Sunday, 28 January 2007

At least we don't like ourselves...

I have to admit to watching the final of Big Brother tonight. After church this morning, this afternoon has been a heavy one of shovelling compost (you thought I was going somewhere else there for a moment, didn't you? Especially any Sex Pistols fans...), washing, tax returning, trying to get mooselets to do homework, I've settled down on the sofa having not done my ironing for the first time in ages.
So after my normal Sunday evening jacket potato, I'm on the sofa with the remnants of a Chateauneuf and BB on in the background. Mrs Moose is tracking the e-bay sales for tonight, and about to start packaging up the items to post tomorrow.
As Ian was evicted, I realized that it is all the non-Brits left in the final three. So, appalling as a race as we have been (in the house at least), I am somewhat relieved that we at least recognize it. For after all, while it may not be the great British public that has been completely and fully represented by the housemates, they/we are very definitely represented by the voting public.
So, we have shown ourselves to be on the side of the bullied and the peace-loving, the cultured and the talented...rather than the bullies and the argumentative, the shrill and the talentless.
That's something I suppose. To a certain extent it restores some of the destroyed feelings following from the terrible behaviour of the morons.
I still find it slightly sad though, that even a dirty old man that's only famous for smoking large cigars and one part which finished decades ago, can be more popular than ALL of the Brits in there...Jermaine fair enough he's a genuinely nice guy. And Shilpa, after being bullied was bound to do well, and deserved to after the commendable way she handled it all.
Sorry to go on about BB...back to more important things tomorrow...and let's face it, that could mean just about anything!


Anonymous said...

As a self confessed BB devotee I am genuinely pleased that Danielle and Jack got a hard time from Davina and were not around for the Big Mouth show and celebrations. I do however feel that Shilpa winning was a convienient happy ending. What happened to the booing crownd when she was evicted? Had they been chucked out in the break? Had they been instructed to cheer? Was there a fix? Certainly my circle of friends felt that was the case. Having been at an eviction and on Big Mouth I can tell you nothing inh that programme happens by accident! I personally wanted Jermaine to win. He was calm and had an amazing outlook on life.

Anyway are we meeting for coffee or lunch today and what should I bring?

C x x x x

Moose said...

I have been summoned to go and see the Board this morning. I'm due out at 9.30, so I think I'll need a coffee then. I may even have absolutely nothing to do at all, ever, by then...I've eaten too much this weekend - made the mistake of buying hot cross buns yesterday ( I love them) and ate 3 during the day...although I suppose another virtual one can't do any harm!

BB was a little suspicious but the C4 lawyers would have been all over them about fixing the actual vote - way too risky for a public company to engage in such high profile and easily verifiable fraud.
And I thought I heard some boos when Shilpa came out, unlike for Ian and Jermaine. I was on the phone to my mum at the time though.

Anonymous said...

you guys talk so much sense.

Have a good day friends - I have such a busy one at work today - am bracing myself and so much stuff to sort out outside or work hours. Groan, groan.

Still, the sun has risen, uncle Tel has cheered me (as always), and we have to smile....don't we? : )


Dogwithnobrain said...

I pride myself in having only watched one episode of BB this year. The interview after jade was evicted. I have to say it. Pile of Pish. You should have been watching TOP GEAR. The Hamster was back!! Yeah.....


PS- I am a girl

Anonymous said...

Hello hello

Is anyone about??? I have hot cross buns for hungry people (butter optional)


Moose said...

I'm out. Went well, although it was th eusual surreal situation where I didn't say a word. The "form" is for my boss to do the talking and me only to get involved if there's a question he can't answer. Which there wasn't. CEO said it was a great paper and exactly along the lines he wanted to go. Told everyone else to get on with implementing my recommendations, which he then went on to slightly modify...but only in scale and size of cash benefits, not in principle.

So, I've had my coffee as part of a debrief, and the bun was fantastic. Thanks Cathmel!

Why do I feel guilty for having watched BB? (not because of you DWNB...) At least this year it has been mostly background noise while blogging with you guys...not sure I'll watch next time...if there is a next time.

Have a great Monday all.
Chill out Gaby!

Dogwithnobrain said...

No - you don't want to be watching it. I'm so proud of myself, I have in past years been glued to it, but it was such utter tosh, if I ever found myself flicking thru the channels and stumbling over it, I'd just press the off button, or revert to Radio. X-List Nobodies, and we are throwing more money at them to stay as rubbish as they are.

