Wednesday, 11 April 2007


I saw an article over the weekend on superfoods. The ones that are healthy and will stop you getting cancer. I stopped off at the T supermarket after my hearing loop activities and filled up my trolley with not a lot else but what was on the list.

Most of it is still sitting in the bag/fridge ready for tomorrow and the next day but the watercress salad with a dressing that included chillies has already slipped down nicely to accompany a tuna steak. I ate an apple earlier and I'm drinking some fizzy apple juice (if you get my drift) too. Yogurt and blueberries for dessert and I'll be about ready for The Apprentice and an early night.
I'm also going to pop some veggies in to roast tonight so I only have to heat them up tomorrow...organized or what? Broccoli, onions, carrots and cabbage were on the list but I'll throw in some courgettes, garlic and sweet potato as well.

I was feeling very super-charged when I got home from the gym. I couldn't face an evening of eating and sitting in front of the TV but couldn't do much with tweaked back. So I strapped on the i-pod, set it to all my walking songs and disappeared into the fields, striding away and sometimes singing to myself. It's a good job I live in the middle of nowhere and only the odd pheasant and pigeon were there to observe me. Odd as in occasional, not strange. 45 minutes later I got back just after the sun had disappeared, ready for a more productive evening all round. I have a box of stuff to sort out - the accumulation since my last de-cluttering episode. Amazing how it builds up so fast. I find that I can do other things while watching The Apprentice...the first 50 minutes is vaguely interesting background and build up for the final 10 minutes in the Boardroom.

I'm hoping that after my steaming and sauna-ing and bubbling and not-so-gentle-walking and another dose of smelly deep heat tonight, I'll be raring to go tomorrow morning and will get to the gym properly. I think I've overdone the calories today but in a good way. I think it's the first day I'll have done my 5 fruit and veg portions in a day for a long while. I shall assess the damage during the Apprentice too.

Wow, I'll have to watch this multi-tasking lark, or I'll start to think I'll have turned into a woman!


Anonymous said...

Moose - I think you have a feminine side - that's nice. Being able to multi-task is a wonderful thing. But as one who does it, let me just say that there is a fine balance between multi-tasking and spinning on the spot!

5-a-day - I find that hard going. I actually think I eat quite a lot of veg and fruit, yet I never seem to make the full 5.

I've had a bad eating evening. had a good meal of stir-fried veg with rice than blew it with crisps ..... and some chocolate. nervous eating, I think.


Anonymous said...

5-a-day is hard going actually. I try to do it by snacking on fruit throughout the day. Amazing how much I miss my 10.30 banana if I forget it!

I pan baked a salmon fillet, wrapped in bacon tonight and had that with baby new potatoes on a bed of rocket, with only a slight drizzling of olive oil. Yum - I'll do that one again!

Why can't I sleep tonight? No idea at all. Overexcited about starting my new job proper tomorrow maybe. How sad!

Am going to have chocolate I think and a cup of decaff tea.

Nighty night all, off to try again...

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Firstly. Sammie (once more and I'll have to send you to the headmaster) CHOCOLATE (of whatever colour and however low in akshull cocoa solids) contains CAFFEINE (and various other additives) AND THIS WILL KEEP YOU AWAKE.

Secondly. Moose (4/10 see me) I'm gonna go all MfR on you ass...multi-tasking doesn't mean listing all the things that you have done. It means doing them all at the same time. As soon as all men and Moose(s) realise that it is difficult enough for them to even walk AND breathe at the same time, we can all calm down. Are we to take it that Mrs Moose is still en vacances? I have to say, I do admire your preparation. It's as much as I can do to get the fridge door open first.

Thirdly. I have a mid-life crisis at the top of my left arm in the shape of a stylised Sagittarius arrow. One day I'm (when I have spare never I spec) going to have an Ourobos done at the top of my back. I did the design, my mate perfected it.

