Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Groups and the rule of 150...

One of my favourite theories, which I will repeat as often as possible, invited or uninvited, is that of the "Rule of 150". So much so that it appears in both my books, and I had a chat about it at breakfast this morning too.
Basically, it's the theory that 150 is the maximum size of a group of human beings to function synergistically, altruistically and with common purpose. There's a strong correlation in animals between the ratio of brain to body size and the size of group they live in. Extrapolate for humans and the answer is something like 147.6, often rounded to 150.
I was pondering today the fact that as humans we can cope with a huge number of different small groups or communities that we belong to. We can cope quite happily switching between these groups all the time. We have our families, work colleagues (which may be split into a number of different groups), friends (ditto), virtual communities, church groups etc etc etc. The list goes on.
What interests me is the link between the two. I see the rule of 150 at work. Teams or business units below 150 seem to work. People are selfless, identify with common goals, pull together and have a feeling of togetherness. People like being in those teams and work harder and longer. Move over 150 and you start getting cliques, infighting, selfishness, politics etc. The Hutterite communities in the US unknowingly follow this rule and villages split in two when they reach 150 in size. The Gore Tex companies follow the rule in their business units.
However, in an exercise conducted as part of my first book, I listed out all the people that I know. "Know" being loosely defined as where there is mutual recognition of names and faces, and virtual friends being a fascinating exception to this rule. This came to significantly more than 150. There's a classic test of relative connectedness that takes 250 names from the phone book at random, and counts the number of people you know with that surname. Even on this fairly small group of names, results can go up to 120 for highly connected people, and 250 names is a very small proportion of the total possible.
So how can the rule of 150 work, and yet we all know so many more people?
Well, I think it's because of the sub-dividing that we do within the people we know. If they were all one amorphous blob of acquaintancies, then we would be limited to 150 of them. But, we actually cope with so many more because they are in smaller groups.
So what is the largest number of acquaintancies that we can cope with in total? And what is the largest number of different groups that we can cope with?
Answers on a postcard please!
I need to lie down and think of an experiment to test it.
In the meantime, if you are ever really bored and have some time to waste, can you do a couple of things for me:
- write down everyone you know (see definition above)
- group them into "communities" - define them however you see fit
- record the total number of people, the total number of groups and the range of people per group (min and max)
Include virtual/blog type communities and people you think you know well enough to include.
Anybody who answers gets a credit in the book!! Some prize huh?


Anonymous said...

Evening. Can i suggest that all future blogs of this nature have a health warning attached?

I have sat down to my lentil salsa, mackrel and vin rouge and have boggled my brain just trying to think about how many people i know. Can i really know more than 400 people?? Given that i have only around 10 'real' friends.

Looking at address books, work/client contact sheets, family (mine is a particularly voluptuous one owing to the lack of commitment my parents showed to the sanctity of marriage!) and so on, i know loads and loads of people, and yet they average (im making an educated guess - obviously havent had time to scientifically test this theory) around 15 people per group.... is that the number that on an individual basis i can manage?

I am 30 in the summer and will be holding a street party, so last night i began to right a list of people i wanted to invite and realised that for the first time i would be bringing a number of 'groups' together that have not met before... and, it also brought to light that i am different in some way, with all of those groups. Maybe a suggestion of my lack of self confidence, or the fact that i am a gemini and have a million personalities, or the fact that subconciously i have implemented a coping mechanism to deal with the seperate groups.

you have me thinking now Moose, i may have to accept the challenge and look at the facts rather than the summisings.

lentil salsa - nice one.

PS [[[[Hazel]]]]]

Moose said...

Laughing out loud!!!
I did think about a health warning but thought you guys are used to me enough to know that a general one is always required for my musings!
Just wait for the book!!!
And as for you already writing your list...good timing or what?
Cheers, and what's your Erdos-Bacon number?

Anonymous said...

364 - my erdos-smith number on the other hand is much lower!

Anonymous said...

with a little thought, realised erdos-bacon no: is actually 2.

Moose said...

anna - i'm just impressed you have one...erdos-bacon number that is. i have neither erdos-bacon number, nor erdos number, nor bacon number. but i will have when my book gets made into a film. kevin bacon will appear as himself and i will have small cameo role.

Anonymous said...

i think you'll find moose that you have a virtual ergos-bacon of 3!!