Glad your meet went well. My day so far is ticking along nicely.

Did Reiki on my mum last night, my first "real" hands on one, and I actually did feel something. I'm so pleased with myself.

All In All, just pleased with my self indeedy.


PS - I'll go for a Hot Cross Bun ta.

Moose said...

I thought your mum was supposed to feel something not you???

Anonymous said...

Morning all!

Have to confess that I watched the repeat early this morning. I kinda hoped Jermaine would win too, though I was pleased for Shilpa after all she was subjected to by those 3 witches! I was so angry about it that I wrote to Danielle - couldn't find a way to contact Jo or Jade.

Very quiet next door today. Either the 'moderator' is sitting munching hot cross buns or I've been BP'd twice!

Hope the day continues to go well. We are off to feed the ducks!

Group huggles, Susan <><

PS Saw the interview on News24 with the Hamster! @That guy is amazing!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello there
Hot cross buns..all toasted and buttery..yum!
I’m behind on your book conversation, but, moose..publish a few chapters..I’ll volunteer to give it a read too
My day has been punctuated with rushes to complete something, and then lulls while I wait for things to happen (usually including the “friendly cost accountant”), so a patisserie item will be welcome – note for next time. I’m rather partial to glazed doughnuts a la Crispy Crème ( a treat though ‘cos I’m not in London v often)

The CE blog has 1 comment; (it was written by Nic P at 10.30) do any of you know what’s going on there? I’m I behind the times? I’m so out of it because of work and non work and not being able to listen on the way home, cos too late at work.

Happy frustrating Monday everyone

Moose said...

It's all a bit quiet over here this morning too. I do hope everyone is OK? Probably everyone just has work to do.

I got BPd last night with a completely innocuous posting - maybe they've got technical problems again...shouldn't be because of "sheer weight of traffic"!! Or maybe I'm blackballed or blacklisted or whatever.

SusanS - hope it's bread, I can't bear to see hot cross buns wasted on ducks!

Did anyone else notice a strange similarity between CE and my blog subject matter again? ie last night's TV viewing.
I think CLP is lurking and I am inspiring his choice of subject....NOT!!!!
I have to say that I would have preferred the Top Gear boys and Louis myself, but as I was busy with other things, I got suckered into the "It is the last one..." train of thought. Still, if I'd watched the Hamster and Louis (who also has Hamster-like features, no?) then I wouldn't have got as much blogging done.
Actually, Ian (BB Ian or H that is) also has a little rodent face too...what's going on? have I been listening to the Wind in the Willows too often? (CD in the car for the mooselets). Have I just got so used to seeing my chubby face in the mirror that all normal people's faces look thin and rat-like to me?
This is not a competition...although if anyone out there has any other photos they'd like me to post as the next round of "Name That Blogger", you know where to find me.

Well Chris, if you are out there lurking, say hi to us...if not, don't bother...

Moose said...

I've sent a couple of chapters via e-mail as the group advised it was safer than publishing on a blog... if you'd like it, then e-mail me at and I'll send it.

Anonymous said...

Just managing to catch up with everything since the weekend. I MUST get a computer at home!

Jo, congratulations! You are now embarking on the most exciting, exhausting, kinda scary and utterly wonderful adventure! Honestly, having our daughter has taught me and my husband what love really is!

Mary, thinking about wee Max, hope he is getting better.

Hope everyone else is managing to get through Monday!

C xx

P.S. Mr & Mrs MfR, if my beloved and I looked like you two, I'd send off a photo immediately! As things stand, think along the lines of Rita and Norris from Coronation Street! (perhaps slight exaggeration!)

T said...

Hi All

Apologies for the intrusion, I had such a mad week last week, so I did not have time to blog on the other side. I have tried this morning and all is really quiet. Has something happened that I missed last week as on looking back some of the days seem a lot quieter than normal….

I hope you are all well, Moose well done with your blog here. I have only had the chance to read a couple of entries, but they are great and everyone here seems so close – it much more personal than the other side.

Anyway, sorry again for the intrusion.


Anonymous said...

Afternoon folks!

The more the merrier T! That's how I got on here .... ran through the front door before thy could shut it and now they can't get rid of me!

I've posted 3 times on today's and once (again) on Friday's next door. Either we are all banned or they are on the skive!

Might have to resort to emailing the man himself!

Jo said...