Fourthly. I slept well last night. I went to bed a little late after having dug a hole on the patio, into which I inserted the boy. I din't fill it in yer honour, just put some fencing over the top so he couldn't get out until I got up this morning. I can recommend this method to any or all of you who suffer from secondary snorting, snuffling, punching, kicking, shouting and the latest and most terrifying, screechy nightmare laughing IN MY, sorry but no.

Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
daa da da da da da
da da da da da
daa da da da da da
(or is that star wars?????)


ps Caroline - What were you gonna buy me? Eh eh? What? Whaaaaaaat? Glad you had a lovely (if damp) Did you get to Cala Galdana?

pps Do tea leaves count as a vegetable?

Jo said...

Hello *retreating from next doors outbreak of knobness*

Sammie no chocolate, it will keep you up all night - the midwife told me that 8 bars a day would get me up to my daily caffiene allowance when pregnant so I have to bear that in mind!

Am still contemplating seeking legal advice re: work... My boss is now refusing the Health & Safety recommendations of a new chair for £300 - might go off with a bad back for a while.

Rant Rant Rant - Bastard NHS cheapo FCuks.

Excuse me, feeling better now :o)

As for 5 a day, more likely that I manage 5 a week, am crap at fruit and veg and rely on Mr sanatogen pro natal to give me all the vits and mins I need :o)


Anonymous said...

Oooh, things have been busy since yesterday afternoon!

Moose, excellent idea about roasting the vegetables and then only have to re-heat the next day. I've been cooking (sort of) since I was 14 but would never have thought of that! Very organised, I am impressed.

EG - hope you hear today about your promotion, which you richly deserve, now that I know the job you do! Yes, I am definitely up for the SOAMC in Edinburgh. Will put on my thinking cap as to where we can go. The only date I can't make in June is Friday, 15th (Mr S's birthday).

MfR - your tattoos. I wish I had gone for one years ago, but I am too feart! I would have loved Foghorn Leghorn on my shoulder! But it ain't gonna happen now, so you go for what you fancy! (within reason, of course, Mrs MfR!)

Caroline - I was thinking about you in the rain, honest. Still, you enjoyed your break, that's the main thing.

Sorry Caroline, hands off Philip Glenister - I saw him first! I am so sad I actually have him on my screen at work! 1973 - I met my (future) husband in October of that year, when I was 17, and I was wearing an identical tank top worn by Annie in the final LOM!

Sammie, hope K can attend your mum's party. You know things are moving along when you invite your beloved to meet the family! Also, hope you are feeling better today.

Have a good day everyone, will check back later.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all,

5 a day, I agree, is a big ask but I have a cunning plan. I find though thought of eating a whole apple, pear, cabbage etc.. quite boring, daunting even - so out have come the bamboo kebab sticks and I make fruit kebabs. Grapes, strawbs, bananananana, apple, orange and so on cut into bite size pieces and threaded onto said stick. Much more fun, more colourful and actually eaten because its exciting and tasty instead of because I should. Don't know if pomegranate would work though. Give it a try, you'll love it - and those of you that really need tempting, hot chocolate sauce to dip it into. Take it into work and just watch your colleagues turn green with envy!

Tattoos - I have had one designed and am waiting to have enough spare cash to get it done. Its gonna cost around £200. I am quite ashamed to say I am slightly concerned about the pain, but then I was when I had my first filling done and I didn't feel a thing. Having sliced my fingretip off over the weekend with secatuers I realise I have quite a high pain threshold, but I do have to keep jiggling on the spot to take my mind off the pain. Maybe not such a good plan when having a tattoo done.

And finally (maybe), took my bandage off yesterday but left the sellotape in place. Its not looking too bad, no pus or mould, but plenty of blood and scab. The actual fingertip is not quite aligned with my finger, but there is colour so maybe I will get to keep it after all. Strangely a little bit disappointed, but mainly relieved.

leaving you in pieces now,

MW, a!

Anonymous said...

MWa...bless your poorly finger. Glad to hear it is pus and mould-free, but what a shame you can't give us a more colourful description. Mind you, a good bit of blood and scabbage should have some what would the tattoo be of please? Where are you getting it done? (that would be either a bodily location, or somewhere near where you live) and how big is it?