Now thats a good reason for writing a book that can be made in to a film, the cameo. Sadly i have 2 stories for a book and and 2 sit-coms in my head and absolutely no idea/commitment to putting them on paper. Maybe on day, the sitcom would defo have a role in it for me.

Maybe i should hunt Victoria Wood down to give her the sit-coms - not that she isnt full of her own ideas i realise!

Anonymous said...

Surely you would rather get a superstar to play you. That leonardo de caprio chap is doing rather well for himself these days, and he wouldnt mind the antlers stapling to his head - if it was for his art.

Anonymous said...

Moose and Anna

Just off to find my ergos-bacon number : )

and , from a couple of blogs ago....am also off to find my 'superman'


Anonymous said...

oops....erdos, I mean

ergo sum something or other


Anonymous said...

update - I've found some bacon

Anonymous said...

sorry, you were having a really sensible chat and I have come in with some inane and stupid comments!! : ) ("not for the first time",I hear you cry)

I will really try to do your experiment Moose (sorry, that sounded a bit saucy didn't it!! : ))....if I get my name mentioned in your book (although that is NOT the motivation, you understand), please could you add the following after (a little like where you would put the letters BSc)....GSOH (my words not yours), Sagitarrian, single, not in love but open to persuasion.

anna - great idea to have a street party for your 30th. Your post about the different groups that you identified etc was really thought provoking. Wish I could reply in length now but I need to go out soon ("thank goodness for that", I hear you cry


Anonymous said...


I have been thinking about you - I hope you are having a good week. It must be freezing cold where you are.....warm hugs coming atcha : )

Moose has my email address - please have it if you would like.

His 'introduction' fee is close to extortion mind. : ) worth it though : )


Moose said...

Anna and Gaby,
I went for the sausages this morning instead.
Well obviously a fabulously good-looking star will play me in the film. To keep things as true to life as possible. Remember that "I" am called "Matt" in my book though. Matt Damon maybe? Jude Law? Although probably needs to be younger than that. "I" am only 27-29 in the book. Maybe that Robin Hood fella?
I will cameo as someone completely different. Probably my boss, or Colin Montgomerie's caddie, or the concierge.
Now "Mrs Me" or "Mrs Matt" is actually called Jo. How strange is that? Kate Winslet is an obvious choice (well it is for me!)
And as for Katie (who is in the process of being re-named in my edit), I'm thinking the girl in Venus (Peter O'Toole and Leslie Phillips film) looks right for the part...seems to be a northerner though so would be dependent on her accent-ability.
But who would play all my virtual blog friends?
Anna Friel for Anna.
Gaby Logan for Gaby.
Hazel erm...Hazel erm...what about Cameron Diaz for Hazel?
Amanda Holden for AS66
Marie helvin for mwk.
Chrissie from Eastenders for ChrissieS (sorry - best I could come up with!)
Helen(a) Bonham-Carter for DWNB.
Keith Chegwin for BigUn.
Matt Damon for Matt from Rudgwick...well that rules him out from playing me now.
Chris Evans can play himself!

OK, so maybe there's a pattern emerging in my actress choices?
I think it's a bit like tennis. As a bloke, you've just got to want a Sharapova - Vaidisova final haven't you? It'd be rude not to. I mean look at the alternative...Clijsters - Williams. No thank you!
All down to tennis ability you understand...

Anonymous said...

Keith Chegwin for BigUn, Ok you have my attention ;-( Now I will be the first to admit there is not an outstanding amount of Keith’s to choose from but Chegwin? What is wrong with rock and roll? Keith Moon or Keith Richards both although not what I would call role models have respect about them as apposed to weirdness ;-))

(Ok so I do not play any instruments but what is your point)

I had bacon for breakfast is that helps at all?

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

I had grape nuts - didn't think they still existed 'til I saw them the other day.....bit malty - would prefer to take my malt as whisky...ne'er too early : )

Ah yes Gaby Logan - will happily settle for that although I am older methinks, and better looking ; )
Well.....no one else is going to blow my trumpet are they!!! : )

Vis a vis the above-mentioned Gabster - who is associated to football - I would too like to apply for such an association (easy tigers) and apply to change my name by deedpoll from Logan to Sheringham.



ps please excuse the above reference - but you must agree that I haven't mentioned him in ages and ages : )

Anonymous said...

