Thursday, 26 April 2007

Penultimate day

Logistics day successfully completed yesterday. Our bus is not too pikey as it's a private shuttle that goes between our two office buildings - we don't let the public on!!!

Managed to do a shortened gym session this morning with no adverse effects on my tweaks (so far) but the weigh-in last night confirmed the gain I feared (0.9kg). But I'm still below 110kg, which was a barrier for me from the wrong side for the last 3 years. That just makes me more determined to lose this week so that I definitely don't go back above it.

I am on school run duty today so will be leaving the office at 2pm again (I am a lightweight, I'm fired). Talking of which, the final ink goes on paper either today or tomorrow to confirm all my leaving details. Shame really, as for the last week the cash sum has been increasing every day. Not by much in the grand scheme of things, but the odd grand or six ticking upwards is not to be sniffed at...this time next week Rodney! Well, OK that's stretching it a bit but every little helps!!!

Maybe I should invest in property abroad???


Anonymous said...

Hi Moose,

You must be getting pretty excited about your move. A change is as good as a rest ..... and all that!

Weight-wise, I agree that if you stay on top of things and don't let yourself go over what is your personal limit, you will be o.k. I feel just the same, though I am struggling to get my head round the diet. But I simply must keep those precious 4lbs off, so I am making a bigger effort this week. Of course, if I stuck to the food plan, the weight would come off, but it has to be said, I am faffing about!

Hope everyone is o.k. Thursday has been busy for me so far, so I'm hoping the day will zoom in and soon I'll be sitting watching House with a wee glass of white wine! Hmmm, wonder why the diet is not working!!

C xx

Moose said...

Thanks for the reminder Chrissie, I'd forgotten it was House night.

My current weight problem is that I've stopped only eating when I'm hungry. I thought I had it cracked and then let my guard will be interesting for me to try to keep good habits going over the next week or two without the regularity of workplace etc that I'm used too. I'm slightly concerned about having too much time at home and too many opportunities for stopping whatever I'm doing for lunch/snack/cup of tea etc because I want a break rather than I'm hungry or thirsty. Iron will power will be called for I think. The upside is that I should have even more time for long workouts and calorie burning. I haven't listened to Paul McKenna for a while - maybe I need to get back to that until I'm back on track...

Anonymous said...

I should wait til it crashes, and then go in for the kill...

Kill Moose - staring Antla Thurman
coming soon to a cinema near someone.

...and you're not even leaving really are you. P'raps you could get on the shuttle and just go backwards and forwards for a bit, just so it feels as though you've gone somewhere...and you could go into the bank with your MASSIVE (mooseive) cheque, get them to change it up into £1 coins, put it in your pockets and see if you can feel what it's like to be a bit rich.

Mind you, with all the weight you've lost, you'll need a good quality belt.

Talking of which, the boy got a belt the other evening. 33,000 volts worth.

That's Marks and Spencer for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Moose

Hey Everyone

My weight loss efforts have been progressed this week, in so far as I got back photographs of the wedding I attended in April..OMG!
So Bums Legs Tums on Tuesday, Pilates on Wednesday, Burlesquesize and core stability This evening Walk on Friday…then stuff my face over the weekend!

I do hope all goes well for the “new job” – fancy office..etc You might quite enjoy it

Love Caroline

Anonymous said...

Have these been done before?
- You’re famous already, but you could be in the movies! just started something... sorry, I can't do the "starring bit"

12 Angry Moose
DR Strangelove or; How I learned to stop worrying and love the Moose
The silence of the Mooses
The Clockwork Moose
The Maltese Moose
Raging Moose
Reservoir Mooses

Love Caroline

Anonymous said...

The Great Moosecape starring Steve McMoose
The Italian Moose
One of Our Mooseasaurs is Missing
It's a Moose Moose Moose Moose World
Day of the Moose
Super Moose
Spider Moose 3
Bedknobs and Mooosesticks
Sound of Mooseic

Now look at what you've done...

Anonymous said...

Moose (is the word)
Moose (Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the forest)
Moose 2
Moose 3 in 3D
Forrest Moose
Top Moose (with Tom Moose)
Star Moose
2001 (A Moose Odyssey)

AAAAargh, I never knew there were so many films about mooses!

lyndyloo said...

Arfternoon all!

Only me! I'm just having a quick blog between blogging (if you know what I mean?) and tucking into healthy tuna salad... Not had a drink or anything other than fresh fruit veg and salad since I got back.

"Date" night tonight .... not really sure about it but nothing to lose I s'pose!

And another thing... I've got nothing to wear for the various parties (Moose leaving & Curly's 50th) don't s'pose I need more than me bikinki, sarong and flip flops for tomorrow but Saturday...Well!!


Anonymous said...

