Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Does the sauna boil your brain?

So, I'm sitting in the sauna last night after my first half decent gym session for a few weeks. And the funniest thought came into my mind. It was a new thought. One I do not consciously remember having had before.
Background is necessary. I've had an absolutely fantastic couple of days from an eating point of view. Fantastic in that I've eaten little, healthily and slowly. Doing all the right things. Last night I stopped on the way home to listen to the Paul McKenna mind-bender.
Today, I did 10 mins on the bike before doing 21 on the treadmill, alternating 2 mins running and 1 min walking. I started to get stomach cramps towards the end, not something I suffer from really.
Anyway, a quick stretch later and I was in the sauna.
And then it hit me...the thought.
"I'm a thin person, trying to get out."
I've had other thoughts in a similar but significantly less impactful vein before. "There's a thin person in there somewhere trying to get out." "I'm sure the real me is in there somewhere, just buried a bit." You get the drift.
But this was the first time my relaxed and conscious mind had thought this particular thought. It felt like a milestone. It felt like a watershed. It felt like the beginning of something new. Maybe only the start of the beginning. But something is different this time. And for anyone else out there that has tried many times to lose weight, you will know how important that is.
I AM A THIN PERSON. I have never thought that before. It's so definite. So positive. So affirming.
I can only put it down to Paul McKenna. It's really the only thing that's different for me this time, and I have listened twice in the last week.
OK it's also 2007, the year I turn 40. I always told myself that I needed to shed the excess weight before I was 40 or it would be too late. I'm not sure that's true in any way at all, but in past years it has served well to put of the real intent to lose weight to some future date. But I don't think that the beginning of a new year could really change anything quite so substantially.
The only other explanation is that the sauna was too hot and my brain was temporarily not working properly. But I was only in there 5 minutes and I go in regularly, so probably not that either.
So all I can do is give the credit to McKenna and keep going with it. Time will tell whether this really is different.
For the moment it feels different and that's good enough for me.


Jo said...

I like you have a thin person wanting to get out! Unfortunately she ia a bit of a skinny wretch and keeps being forced back in by the much stronger 'bigger boned' girl!

Good for you with the running / walking training, the most efficient way of losing weight, improving fitness etc.

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Moose - How spooky you and our leader have started your blogs about your time in the sauna!

I know what you mean about a thin person being inside! I've had one inside me for years, I just wish there was a door I could open to let her out leaving the extra padding behind! :-)

Have a good day and good luck with your meeting.

Mary xx

Jacqui Radford said...

I can't join in with this one as I'm the kind of person you probably all hate.

However I believe that there is definitely something in positive thinking and mind over matter - I've heard many success stories regarding Paul McKenna.

Good luck with your meeting - will be thinking of you and I hope the outcome is the one you want.


Gaby said...

yipee...I have found you guys.....

now must read Moose's missive and I'll be back

good luck today Moose


Gaby said...

We *couldn't* hate you Jax : )

Moose - I have read a couple of PM's books - the confidence one and the change your life one (please forgive sloppy grammar). I found them so motivating. In fact, having read one of them (the 7 days one, I think it was) I closed the book and decided to hand in my notice at work last July. I did so. : ) A little impulsive maybe but hey, I am a sagitarrian. : )

I think it's great to feel that 'motivation' and something suddenly 'clicking' (preferably not part of one's skeletal structure).

It will take me some time to get to OAMC tomorrow - will leave home by 5pm. what was I going to say...oh yes....I will have to leave at 10ish to get back for my babysitter by midnight.

T said...

moose are you CLP in disguise?? Both talking sauna’s – how spooky!

I was also on the treadmill last night, and have to admire your fitness. I could only manage a jog for 2 mins and a run for a minute (if that sometimes) and had to give up after 15mins. I am sure I will get there one day if I keep at it. I have decided to exercise my hand and arm muscles tomorrow by drinking at the OAMC. How large will the cocktails be? Should I alternate drinking arms to get an even workout?


Jacqui Radford said...

Awh Gaby - thanks - would hate to be hated.

Jax xoxox

Anonymous said...

t - you managed much much more than I would have : )

Jo said...

When I used to go to the gym I did this stuipid fast walking up a massive incline (they told me too) then normal walking on a level - I think it's called Fartlek training but don't quote me on that, it worked though!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...


When I told my kids abou tomorrow night, the conversation went like this :

Kid 1: so.... you are meeting people you don't know that you talk to in a chat room when you said that we should never, ever do that (she said this as she was picking up grated cheese with her fingers and distributing over spag bol)

Me: well, it's not EXACTLY a chat room it's more that we reply to .........