NOT Robin Hood (Jonas Armstrong) - FAR too simpering and insipid, also does 'open mouth' acting like Keira Knightley...cannot stick her. (no pun intended, but quite like it anyway)
However, if you are looking Nottingham-wards for your casting, Richard Armitage...the former Guy of Gisbourne...ohohohohoho YES! You may also find some famous Notts hospitality too. You do however need to bring dessert, namely choclit and vino rosso el plonko...
I've already been, rather cordially I feel, invited. I may choose to take up this invitation whilst a certain 30th birthday celebration is going on by the way!

anna - It is possibly the things you are turning to for solace which aren't helping you. You sound as if you eat well, but chocolate, wine, anything sugary at all, will ultimately, after a quick suger high, deplete your blood sugar levels, making you tired. I know mancub is only wee, but do you go out walking with him, or drive? Most experts advise walking to be the best exercise, so maybe if you take him for a walk in the evening, just round the block, or to see the ducks, anything which will free your mind for other things, and this should help you relax more, rather than just feeling tired.

My, don't I go on?

I'm all hungry now for some ergos and bacon. I think I'll redo from start, and see if I can work out my magic number.

Moose, re SuperMoose - will you be wearing your pants outside your trousers?

...and more Courtney Love than Cameron Diaz, but pretty close!

BigUn plays pop.

'cogito, ergo sum' - roughly translates as 'I think, but I can't quite remember'

d'you know. I really feel better today. For purely selfish reasons I couldn't face going home and seeing the lovely Barney Bear all sad and helpless. All the love from you lot has helped enormously, and I'm sure it helped lovely Barney too.

Look I have to go now. CE still hasn't posted, so he must be having a lie-in (fnar fnar etc)


ps Moose, Lidl are doing a special on Lime Cordial. Twelve bottles for 9p. I shall bring some to the OAMC.

Anonymous said...


Just reading over your cast list of the film of the book. Chrissie from East Enders!! Just brilliant! I am a dab hand with a door stop!!

C xx

Anonymous said...

I absolutely L O V E grape nuts. Used to have them at my Gran'ma's house. Always warm milk too. Fab. Now I shall have to look for some when I next go shopping.

Sheringham? Who is this Sheringham? Would it be the 'Teddy Sheringham' (please do the awful accent yourselves) of whom we hear referred to so much by some dreadful post-teen, glamour model 'ex' 'beauty queen' ('scuse me????) on some equally dreadful but fairly compelling television programme. I shall have to enter the name into my search to see if your love/lust/general wantoness are justified in my opinion.

hang on...

yeah, I can see it. Mind you, i used to be in love with Malcolm Macdonald and Kevin Keegan...no room to manoeuvre I have to admit...

I am SOOOO tired. The boy is goin a visitin an old friend this eve, so I'll be in on my own. Might be quite cool actually, catch up to myself a bit...and try to work out the erdos jobbie



Jo said...

moose - am freaked out, I am obviously called Jo, see the identity above. My Husband, or Mr me or Mr Jo (I like the way that sounds) is called Matt! and my sister is called Caty.

Are you stalking me?? Go on say you are, that would be quite fun! I've never been stalked before - wouldn't really like to be properly stalked but pretend stalking could be a laugh!

:o) Jo

Moose said...

Jo - Yes I am. Virtually. have you checked your blog lately?
BigUn - sorry but the name Keith just leads me to comedy!!! What about Keith Allen - we could get Lily to have a role too!
Grape Nuts - yes!
Nottingham accent no good for me - needs to be all gutter estuary English or Texan.

PS I decided today should be HOT PINK WEDNESDAY.
PPS Did anyone else think CE was trying desperately hard yesterday on the show NOT to call yesterday Orange Tuesday for fear of being seen as self-aggrandizing? Or was I just imagining that?

Moose said...

You'd better also confirm that your surname is not and never has been Harris or Sanders...if it is then I'll have to change some more names to protect the innocent.

Jo said...

Confirmed, my surname is, never has been or never will be (as far as I can tell) Harris or Sanders. Although there was a Mrs Sanders who taught at my seconday school but she was a Jane!

Stalk on my friend and all hail hot pink wednesday (as you can see I am correctly attired!)

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Gaby - loved your bacon comment ! You do make me laugh !

Moose - check your inbox :)

Chrissie - Chrissie from Eastenders real name is Tracey-Ann....Maybe she can double up if I`m lucky enough to be included !!!!