Hello :o)

Went looking at puppies yesterday - think we might have got one :o) (just got to phone and confirm this week). We'll be due to pick up puppy (provisionally named Holly) on the 18th Feb, just after moving into our new house - Tis times of major change!

Wish now that I didn't have my pink photo up as I could play the guess the blogger game, now I think that people would recognise me :o(

On the subject of Big Brother - I am normally a real addict but this year I couldn't bring myself to watch it at all. I even gave up on the live web updates which normally fill a few empty holes at work.

Are the cross buns still hot?? Extra butter for me please (now I've got an excuse!)

:o) Jo

Moose said...

Hey, everyone's welcome over here!
Thanks for joining us T...

Anonymous said...

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just looked at the pic of mr & mrs MfR from yesterday. I could see it properly when I looked yesterday. It's so deprssing they are too good looking. I think I will have to remain a mystery until I have lost four stone or have won the lottery for immediate lyposuction/face transplant whichever comes first.

Totally unhappy

cath(ugly betty)mel :-(

Anonymous said...

Well, if anyone really is welcome over here, I would like to play!

I know I only post occasionally, but have been keeping up with you all over here. I usually post as 'Sars' on the CE blog, but would rather be 'Sarah' on this blog as no-one else has posted as that yet.

I do not have much time to contribute, but please know that all those who need postitive thoughts etc sending have had them from me, all the amusing comments have raised a smile, and all the topics/discussions have made me think.

Hope to have enough time to post properly tomorrow - have a good evening all.


Anonymous said...

Evening' all

Hope you are pleased with your meeting Moose.

Sars - your post that I replied to on the other side (a week or so ago) was a delight to receive on those pages - thanks again.

T - lovely to see you too : )

Just a quickie before I cook tea. WAsn't it light this evening?
Haven't even checked out CE blog yet - got my priorities right ; )
I am such a fan on Chris' - always have been. I was happy to carry on next door once we had all kissed and made up (after the 'orrible comments)...but when they started again, it was just a bit too much negative energy for me. There are other message boards for those who fancy a bickering : )

Would love to think of something funny to say, but can't. lol!!

have you noticed how good I have been recently not mentioning my footie team? I never realised I was capable of such behaviour : )

Laters lovely friends.

I hope all you absentees are ok.


Anonymous said...

Gaby, thanks for that. I felt very strongly about what was happening, and having read the comments over here I was concerned that unnecessary hurt was being caused to some of you, and that you were considering 'leaving'.

Sadly it seems that the character of the CE blog has changed, not for the better, and there also seem to be technical problems over there currently. Anyway, I am so pleased that Moose started this one, and, in my opinion, the heart and soul is now over here. I really would have a much duller day at work without all your uplifting, intriguing comments!

My two concerns about joining in are 1) I am somewhat of a stranger to you good people (I suppose this will resolve itself), and 2) I am not blonde - sorry Moose!

Till tomorrow!


Moose said...

Welcome...despite not being blonde. I'm not allowed to be that bothered anyway. Mrs Moose is blonde. And the mooselets (although strictly speaking they are blond not blonde).

Glad you find a welcome over here.
I'm still hopeful that the CE blog will recover, although I have to say that getting BPd last night and no posts turning up for so long today just add to the general feeling and I've hardly looked over there today.

Will catch up this evening with a cheeky red (wine not head).
Meeting was great - they'll miss me when I'm gone! I have actually had some follow up work to do, so I have only edited half a chapter today.
And I'm still here...I have to go soon to not break my golden rule, which is never to lap yourself in the office if you can possibly help it. I was in at 7am this morning so need to be gone inside 30 minutes...
If I could just get off here, I could go...

Anonymous said...


Firstly, we all started out as strangers to each other. You are a hero for what you posted next door - so that counts for at least 5 months worth of blogging - so that means you have caught up already : )

Secondly, re blonde..I am sure Moose is very open minded re hair colour when welcoming laydees over here : )

Make sure you come back


Anonymous said...

Evening everyone

Just thought I'd check in and see how you all are.

Been in Reading today. Boring meeting, but on the upside I snuck off at 4.00 which meant I was in the gym by 5.30. Meant missing most of the show, but I obviously haven't missed anything on the blog today! Heard Chris mention gremlins, but 2 posts?!?

Welcome to the other side, Sarah. You proved that you are 'one of us' with your fab comments next door when those nasty boys from down the road tried to gatecrash the party.