Kid 2: I am the only one that can represent a decent family member...my sister has awful table manners, my mum is meeting up with people she talks to on an internet chat room.....so, please can I have my belly button pierced



Anonymous said...

jo - nice pic : )

what is happening next door - there is no one about - I had 3 confiscated in under an hour - is that a record - have given up now - have posted 4 and not one got throug - the one that did was my fifth and first (if you know what I mean)

Jo said...

Tell them that it's your decision to be a (not wishing to cause offense here) reprobate and when they support themselves and have there own house they can live by there own rules - and that grown ups (well in age alone) are allowed to break the rules if it's for the greater good (or just for a laugh too).

Have mucho fun tomorrow - will raise a HW (note to self - go and rescue the Galliano form ma and pa's tonight)at the designated time tomorrow.

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

jo : )

they said it all tongue in cheek - and I think are as intrigued as I am : )

pity you can't make it

Jo said...

Have just had post stolen from the other side - I think that might have been my first ever, I like to skirt on the edges of accebility but have never overstepped the mark before.

Maybe it was because I mentioned the BPO by Names Q / M, or because I mentioned their boss 'C'.

Maybe it was because I typed defunct and they misread it???

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

It's very mysterious...it's all gone very quiet next door - no post now for nearly 3 hours - i think that is a record.

Jo said...

I keep posting stupidity in the hope that they'll relent and let one through :o)

Jacqui Radford said...

I thought the lack of posts was something to do with me - nice to know it's everyone. I take comfort in numbers.

Gaby - your family conversation sounds like a classic - similar to one you'd have heard in the Bisto ads some years ago....


Anonymous said...

Hi Gaby

It's very strange indeed, can't believe no one has blogged since 1ish!!

Thank you to Moose for giving us an alternative blog to keep us going in the meantime :-)

I though I had flu but I think it's my ME, I have over done things before, during and after Christmas. Worth it at the time and I do tend to go a bit mad when I'm feeling good and forget about the consequences! Need to pick myself up, I've been off work this week but need to go back tomorrow! Wish I had the financial security to allow me to take a year out, for now I will just have to keep wishing for my numbers to come up on the lottery!

I'm pleased you sorted things out with work! You have great kids, you are obviously a very good role model! :-)

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

Hope this goes through! Chris' blog must definitely have packed in somehow - I have been trying to get through since 1.30!

Moose, hope you don't mind me getting my "fix" like this!

I am a little confused as to how to join the blog. Do I want to sign up on Google/Blogger?

Can someone advise?!


Anonymous said...

Hi Chrissie

I click the "other" then type in my name.

Mary (mwk)

Anonymous said...


Thank you! I was completely at sea when asked for my web page!

Hope everyone is getting through Wednesday. I finish at 5pm tonight - the minutes are dragging!

What will we DO if we never get back on to Chris' blog!!


T said...

Just tried to post next door! has the site crashed - i hope it was not down to me as I think I was the last entry!

I definately think moose is CLP in disguise and this is now his new blog!

Anonymous said...

Me again!

Just want to say, I am getting really excited about the OAMC - and I'm not even able to go!!

Hope Chris' blog is up and running tomorrow, or else this will be one very busy blog!

Moose, hope today went well.

Mary, it must be so tempting to overdo things when you are feeling a little better. Please try to take things easy!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Saw this and thought of all of you who have a cracking sense of humour. CLP blog is obviously not functioning and probably would have been BP'd anyway. Hope you enjoy it!

When I went to lunch today, I noticed an old lady sitting on a park bench sobbing her eyes out. I stopped and asked her what was wrong. She said, "I have a 22 year old husband at home. He makes love to me every morning and then gets up and makes me pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit and freshly ground
I said, "Well, then why are you crying?" She said, "He makes me homemade soup for lunch and my favourite brownies and then makes love to me for half the afternoon.
I said, "Well, why are you crying?" She said, "For dinner he makes me a gourmet meal with wine and my favourite dessert and then makes love to me until 2:00 a.m." I said, "Well, why in the world would you be crying?"

She said, "I can't remember where I live!"

Anonymous said...

Thanks Chrissie xx

I'm the same about the OAMC, keep having that nice feeling you get when you are looking forward to something then I remember I'm not going :-( We should have a Scottish one and then maybe a yearly one where we could all get together!

Mary xx

Thanks to whoever posted the Joke :-)))

Anonymous said...

lol - thanks ladies xx

Mary - I really feel for you, and wish I could magic you better. Paul McKenna mentions an enlightening technique whereby one imagines 'things' flowing through your body (can't remember his exact words)and it has helped people to feel healthier in whatever their situation is. I wish I could do that for you - to imagine you healthy and well and for it to happen. Actually, I am going to give it a try : )

The above has been lost in translation, methinks. He explains it so well - I have used other methodologies of his to help me with problems I have had - he is so inspiring.

