Friday, 26 January 2007

A landmark reached...

So today I reached a landmark. I shared my writing for the very first time.
Of course that's not entirely true, because this blog is also part of my writing and I share that every day.
But it is the first time that I have shared part of my book with others. Shared part of what I consider to be a finished work, thought through, edited, corrected, a piece designed to hang together, a work which I hope will have somewhat more longevity than the blog or any other random musings of mine.

It feels great and I'm so glad to have done it.
I can understand something of the feelings an "artist" goes through between the performance and the reviews...

Writing the above does make me think though. Because a blog is virtual, it feels more transient, less permanent and more likely to disappear into the mists of time. But will it? Should it?
As far as I'm aware, most physical books go out of print relatively quickly, and therefore, apart from the copies collecting dust on the bookshelves of the 5 people who might buy it, or be given a copy by me when I'm trying to offload them, won't survive very long.
The blog however, requires me to go back and delete posts. I have no idea (I haven't looked) what the archive policy is of this host if I do nothing. If I don't consciously delete them, they might be her forever. And really, who knows the future of internet published writing?

Anyway that's an aside...
All I really wanted to post tonight was a big THANK YOU to everyone on here, everyone who has said they will "review" my work. Be honest, be critical, be constructive, be, just be whatever you want and say what you want. Because I am determined that this thing will be published, one way or another.


Dogwithnobrain said...


I'm hooked.

I'm passing on to my dearly beloved, cause this is just his type of thing. I've read it thru on screen, and I'm printing it off to read thru again at a more leisurely place, but yep, definitely, I'm hooked in there and awaiting the rest.

I'll proof read for you.


More detailed and In Depth Analysis of your writing and style shortly... ie. Tomorrow.

Moose said...

DWNB. Thanks. That is after all, EXACTLY the response a writer needs to his first chapter!!!

Anonymous said...


I shall peruse your work over a fine bottle of Cotes Du Rhone this evening as the day slips gently into the night. I may even caress a dram of Oban, it the occasion warrants it.

And so, another Friday afternoon creeps towards conclusion here in the Pacific region of Canada and the return trip to my local beckons. One and all, I hope you are enjoying your Friday evening.

Good evening from me.

Dr. T

Anonymous said...

Well done! I'm impressed that you got over your fears and just did it! In no time you'll have been spurred on to complete and next you'll be published!

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

Dr T - you are drinking my home town's whiskey! Good on you! Infact, 1 of my recent photos on my site should show the chimney of the distillery!

Dogwithnobrain said...

O M G Moose,

I had vivid, confusing dreams last night where I ran round a large exhibition centre where everyone was "conferencing" with name tags on, and I was asking everyone how they connected with Nelson Mandela.

What have you done to me?


Moose said...

You are my ideal reader!!!
Thank you.

Do you want chapter 2 yet?

Anonymous said...

good morning one and all

Moose - as I speak, your pages are printing off - I will look forward to reading it tonight when all taxi-ing of kids is completed, when the day trip to REading is over and maybe, just to keep Dr T company, with a cheeky Merlot to accompany : )

later my lovely friends



Jo said...

Morning all...

Can I have a read too Moose? Will email you in a moment.

Am not safe to be let loose in society - just spent 1/2 an hour wandering round Sainsbury's trying to remember what I went for and nearly in tears - comedy pregnancy trait number 1!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Jo - it happens to me all the time : )..........

........comedy old maid aged 43 trait no. 44 : )

Anonymous said...

Mary - I hope you are feeling better. xx

Dogwithnobrain said...


I want as much as you have. I'm loving it. I thought you only had done that much. Give me more... I love it.