I have to say I agree with you about the boredom factor of fruit. An fun unless you eighth it, de-pip it, sprinkled lightly with a smidge of lemon juice and et. Likewise the humble pear...I mean, wots the stringy stuff in the middle about! Kebab sounds interesting...comme Msr Depp...aha.

...and if I may put forward a moment for the 'Funniest Moment of the Week (and possibly the Month) Award...

My colleague has brought his nearly three year old son to work today (do nursery schools have inset days???). Said child is (at the moment anyway - liable to change like the wind apparently) happy, smiling, jolly, covered in doughnut jam and choclate monkey biscuit.

To set the scene: He is sitting on the floor chattering away to himself. He is loading all previously scattered metal toy cars into a cardboard box. The SPLIT SECOND (mind you) I turn around...he has tipped the box, containing around 20-30 cars, up, and over, his head. It loses a lot in translation, but I'd say that EVERY car bounced at least once off his noddle...and he was larfin and larfin!

We like this child. Is not Stepford Child nor Child of Corn like neighbours child. This Child can come he has just sung me Twinkle Twinkle. Think may teach him rude version of Ba Ba (insert preferred colour here) Sheep...heh heh heh heh...WOO HA HA HA etc



Anonymous said...

MfR...before I forget...have a lovely day off tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Just checking in - been a busy old morning.

Hazel - there was mention of a Mr Love on Tel's programme this morning. He was recommending hot lime pickle to liven up a pork pie and suggested that the hot pickle had put hairs on Mrs Love's chest. Any comments???

Have always fancied getting a tattoo but Mr L has put his foot down very manfully and said I mustn't. As I have a real "thing" about piercings - it makes me shudder just typing that word - I don't know that I'd be able to go through with the tat anyway.

Off to munch on a few tomatoes for lunch in an effort to get to the 5 a day. Do raisins in a flapjack count?

And MW,a - take care of that finger, it sounds dodgy to me. Although the lack of pus etc is obviously a good sign. Have you had a tetanus jab?

Anonymous said...

Dearest annalog. The wrong type of pickle I'm afraid. Apart from having to call an ambulance if I go within about four miles of hot lime pickle, there is only ONE PICKLE to be had with a pork pie, and that would be piccallakdiiiilllllakdli. Similar to MWa's banananananana.

Suffice to say, my chest is hairless.

And I'm a Ms.

Just for the hell of it really.


ps Mattews Rose

Jo said...

Mmmm Mateus Rosé... or was that Matthew Rose?

And I think you'll stand corrected Ms Love that the only thing to be had with Pork Pie (bearing in mind I am the absolute connossieur here) is Brown sauce, preferably Daddies but you can hunker down to the depths of HP should you prefer.

To accompany might I suggest a handful (cos that's 1 serving) of cherry tomatoes, also dipped in sauce brun?

Moose - I wish I had the time, energy or indeed inclination to walk in fields by myself singing along to my pod (other digital music devices are available). Unfortunately the fields where we walk Sophie are next to the M6, otherwise it's the canal towpath where I'm afraid my singing would disturb the residents!

As for the garden, as long as you can dodge poo you can adopt mine if yuo want Hazel?? I once grew a cucumber in a pot, will find a link to the photo. We only got one cucumber of it but it was mammoth! Actually we went on holiday when it was still a baby and left it in the care of our neighbour, the plant obviously liked the neighbour more than us and thrived whilst we were away...

Suffice to say we didn't try growing them again :o)

Love Jo,

who is a bit cheerier now after deciding to apply for the new job and spending half the morning wilfing and the other half filling in the form online.

SHould I fail to appear again please assume taken away by the internet police :o)

Jo said...

As discussed - one mammoth cucumber!

Jo said...

helps to put the link on

Jo said...

and again - better scale on this one

Anonymous said...

Hey all

I'm in a strange mood.

Had a go at Peni (more than one are clearly available) next door last night then felt bad and have just apologised.

