It was Minuted that a UK bloggers meeting would just be fantastic!

It was unanimous that we were all devastated when Moose became snow-bound and I know that today's news from Moose will delight the rest of the troops!

Susan's husband is lovely and VERY understanding! We were wittering on slightly! Charis is COMPLETELY adorable. What a beautiful wee girl and very, very well behaved. There was a birthday party at the next table and one of the guests was a wee girl about Charis's age, so they became great friends.

EG had to leave in time to get her 10pm train (she had a bit of a journey ahead of her), so we finished our drinks, said our reluctant goodbyes, and I was on my train at 10.20pm.

I had such a good night. EG, Mary and Susan are terrific people and I think we really did connect. We will definitely meet up again, hopefully every two or three months and the next meeting will be slightly nearer to EG or Susan. I did feel just a tad guilty as I only had to walk around the corner to get to the restaurant!

It has taken me so long to get this typed, perhaps by now one of the other girls will have been in touch.

Be back soon.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Honey! You have made a Citril a very happy bird!!!!!

Welcome back honey!

MwK printed out your blog yesterday ... and I cried when I read it!!

Can't stop long ... in an internet cafe .... I'll hide an egg on my for the hunt!

Great time last night! Will blog with photos tonigt about the superheroe, the secret agent and the Scottish spy ... oh and the humble wee finch!!

Love you guys so much!

Missing you guys so much!

Susan <><

Anonymous said...

ah, that was so lovely to read about last night. I am quite emotional having read that actually.

thank you ladies for telling us about it


Anonymous said...

Yippee! Today is definitely an 'up' day - Moose is back, Gaby enjoyed her date and the SOAMC folks had a great time. I've put in one job application and have another to do for next week. It's a bit cloudy in this part of the sarf west, but you can't have everything.

Boss is out tomorrow so I'm up for an Easter Egg hunt if I can work out the rules!

Toodle pip.

Anonymous said...


I meant to say earlier I'm glad you had a good time last night. He sounds like a nice guy and it's good you are going to meet again. I completely understand you don't want to say too much! A step at a time!

Annalog - good luck on the job front. Wish I had done something about my job a long time ago. Fear is something we have to try to overcome, but I failed miserably!

C xx

Anonymous said...

annalog - lol.. I need to work out the rules too. : )

good luck with the job applications - let us know : )

I need to get back from my dad's in time for the Easter Egg hunt tomorrow - have they hidden any dairy-free ones, I wonder? There's always one, isn't there!!!

Matt - have got my tickets..yippee. My Mum was from Fulham - so it is going to be quite a special match : )

Moose xx, because I can...I hope!!


Anonymous said...

Morning all! How are we today? Sounds as though everyone's in fine fettle...

Gaby - glad the date went OK and that you're going to have another. It's always hard in the early days, but always worth the effort!

SOAMC - glad you all had a fabulous time, will check Susans blog later for the pics.

Unfortunately, I won't be joining you for the Egg Hunt. I will be, well, not telling, but I'll be BUSY!!!


Catch you later

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

Moose - I am pleased you have decided to emerge from the snow. Have a lovely time in SW over Easter.

Anna - Have a lovely time in Scotland over Easter.

Gaby - Really happy for you and hope the vibe continues. Hope what I said yesterday didn't offend as it may have come across as patronising and I really didn't mean that! If the truth be known I had thoughts of mine and Mr A's first meeting nearly 11 years ago and how things turn out in the end. x

Annalog - good luck with the job applications - I probably will get all confused with the egg hunt as well!!!!!

SOAMC news - well what can I say - sounds like you all had a fab time last night. I confess I didn't sit down and toast until 8pm but I was thinking of you all and can't wait to see the piccies!

Mary - well done for 3rd 'up' day!

Lyndyloo - Also agree with ref to Sir T - nearly bumped the car on the way to work when I heard it on the news then LOL at Sir T's response!

Anyway hugs to all - it is a lovely day today - sun shining, warm and really bright.

A x

Anonymous said...

Suddenly nervous.

What if we spend the day together tomorrow and actually, it;s not all that great?

What if the time apart has made us both think there's more to this than there is?

What if this spot on my chin erupts in the car on the way back from the airport?

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Sammie - calm down, you can't go getting all nervous on us now. It will be fine and the spot will not erupt. Think about what it is that attracts you to him and him to you then you will be OK. Turn the nervousness into excitement.

Really hope it goes well - am convinced it will - but you need to stay calm!!!


Dr Joseph McCrumble said...

I would join in - I had a nice Faberge egg ready to distribute, but Blogger refused to co-operate. The code is there, but no picture!