Moose. I'm going to print chapter 2 tonight and read them back to back in order to give you some decent feedback tomorrow. So far, I like!!!!!

I suppose the million dollar question is, as we approach February, will there be a general release for the long awaited blockbuster;

OAMC - The Sequel. On the blog, no-one can hear you scream.

I reckon we should go for it.

Later all


Anonymous said...

I definitely think we should go for it

Anonymous said...

Evening all. Just been catching up with today's blogs - had a look next door first - my it's quiet - both over the weekend and today. I'm afraid I can't access the Moose blog during the day - coz of the IT police at work.

On BB - I haven't watched any of this series, nor the last. I watched some of the series that jde was in previously. these reality TV programme are strange - in terms of how they affect you. I watched one series of Celebrity - get me out of here - the one that Carol Thantcher won - I was gripped - yet I hadn't watched it before and I didn't watch the last series.

Can I just say that I've had a cr*p day at work. It wasn't that it was any worse than any other day but today I really feel that I'm not valued. Do you think it is possible to both love and hate your job at the same time. I'm sure if I had a different boss it would be different. but you know me and my team have slogged away to deliver on a number of key projects and others have stepped in and taken the cudos. I really came in tonight feeling grumpy - and that's not me. Anyway, hope it was ok to download that!

Must go and grab another glass of wine!!!!

Moose - thanks for sending chapter 2 - I hope to get a chance to look at it tonight if not tomorrow (given the time I need to get up I'm already past my bedtime.

Oh and a quick welcome to the newcomers here.

Best wishes to everyone.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's the wine or tiredness but clearly I did not look at my previous e-mail to check for spelling and grammar. I am usually so anal about that, that it scares me. Maybe I'm starting to let my hair down - I certainly need to do that more often.

EG ..... again

Anonymous said...

hello all
have tried to post on the other side this evening, i'll see what happens.
I absolutely concur with everyone elses comments on CE blog and I too am glad you've set this one up Moose..please can I join in too?
On BB: I have pretty much watched it all, and am glad Shilpa won, it is a convienent happy ending,I agree, but grace, humility and dignity won over stupidness ( I don't think Jade was racist, but I do think she was a bully) but Jo and danielle were worse, and they hid behind her. Maybe it is time for another as yet undiscovered "unknown" to make their fortune on reality..I think Jades time is up. It's funny, celebrity reality shows make "celebrities" into "normal" people and "normal people into "celebrities".
I'm looking forward to tomorrows discussion
I'm just going to e mail you Moose re: book.
For breakfast I suggest fresh coffee or peppermint tea, pain au chocolate or Melon, and a run around the table!
Love caroline

Anonymous said...

I've just realised that my speed reading skills are not what I thought they were!

So, are there any hot cross buns left? and;

Do I need to be blond to blog here?

Will go back now and re-read again and maybe find the answers.

Just tryed to post next door. Got a message saying trying to cut down on malicious bloggers so I couldn't post again for a little while. Oh my gosh, I only asked where everyone was and said how much I enjoyed hearing the bit on the show tonight about Sheila the blind women that then got her sight in adulthood. I don't believe it. Does that mean I was BPd?

EG ....... again and again.

Anonymous said...

You've had a busy day Moose - the meeting sounded pretty typical of a Large Corporation or Non-Co-operation!
CE's blog has certainly changed. Not only the comments but the blog itself, guess CLP has less time aince Christmas to write the blog; he writes it shorter and later and less inspiring just for now. Although I think no less of him for that, I always wonder how he manages to keep up the impetus. But hey! You do, Moose, and lots of us are grateful.
What great discussions we've had on Chris's Blog over the weeks/months (?) since it started. There have been many memorable and enriching ones. One of my favourites related to his surreal experience under the tree on Hampstead Heath.
I'll send my email address and hope to sample your book.
More soon - hugs all round
Jill xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Newbies!

I wasn't here today as we had rather a mammouth birthday celebration for the boy over the weekend...the last ones to leave went (eventually) at 2pm yesterday afternoon! Love 'em dearly, but we REALLY needed time to ourselves!

I missed the last BB. Whether the C4 lawyers were all over the case or not, it was still all a farce. I couldn't stand Shilpa from day 1,I thought she was D U L L as ditchwater, but then none of the others had anything going for them particularly anyway. I still wanted Cleo to win as she seemed to be the only one with any intelligence and a half decent personality!

Rant over. Spec will see you later next door or over the page...