My back is killing me and I don't know why. S'posed to be playing squash tonight, but not sure if I can and have booked an appointment to see the back-quack on Saturday.

Day off tomorrow - thanks Haze. Going to go for the tat thing. MW,A! - I think it affects people in different ways, I have always had a phobia about needles, yet I can tolerate the tattoo process. It feels more like a small rodent gnawing away at you - more irritating than painful. The only tip I would give is avoid the booze for a few days before as it thins your blood. As a veggie I have thin blood anyway and when I first went I had been on the sauce the night before. It got a bit messy.

Off to get my head straight now.


PS There's only one Lawrie Sanchez.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, excellent. I am very used to having small rodents gnawing upon my flesh. I hasten to add, this is due to the nature of my preffered occupation, not some strange fetish - but maybe the two are linked. So, I shall continue squirrelling (groan) away my cash and get it done. Alcohol will not be a probelm due to being allergic to the stuff. Honestly, the closest I get to being trollied is too much vinegar on my chips.
The tattoo is to go over my left shoulder blade, over the top of said shoulder and slightly down my side. Oh yes, its a biggie! The design is leopard skin, faded at the edges so it looks like my skin is morphing into animal skin. I figure that shoulders are the most feline looking part of the human body, and as one of my nicknames is mad cat woman (like in The Simpsons, though I only have 11 at the moment) I thought quite suitable.
If I do become addicted to tats, then the next one would be leopard skin again, but as cuffs on my wrists and ankles.


MW, a!

Anonymous said...

Wtfaws or Wetfaws (sing/noun: wetfai) as they are known can be found wandering lost anywhere. They are not to be confused with the Wilfs who eventually landed on something no no...the wetfai started looking for something with all due vigour, they followed the links as instructed, and ended up lost.

I shall let you work it out.

The prize for the winner cannot be displayed. There may be a problem with your server.

By the way...does Keith have a note of absence?

Anonymous said...

MWa! you could become Mad Tat Woman! I have already been threatened with being the scarey old lady that lives in that house with all those cats. Children cross the road and don't EVER come to ask for their ball back. I'm sure you know the person I mean!

MfR - message from the Pedantry - shouldn't it be Penii? Or not. Past caring. Have got HUGE paper cut...worserer than a rat bite...anyway, about 20mins or so before your tat is due to be tatted, take a load of ibubrofen. This helps desensitise the nerve endings. I have to say, the sensation is actually quite pleasant (and we all know men have a lower pain's science innit) but having it over the bone will be quite edgy.

noooooooooooooooooooooooooo let me finis.........h...............

Time ticketh onne

jollygit said...

EG - really hope you get news of your promotion - t'would be well deserved xx

MfR - enjoy your day off tomorrow x

jollygit xx

PS Have just returned from a 3-hour walk along the seafront and back through town, via the teashop for a cuppa - feeling virtuous now!

Anonymous said...

Hi, just checking in - I finish at five o'clock today - I am outta here!

Mariella, you are so brave. I am just so squeamish, I would be in floods of tears. By the sounds of things, you are healing nicely, but I would need someone else to look at the wound, I am such a coward!

MfR - back pain. Only real treatment for me is acupuncture. Yes, needles! But it is painless and honestly, I sometimes fall asleep during the treatment. If it doesn't get fixed, get yourself to the nearest acupuncture-type-person available. We have the most wonderful Jan de Vries in Scotland (the man is a genius). He has several practices in Scotland, but you must have the equivalent in your part of this green and pleasant land.

Gaby - hope you are o.k. Meant to say to you I watched Matthew Wright on Friday, and you are right - he is the man for you! (Yes, I know I don't know you, but I just know these things). What a doll. Not quite Philip Glenister, but very nice!

Susan S - at long last I have organised myself and will post the Comic Relief video to you tomorrow! How I wish you would receive it on Saturday, but let's face it, it will be Monday or Tuesday! Sorry to have made such a hash of it, but I just keep forgetting to attend to it! I will be at the Post Office as the doors open Friday morning!