...and with Simoose Pegg - Hot Moose
The Moose Brothers with John Belmooshi
The Mooses (Alces Hitchcock)
To Catch A Moose (see above)
Moosecho (see previous, starring Janet Moose)
Shallow Moose
Saturday Moose Fever
Moose Fiction
Faster Moose! Kill, kill!

Golly, you'd never imagine there would be so many would you, til youi akshully start to think about it...blimey!

...and lyndyloo, all of what you have selected for tomorrow sounds fine, but you'll probably need a cardie for Saturday.


Dissing! How dilightful!

Anonymous said...

tilyouiakshully - a little know dialect spoken roond these parts...

Anonymous said...

Or even "in the west end"

Grease - the Moosical
starring john Revolter and Olivia mooseton-john
The Sound of Moosic - starring Maria Moose
Mama Mooseia - featuring the songs of Abba antlers


Anonymous said...

Hazel - by jove, I DID get it - thank you.

Moose - I know I have been absent for a couple of days so I have probably missed the source. However, it's been a while since I have seen a gentleman's 'tweaks'. Where are they? Must search harder next time. At least you have no adverse effects on yours. Phew.

DD - hello to you, and, as HL said, how delightful.

I was nearly naughty the other day.......the following anecdote is being written with a smile and is not to be taken literally, cynically or any can take it with Tet-ley though.....

A (married) aquaintance passed by my front door the other day (not a euphemism). We were chatting outside and having a laugh. In a nutshell she was chatting about her domestic life and she said that there was no bedroom activity 'in our house' (she said it with a big laugh as it was in context of a joke). She then said to me that if she had some time off work (like I have) she would decorate her house from top to bottom. The implication being that I wasn't and most probably wouldn't be using my time thus. I thought this a little judgemental, nay, presumptive regarding my desires or not to decorate ......and I so wanted to deliver a little cheeky one-liner that shot through my mind as a reply to her............I wanted to say back......'well, if I had a man in my house each night like you do, then I would be partaking in bedroom action, top to bottom'!!!!!!.....I wouldn't have said it and I didn't....made me smile though.

must dash


Anonymous said...

Is there enough room in the saucy/naughty corner for you Gaby?
I bet your tongue was red raw from all that biting of it!
Ooer, yes, on 1st reading, I did not notice the tweaks. Is is something between his "twiddle" and his "cheeks"


Anonymous said...

As Gaby started the sauce I thought I would try to join her in the naughty corner…if there is enough room… squeeze up!!

Anyhoo try this joke for size..

The inventor of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Arthur Davidson, died and went to heaven. At the gates, St Peter told Arthur, "Since you've been such
a good man and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can hang out with anyone you want to in heaven"

Arthur thought about it for a minute, then said, "I want to hang out with God."

St Peter took Arthur to the Throne Room, and introduced him to God, who recognized Arthur and said, "Okay, so you were the one who invented the Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Well, what's the big deal in inventing something
that's pretty unstable, makes noise and pollution and can't run without a road?"

Arthur was embarrassed, but finally spoke, "Excuse me, but aren't you the inventor of woman?" God said, "Ah, yes." "Well," said Arthur, "professional to professional, you have some major design flaws in your invention:

1. There's too much inconsistency in the front-end protrusion

2. It chatters constantly at high speeds

3. Most rear ends are too soft and wobble too much

4. The intake is placed way too close to the exhaust

5. The maintenance costs are outrageous!!!!"

"Hmmmmm, you may have some good points there," replied God, "hold on."

God went to his celestial supercomputer, typed in a few words and waited for the results. The computer printed out a slip of paper and God read it.

"Well, it may be true that my invention is flawed," God said to Arthur, "but according to these numbers, more men are riding my invention than yours!"

Keith the BigUn

lyndyloo said...

Gaby- Oh how very cool of you not to blurt it out! I'd have been sniggering for life!!!
Big Un- Great joke (as always)!!!
Moose- It's nearly time to go... you and Nic :((( at least you'll still be around :))))
Right I have to go prepare myself for the "date" eeeek!!!!!!!


wish me luck

Anonymous said...

Evening all
Truly mad day at work and no time to read, yet alone comment. Have only skimmed comments, so forgive me if you've seen this before ...,,2-2007190295,00.html
Whatever next? (That wasn't a challenge by the way!)

Good luck for your date Lyndyloo. If you ever need help with any ex-rugby players I'm your woman.

Soon be time for House, so time to get settled with a small glass of something ...

A domani

Anonymous said...

On film themes (and songs) -

Moose Free - as free as the Moose blows (that's to Born Free just in case anyone didn't pick-up!)

Moose sera sera - what ever will be will be.

MOOSE - hope tomorrow goes the way you want it to. Best wishes for your new future.

Oh, I'll be round for at least some of the party.