Anonymous said...

Sammie - don't go getting all nervous, deep breaths honey :o)
Everything will be fine....once you get to the "busy" bit :o))

For those of you already on your travels and those going soon - have a really nice time xx

Lots of love
Mary xx

Jo said...

Hello - long time no speaky :o)

Moose REALLY BIG :o) for you

Mary - I don't think you need it but becasue I can :o)

Am pleased to report that all my men came on time today so I now have a new sky box, internet connection and Dishwasher...who'd have thunk it!

Glad last nights SOAMC went fabby, am v. jealous but am still not sure I would have the balls to meet up!

Will try and insert eggs tomorrow, if unsuccesful will post back and let you know.

Gaby - glad your date went well, laughter is the best start I find (except of course for the sauna)

Oooh my favourite song has just come on through Media PLayer -Green Day, Good Riddance (Timeofyour Life), well worth a listen, always makes me want to cry but in a good way!

Isn't amazing what a day off work does for the soul :o)


PS Work have said they're not going to renew my contract which runs out in January,halfway through my maternity leave so I've a feeling the odd duvet day here and there will be coming up, especially as the weather gets better!

Jo said...

PPS - having read last post have established base camp in NC1

Anonymous said...

Sammie - calm down dear! You'll be fine. And so will he.

Mr L (before he was) went away for a while very early in our relationship and I went to meet him at the airport as a surprise when he got back. It all turned out beautifully - but I was sooooo nervous on the way there in case I'd got it all wrong and he wasn't as keen as I was, or he would have gone off me, or he wasn't alone, or my spots would erupt or ... the list was endless! But it worked out OK - we're still together 11 years on.

Take a deep breath and go for it girl!

Anonymous said...

There's always one.

I need one number (ducking in preparation for deluge of random numbers being flung my way) to complete 5 sets of accounts a day early.

And someone is working on an IT issue in Madrid in order to get me my number.

Oh well.

Moose. I shall be winging my way to Cheshunt next Wednesday (11th). Maybe the two-man (or one man and one Moose) OAMC (abridged) could happen? I'll drop you an email.

Let's go and find out how Manuel is getting on.....


Anonymous said...

And it is siesta time.


Jo said...

Just cos I don't want tolet you down ....



Anonymous said...


Just came on to say to Sammie - I really can understand that you are now panicking slightly! I think that's really healthy and I bet K feels exactly the same! There is nothing to beat that "good grief, I can hardly breath" feeling!

All will be well - enjoy the reunion!

Jo - sorry to put my nose in - can your employers let you go during your maternity leave? Are they doing this because you are pregnant? Is this discrimination? I feel a soapbox coming on! Of course, it could be that you have only been at this job for a wee while but certainly my understanding is that after 12 months employment, you are due full entitlement.

O.K., it's been 16 years since I was on maternity leave, but I know things have changed drastically, so I want to make sure they are not stepping out of line!

C xx

Anonymous said...


Thats way too high. If you're right, I'm packing up now!

My forecast was somewhat different to that.

Hot off the press from Madrid.

They have found a way to calculate the number.

I'll keep you posted as I'm sure you are all glued to your screens in anticipation.


Anonymous said...

What else could it be?

Anonymous said...


I had considered that, but it is far too low.

Also considered

2468 motorway
9 to 5
Three times a lady
Six underground
Seven seconds
19th nervous breakdown

Still waiting though.


Anonymous said...

MfR - 12

...or a lucky dip - 1,4,17,5,11,12?

Is Manuel doing it manuelly?

Had to...sorry...wanna go in the naughty corner wiv Jooooooooo!!!

And Jo :o) yes wot Chrissie says. I should check with your local CAB. I'm sure that with 'them' being NHS or similar, there must be very strict guidelines...and it don't sarnd right babe!

And SAMMIE! DAHLING! Shaddup you big soppy daft ha'porth. Just bear in mind that he's been away, he's just travelled home, he's the one with the culture shock and jet lag, and be gentle with him...and not too much champers or he'll doze off...! I went away for Christmas, nineteen days after first meeting the boy...we spoke on the phone several times, then when I got home, we went to stay with his oldest friends. I was terrified because (I REALLY REALLY liked him A LOT) I thought that if they don't like me, he won't...a totally different K of F I know, but we've been together for four &1/2 years...

...and it don't seem a day toooo looooong....tra la!

I hope you get your termorrer off MfR...spec you deserve it really...

Moose, have a lovely Easter xx


ps there will be 5 eggs hidden by yours truly...s'easy reely


Sammie - have fun tomorrow, and we'll keep you a space in the naughty corner!