Hope everyone has a lovely Thursday evening. House at 9pm - ya beauty!

C xx

P.S. Keith - how are you?!

Jo said...

Happy to say the internet police didn't come aknocking and I live to fight another day :o) Jo

lyndyloo said...

Hello Everyone!

I've missed loads today... have to work and stuff... have to pack tomorrow YIPPPEEE!

Firstly MW,a! So pleased your injury is repairing and thank you so much for your in depth report.

lyndyloo said...

Secondly 5-a-day... I don't think it's all that difficult for me. I tend to have a smoothy or a couple of pieces of fruit at breakfast time and at least 3 veg during the course of the day... I mean if you have a bacon and mushroom sarnie that counts as 1. If you make your own chilli then you have at least one portion of onions and one of tomatoes in each serving....

I don't suppose a strawberry daquari counts does it? Or lemon curd on toast?

Ok I'm off to see another client...


Anonymous said...

Hello lovely peeps! I do miss you when I'm in the office (that's very close to where I live!!!), but I look forward to coming home and catching up.

I got into bed for the very last time at 3 am. (Only had v small piece of chocolate - promise xx). Finally fell asleep, only to wake up at awful o'clock having had a terrifying nightmare. Thankfully, K was there to rescue me from the bad man, but I was very frightened when I woke up! Needless to say, took ages to get back to sleep and then, slept through the damned alarm! Got up at 7.30 - so much for an early start this morning!

I am muchos tired now and glad that K won't be coming over tonight. He wouldn't get here until midnight, so it would be another very late night. Best to save myself for tomorrow I think.

Now then...

MW,a - that finger sounds terrible! Take good care of it.

MfR - rodents nibbling??? And this is acceptabubble?

HL - the little boy sounds lovely - it's great when kids put a smile on your face!

Right all, loving you and signing off to go and watch Neighbours!!!

S xx.

P.S. Peni stinks!

Anonymous said...

Sorry annalog,

Meant to say, yup tetanus is all up to date. I had my top up jab just 3 weeks ago in preparation for a very interesting job involving bitey type animals. The nurse at the hospital was very impressed with me.

Does anybody know if the rabies vaccination is still given through the stomach wall?

MW, a!

PS. Just accidently typed with poorly finger. It has confirmed to me that it is still poorly.

Anonymous said...

MW,a - I don't think the Rabies jab is given in the stomach anymore (but I could be wrong!). I heard someone talking about it on Radio 4 the other day and it didn't sound quite as nasty as it used to be.

Rabies and tetanus and bitey animals - sounds like flittermice to me!

Have you seen the time - just long enough to do the washing up and get settled in for House.

Toodle pip

Anonymous said...

MW,a!, I think you'd better check with a GP, but this is what I've found on tinterweb...A pre-exposure vaccination is available for humans, but is only commonly given to veterinarians and those traveling to regions where Rabies is present. Most tourists do not need such a vaccination, just those intending to live away or work with, or live amongst animals within these regions. However, should a vaccinated human be bitten by a possible or known victim, they must have subsequent post-exposure treatment. Failure to do so could be fatal. Such post-exposure treatment is far less extensive than what would normally be required by one with no pre-exposure vaccination. If treatment is needed it is usually a smaller injection near the site of the bite, and the remainder intramuscularly away from the bite.

Good luck with that. Don't get bit man dude!

Anyhoo, lyndyloo, I'd count lemon curd on toast. It's only lemons and egg, so yeah! Definitely.
And packing again. Where now angel? Can I come? One day??? Hmmmmm....pleeeeeeeeease.....?????

...and if anyone is interested, the girlfriend of our mate (who is on his way to the Sett as we speak) works here.

The only thing is, her dog can't sort coloureds from whites...

a demain mes braves

Been a lovely day today by the way.


Anonymous said...

Good evening anna and Mr Log

try again (although the previous one should copy ok)

lovin like that

Anonymous said...