Anonymous said...


Reads as though you've all had fun again today I do miss you all when I'm in the office!

Too busy today to even go onto CLP's blog, but there you go!

Moose - you know where you've gone wrong, make amends and carry on. Sounds as though you're doing pretty well to me. I do hope that tomorrow is as you want it to be and I'll try to drop by for some of the party!

Lindyloo - I hope you've had a great night!

Lunch was lovely today...

Out again tomorrow night and Saturday night. Alotn Towers is off the menu - waterskiing has been offered instead! Erm...

So, packed weekend ahead and here I am blogging at this time of night!

Gaby - I'd have said it - with a huge smile, of course!!!

Love all,

S xx.

P.S. Breakfast at Moose's
P.P.S (Scary one for Mooses) - Moosebusters!
P.P.P.S The Great Moosescape.

jollygit said...

Mornin' everyone. I've got a note from my mum 'cos I'm going to absent for the next few days.

It's my birthday on Sunday and 'im indoors is taking me away for the weekend ... I don't know where we're going but we're leaving in two hours' time and won't be back until Sunday. So, have a great weekend everyone - I'm forgetting the job seeking for a few days!

jollygit xx

jollygit said...

I do know that I should take my cozzie but don't need a passport .... it'll just be nice to get away from the housework!! I'll be doing the white glove test at the hotel though!!!!

Thanks so much for your support over the last few weeks - you've all been wonderful.

Catch you next week

jollygit xxxx

PS Moose - hope the move goes well x

lyndyloo said...

Happy Birthday for Sunday Jollygit! You share it with my mate Dave-the-cardboard-box who will be 36.
Date was ok... we have 2 things in common, skiing and football... not sure if I'll see him again but I'm not going to say no if he asks. It def wasn't fireworks and heartstrings but maybe I'm expecting a bit much?


jollygit said...

Lyndyloo - thanks lovey and happy birthday to Dave-the-cardboard box!

Sometimes a relationship that starts off as a slow burn can last longer than the turbo-charged ones which often end in a whimper - just like a firework! Enjoy it, anyway!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - happy birthday honey!!!

Lindyloo - sometimes just getting on with someone new is nice...

Blimey - just had a bit of a rant on CLP's blog and feel a bot wound up - sausage and tomato sandwich will help...

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous news darlings - only ONE filling hoorah, but it took AGES and have a bit of a sore jore today, so will have to sip my rum punch gently until I feel sufficiently comfortable...

How exciting, jollygits birthday, Moose's leaving do(ose), shiny teeth...What a day Friday could be shaping up to be!

Jollygit, please ensure all exposed areas are sufficiently covered in sun lotion...

...and lyndyloo, you gotta allow for the poor boy being nervous we await further developments with bated no no no no no yes...

I do have a smidgeon of sad news, mainly for EG (Scotland)...I won't be around late at the Moose Do this evening because I have to go to the birthday party of a friend...organised at the last minute yesterday, but I'm sure there will be plenty of bods still about. The one with antlers, dribbling lo-cal (local geddit?... sorry) rum, will probably be either Moose, or Caroline in her hen-night costume. I expect, as it is such a salubrious venue (well am assuming it is, else lovely lyndyloo wouldn't live there...) they probably have 'people' to clean the beach, so you don't need to worry about cleaning up.

Keith, MfR, DWNB, SusanS, general missing list, hope to see you


ps Is anyone getting a bit bored with House? Sorry, but I couldn't be bothered to watch the last 15 minutes...Roseanne's husband in a body suit by the way, in case anybody still hasn't was the voice and the eyes!

Anonymous said...

sammie, hope you are feeling better now! Can't wait til it posts...have some happy from me! Mind you, smiling is still a bit uncomfortable...

'Nil Bastardi Carborundum' as it says on my Cardigan of Arms.

(We were never a rich family)

Anonymous said...

sammie - blimmin RIGHT girl!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone
hoppy Birdy jollygit, enjoy yourself and leave the white gloves at home!
hoppy birdy Dave the cardboard box
(big box little box,cardboard it a rave?)
Lyndy loo - good attitude, girl..go for the fireworks!
hazel - shiny teeth, super!
I'm getting ltop lip and eyebrows waxed today..shiny lip! How did you know I have a hen night costume? In fact i have a few! (not that I had a hen night myself..I just enjoy other peoples).
Moose, I'm going to a real life leaving do tomorrow..Mr C has given me a passout, so i'm staying in a hotel..for the myself OOer!
Anyway..I'll drink a toast to you Moose.
Lots of love
Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Morning all xx

Sorry for my absence.

Moose, I hope your day goes according to plan. Congratulations
on the result you got :o)

Welcome home Lindyloo pleased you had a lovely holiday. My
Condolences on the sad departure of NN.