Going now
nearly art the door

lovin ya!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't be arsed waiting.

So I guessed.

Later all.


Anonymous said...

Good evening all!

I'm sitting with a lovely glass of red, uploading all my photos from last few days (over 200!!!), admiring the stunning view from my parents' patio, overlooking the hills of Morven, across the Lynn of Lorne. The scene is idyllic, a real reflection of the glories of God's creation and the beauty of this land of mountains and glens! Beside me sits our beautiful daughter ..... spitting her water out and putting it all over her face!

I'll be back later!

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

In my usual way I'm coming in to this a bit late in the day. However .....

Last night's SOAMC was just fab. I was so excited about it I actually left work way too early and was through in Glasgow in bags of time. It was just so good to meet Susan and her family, Chrissie S and MWK (Mary). It was like we had been friends for ever. So easy to chat to everybody. A real success.

It would be soooooo good if we could do a UK OAMC meeting.

Haven't had a chance to catch-up on all the posts but did notice that JOLLYGIT has an interview - well done you - sock it to them.

Going off now to see if Susan had loaded last night's photos.

Luv to all.


Anonymous said...

Moose - sounds to me like spring is here and the snow is melting. Good to have you back ...... on whatever terms you decide to set.

I always think that spring and Easter signify new beginnings for us all.


Anonymous said...

Good luck jollygit
have fun sammie ;o)
Jo, im with Chrissie and Hazel - all very convenient n'est pas!?
MfR - its no wonder numbers confuse me if you just make them up. 54321. thats so much clearer....just what have i been paying my accountant for!?

So i have a mad busy day tomorrow and then am off on holiday. Am gutted, i want to know that Sammies reunion goes well, i want to wish jollygit luck for the interview, i want to find Hazels eggs and i want to know that 'our moose' is really ok.

I will be here in spirit and raising a toast most evenings. Have fun, see you when i get back.
Happy Easter all you crazy people. Save some chocolate for me....low fat of course!
bye bye now!

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear that the SOAMC was such a success.

Down here, it has become known as the 'OIABMC'.

You are so right about Easter being a new beginning for everyone.

I am not a religious person, but I do understand and respect the significance of the period.

Whether we are battling the bulge, trying to sleep, forging new relationships or seeking a new direction in life, we are all at one set of crossroads or another.

Take the plunge.

Choose which direction to go in and do it.

As Moose discovered, if it proves to be the wrong route, you can always come back.

But, if you don't try, you will never know.


MfR Life Therapy. Only available when it is an up day.

Anonymous said...

MfR - I'll have a pint of that!

up days are good.

Moose said...

Had a great meeting with a new coach today. He has offered me free coaching sessions in return for me trying to recommend him to some contacts of mine but with no obligation to find any. How good a deal is that! It was good because we have a lot in common despite very different backgrounds.

Anna - I'm fine. Still got some major decisions and challenges and hurdles but that's what life is all about. Would be boring without them.

Prep for going away tomorrow not going well. Were planning a dawn attack on the M25 but there's no chance of that now. Could be a late night tomorrow.

Matt - always the best policy to make the numbers up. Whenever I've done it, I always seem to be about right.

Off to crack a red open I think...and try to cook something. Feel a bit sick and very tired this evening. Need a long weekend off!

Oh and Matt - looks like I'll be in the area on 11th but not at work. Would be good to meet up though. Cheshunt chapter of the OAMC...

Anonymous said...

Good, well atleast that much is sorted. I agree, life wouldnt be the same without a bit of challenge. So long as there is good food and red wine available to pacify the hard stuff its all survivable.

If you are doing the real Sth West, have a pint of Doon Bar for me.

Right, must pack. Am going. Bacon and egg(s) for breakfast methinks.


PS clearly my coping techniques are not advisable, flippancy is my middle name.
PPS Anyone heard from Jax or caroline lately?
PPPS DD, we know you are out there!

Anonymous said...

I am in a STATE!!!

Thanks all for your words of wisdom, nothing ventured, nothng gained and all that!

I now have a full 24 hour pass out, so will be cramming as much into that time as possible! HOWEVER, the delightful K has already been delayed; his flight from Georgia to Newark is late - keeping everything crossed that he makes his flight from Newark...

Won't be back until Friday (if the blog is working on a Bank Holiday!), so have a great Thirsty Thursday all, I know I will ;-)

S xx.

Anonymous said...

MfR - nicely put. I'm always at crossroads - just get past one lot then I'm at the next. That's life!


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