Got the news this morning - so it's now to Plan B. Yip the end of the line (at least for the time being) on this particular promotion opportunity. Am I disappointed? - Well yes, very. Am I totally down? Hell no. I have got so much in life to be thankful for. I'm also trying to be positive. As such, I've decided that Plan B will actually be called Plan A - why should whatever I do next be considered second best, coz maybe what comes next will actually be better. Anybody other than me following this?

Left work early. I was supposed to go rock climbing tonight (a midlife crisis hobby that started 18 months ago!). But decided I needed to get home to my Domestic God. Knew he would be there with the TLC. Stopped to pick up a take away - and on impulse went into the flower shop and bought my Dom God one doz long stemmed red roses - Awwwwwwh. Was trying to say to him that while I didn't get my promotion I know what in life is most important to me. Started to cry a bit when saying this - then got tounge-tied coz I didn't want him to think I was crying about the promotion. I didn't have to explain though - he knew. So there we were the pair of us like a couple of wets standing in the driveway having a greet. In truth I had tears, he had moist eyes - his equivalent of a greet.

So going to take some time now to work out what Plan A might actually be - but it is about getting a better work/life balance. I'll keep you posted on what I come up with.

So have polished off the fizzy Rose tonight and am now on to the Champange! (Spelling doesn't seem right but you know what I mean.)

So to other things:

Caroline - welcome back.

MfR - I'm trying to choose between tribal and celtic. I'll let you know where I get to. I never thought of you having a superman - wow!

Sammie - good on you. Hope K accepts. Let us know.

ChrissieS - so looking forward to seeing you in Edinburgh.

MW - graphic! Nice!! a la Casualty.

Jo - surely if H&S say you need the chair, your employer is obliged to provide. You need to get some advice.

Everyone - thanks for being there and letting me pour out my thoughts - a bit of a ramble today.

Take care. Luv you all.


Anonymous said...


Just played squash (not salsa).

Yeah, yeah, I know. Great idea with a bad back and all.

The thing is, I am getting problems when I sit down, ie when the spine compresses. When I'm up and about it's OK.

Hence the squash (not salsa).

Which I won. Easily.

But it hurts now, so a nice hot bath and an early night.

Ta ra.


lyndyloo said...

Hazel L...Have a spare place... going to Val D'Isere... wanna come, huh...huh.... pleeeeeeease!!!! It's the last of this seasons ski excusions and the start of the Mr Wurly's B'Day which should be a lot of fun!!!

& the Bears

Anonymous said...

Hey Lyndyloo - hope it's ok to ask, what happened with H?


lyndyloo said...

EG- what a question! Actually we are still in touch, he's been all over the world as well as me so our paths haven't crossed since. His business partner is going to come out and have a day or so with us next week in Val but H can't make it. I'm not sure that there is anything further to look for but I'm so pleased I sent himhome in a taxi. We're still very friendly and ask about our dogs whenever we speak but maybe it's not quite the right time .... yet? Thanks for remembering, you're a real sweetie!


Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - I've been wanting to ask for a wee while and kept checking your blog just in case you updated us there - but always fearful of putting my foot in it.

Have a great trip.

Luv to you & the bears.
XXX :-)

Anonymous said...

OK, last one for today.

There is nothing, NOTHING I enjoy more than a nice hot relaxing bath at the end of a busy day. Currently the cold tap on my bath is creamed, letting no more than the faintest smidgen of water out the tap, it would actually be quicker to spit into the tub to fill it (not a pleasant thought). So today I ran the bath at 5pm, and left it to cool until about 9.30pm. Upon testing I topped up slightly with a fraction more hot water and slipped into lovely hot clean, fresh water. No bubbles, I like my baths pristine and pure. I washed my hair and applied top notch fancy stuff conditioner. I had a good scrub down and rinsed off the lather, then laid back to have a fantastic cup of tea and a cigarette while the conditioner finished its job. And I discovered something....

There is nothing, NOTHING I hate more than the stupid blooming ashtray slipping off the side into the bath.

Nuff said

MW, a!