Jollygit – what a lovely surprise :o) Have a fab birthday xx
It will be nice to switch off from the job hunting for a couple
Of days. Have a wonderful time xx

Like your relationship analysis Jollygit (your name still makes me smile :o))
Wise words.

Hazel – Good news re dentist :o)

Sammie - Hope your feeling better :o)

Keith – Hope your doing okay :o) {{{hug}}} thanks for the jokes.

MfR – How was your day in London? Did you enjoy the show?

Gaby, Chrissie, Susan S, EG, Caroline, Amanda, Analog – Hope you are all well.
Apologies for anyone one I have missed it’s not intentional :o)

Jo – Hope everthing gets sorted in your favour. Lots of love to the bump {{{hug}}

DD – How lovely to see you on the other side :o)

Have a good Friday and a great weekend.

Take care
Lots of love
Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Right - final plans in place for Big Night Out with the girls tomorrow (as opposed to Big Girls night out - my friends are WW veterans too...) What to wear, OH MY GOODNESS!!!

So, as I will be v. tired on Sunday - I have declined the invitation to waterski (well, watching from the boat anyway!), very pouty response!

Hazel - well done for the dentist today! I dislike them so much, it takes all my courage to even take the kids! Of course, they don't know, although they are asking why mum gets so cross about the dentist...

Try not to dribble on the keyboard too much....

K may be back earlier than next weekend, he will be here for about four weeks and will then go back to the US, for... who knows how long!!!

S xx.

Jo said...

Sammie - I think I may have rumbled your K - is he in the circus??? If he is I know him (how cryptic is that).

Anyhoo - that's my randown synapse connection of the day... Seriously How wierd would it be if it was the same person???

Dentists - love 'em (when you can find one) My old dentist used tooc harge me whatever he felt like - One wisdom tooth extraction 2 fillings and some x-rays with a scale and polish thrown in while waitin for the injections to work - guess how much

You'll never guess

£100 - bargain!

Is it too early for party games??? Have had this sent me - I'm supporting SWEDEN this May 12th - who should you pedge your support to??

Is it the kind of party today where you can get slow comfy screws / screaming orgasms etc???

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Moose - good luck for today : )

Morning all - am suffering from a syndrome known as NGOTTTTMR......'Nearly Got On TV To Talk To Mr (W)Right'......

I was in the holding bay waiting to go on exciting. The Wright Stuff...interesting topics, and one to which I wanted to contribute (should parents of children under 15 yrs age be prosecuted for giving them alcohol at home?). I passed the initial stage of screening (smokes and mirrors) and then the final stage - was ok'd by the Producer and was waiting for my cue. Sadly, Brian from Yorkshire spoke a little longer than he should which meant that I was kicked into touch. I was shaking like a leaf and my mouth went so dry, I wonder if I would have actually been able to speak!!!

I would like to hastily add that the above were not in any way 'stalker-esque' actions. Yes, I think he is lovely....but as I discovered with sauna man, some sort of chemistry is so important and you can't tell if you would have that just by looking at someone on the TV screen!!!!!...not that HE is considering ME, so I don't think I need to analyse this one!!!!


Moose said...

New post up....but Jo, I insist that my leaving party is one of those parties. Sex on the Beach for me please.

Anonymous said...

I just got read out on Ken Bruce! Hoorah!

Anyhoo, the business of today!

All aboard, biknik at the ready, drinking glove firmly attached, start pedalling...aaaaaaaand...Chocks away...

Moose, are you there already?

Anonymous said...

Good morning all,

This week has been a complete nightmare - I have had to work for a living! I was so busy yesterday, I didn't manage get back here at all. Alarming!!

Sammie - loved your rant next door. Can I say to you, your new "friend" sounds pretty active! Alton Towers, water ski-ing - what gives?! Hasn't he heard of sitting in a nice quiet bar with a glass of something soothing, having a wee chat?! I am just so lazy when it comes to doing anything requiring action!

Mary - so good to hear from you. I was only leaving it until today and then I would have been sending out a search party for you! Speaking of search parties, where on earth is SusanS?!

Hazel - re: House. Well, I would love to comment about last night's episode - having looked forward to it ALL day. However I have to confess that I went for a "quick" drink with my office colleagues after work - three larges glasses of wine (I think that's actually a bottle!) home at 8pm - a rubber woman! I had a burger (no bread) and salad which I devoured, and then fell asleep at 9pm on the dot! Missed the whole of House! Still, I take on board what you are saying, but as of last week I thought the storylines were shaping up nicely with Cameron becoming more like House every day. Yes, I know,I really need to get out more!

Jollygit - I know you are away now, but happy birthday and I hope your wee trip has been lovely.

Will pop in later guys, can't miss Moose's leaving do!

C xx

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