None of the above is meant to sound trivial.


Sorry, I won't go on about it again - it must be irritating when people are thinking they know stuff etc

Jacqui Radford said...

I just got a mention - woo!!! My first ever....am so excited :-)))


Anonymous said...

wow jax - that's fab. what did he say

Jacqui Radford said...

Oh he read out my text. Are you listening? He's doing 'What's the first thing you do when you get in at night?'.
I said I make a fuss of my dog, Wellington or he sulks...big time!

Don't know if he knew it was the Jax from the blog - silly isn;t it. i really wanted him to make the connection.


Moose said...

I sent in a This makes you feel good (or whatever) I assume it was not chosen?


by the way...I think the pointy haired boss has caved in. I feel a little uncertain about it for some reason. No-one has yet mentioned a number. He warned me I might have a very different number in my head from the HR lady and that I need to see her to sort it out. Legally I'm pretty sure my number is in the right ball-park, even if they squabble about a few things at the edges. So I guess a big fight about cash is going to ensue for me to get what I think I'm owed.

So there we are...not quite enough to celebrate tomorrow, but a chink of light in a door that I need to beat down.

Anonymous said...

Gaby your thoughts are very much appreciated, trust me! I am very grateful for you sharing any self help/well being tips with me. Thank you xx

I haven't read any of Paul McKenna's material, I will make an effort to do so.

Thanks again
Mary xx

Jacqui Radford said...

Moose - a chink of light is better than total darkness :) Keep smiling


Anonymous said...

moose - the door will be easier to beat down with the chink in it : )

Anonymous said...

moose - the door will be easier to beat down with the chink in it : )

Anonymous said...

am starting to repeat myself

am starting to repeat myself

Anonymous said...

did you just hear that bit about the lady who put her front door key into the ignition when she was in her driving test. I feel so normal....I have just gone to my washing machine with my shepherd's pie, instead of to the oven.

Jacqui Radford said...

Gaby - classic. Caused another instance of laughing out loud to myself making everyone think I'm crazy!
Reminds me of when I found my car keys in the freezer!!!

Imagine 23 years to pass your test. Well done her - I think I'd have given up.

JoJo said...

Can anyone join in here? Let me know if I'm a gatecrasher?

Think I've been BP'd on Chris's blog, I mentioned 2 flashers in the steam room where I used to work, surely that's not offensive.

Anyway first thing I do when I get in is take bra off (just like lady on show), but I take it off without removing my jumper - I'm I alone with this - is it just my 'private' party piece?

Went to gym last night 30 mins. on treadmill - felt uncomfortable then but great today. Let's keep motivating each other to keep going. Moose - over 40 weighty issue - when I was teaching exercise I went to lecture on this and they say it's harder to shift it after 40 - slower metabolism etc, so keep up the exercise - as hard as it as the time, you know it will do the job. I'm going to try my best to keep on exercising.

fillybay said...

Hi Moose.have given up with Chris's blog.Been bashed tooo many times.
So another blogger with a 40th this year,deff a party at the Mberry then.
I ahve emailed Chris n crew to see if they can come up with a guide to 'what you cant say on a blog' as this is getting crazy.
Perhaps its because I asked 'how long do you cook a chicken for?' A very emotive subject!!
Hey ho,fillybay.

Jacqui Radford said...

JoJo - sorry to rain on your parade but I think being able to take a bra off without undressing is something most women can do. Don't know how we all learn to do so.....


Jacqui Radford said...

I don't think the BP are blocking all the posts - think it's a technical problem. Just a hunch - am not an expert.


JoJo said...


I thought I was special - talented - unique? I'm just a plain ole Jo......


Anonymous said...

Hiya, found you all at last. Kept getting stuck in CLP's blog and the wrong moose site. Oh, such a kerfuffle.

ANyway, posted you a message on CLP's site re hookers being my favourite, i think it has something to do with the fact that my bottom will always be smaller than a hookers.... thats my real bottom as opposed to my thin persons bottom - which is roughly the same size as Catherine Zeta Jones's.

As it is, 'im in doors was a fly half, thankfully the was bit means that his bottom is now almost the size of mine. Which is nice.

All this talk of bottoms - i apologise for bringing the tone of your blog down moose!


Anonymous said...

Ps - look at you and all the responses, there will be a competition next for 100 on your site!!

PPS - 24 hrs to go, i cant wait to hear all about it. Look out for my spirit which will be there, probably dressed in purple, despite Hazels reccomendation to avoid it.


Moose said...

Thanks everyone! I couldn't believe it when I saw 44 Comments....then I rememberd CLPs site was down most of the day....sorry I couldn't join you.

Feel free to party on my blog any time you like!!!

Can I be #100 on here???