Busy Busy Busy today (mainly E mailing Ms. Love !!!!)

Hope all are well and fab...LOVING the snow.

Until later

Tracey-Ann x x x

Anonymous said...

Now I really can not wait for the OAMC and the chance of a night out with Cameron Diaz and Gaby Logan ;-)) (the stuff that dreams are made of!)

Ok moose Keith Allen it is ;-)) I do hope Lily will sing at my birthday party!

Chegwin = comedy……….nope can’t say I get it. I just have an image of a naked Chegwin on late night channel 4……how worrying ;-(

Moose, would you like me to post some of the jokes on here that I could not get past the BP on the other side? Just a thought no pressure as I do not want to offend your public ;-))

Keith the BigUn

Moose said...

Tracey-Ann - you're in!

Just had a chicken and BACON sandwich for lunch.
Am editing the book...back in the mood today for some reason. Who knows why but seize the day!! At least I don't have to change Matt or Jo's names...phew! Although with Word it's actually very easy. I did Katie (have decided to only change the surname) and it's done in an instant. Jo - she's the ex-girlfriend of MAtt, not sister...

HR meeting now set for 4pm this afternoon.
3 more "rats leaving the sinking ship" that I've heard about this week...one of them off to my Corporate X. Small world innit?

Moose said...

Chegwin comedy simply for the strange juxtaposition with the other people in the list, not himself. Although most of his career and personal life is laughable! The naked thing was on while I was in Germany so I don't have pictures in my head...fortunately.
Jokes - Post away my friend...

Anonymous said...


As you were in Germany and missed out......


Tee Hee x x x

Moose said...

I refuse to look. My work filter probably wouldn't let me anyway! So I shan't try...

CE is up today in case you've missed it anyone...

Anonymous said...

Amanda Holden - eh?! Thanks for putting a smile on my face! If only you knew!!!

Couldn't respond to the blog as I have read it about 5 times and still can't make head nor tail of it! One of the advantages of being blonde methinks!

Didn't even get the family favourite beach name correct yesterday - not Porthtowan - Chapel Porth. Well it was one of those days - or should I say another blonde moment!

Heartfelt good vibes coming your way for 4pm. I am so lucky because I love my job, but have been where you are (not as high up the chain etc..) and don't envy you one bit.

Hazel Love - not very good with words but {{{{hug}}}}

Can't wait for Big Un's 'naughty' jokes - might have a few of my own to post.

No snow here - just bright sunshine and blinkin' freezin'! Little boys were soooooo disappointed when they got up this morning to frost and not a thick blanket of snow.

AS66 x

Moose said...

yeah, being a renowned actress and thinking man's crumpet must be a great job.
No wonder you go under a pseudonym though, wouldn't want anyone knowing it was really you.
And...shh...we won't mention celebrity Big Brother again...

Anonymous said...

Little Johnny was in the classroom on a Friday afternoon, and the
teacher had a game for the kids.

"Okay class. Now I'm going to say a famous quote, and the first person to tell me who said that quote, can have Monday off," said the teacher.

"To be, or not to be. That is the question," ...said the teacher.
Little Din Don Chow at the front of the class called out,..."Shakespeare!"

"Well done!" said the teacher. "You can have Monday off."

"No thank you miss, I am of Vietnamese origin and it is in our culture to study as hard as we can, so I will be in here on Monday studying hard", said little Din Don Chow.

"Okay," said the teacher. The next quote is....."I HAD A DREAM!"

Little Fri Som Kat also at the front yelled out "Martin Luther King!"

"Well done!" said the teacher. "You can have Monday off."

"No thank you miss, I am of Chinese origin and we also don't take time off school. Education is everything to us, so I will be in on Monday studying hard too, "said little Fri Som Kat.

"Okay," said the teacher.

Then she heard a voice from the back of the classroom..."Fucking Asians!"

"Who said that?" yelled the teacher in an angry tone.

"Enoch Powell!" yelled little Johnny....."See ya Tuesday"

Anonymous said...

lol...you lot make me laugh so much - something I need after events this morning in the real world. Ahem.

Keith...yayyyyyyy jokes : ) For some reason I cant post at all next door - he tells me 'you can't send posts' - nice!! not had one of that particular message before.

Wow - all these grape nut fans coming out of the woodwork. They ae still in that old-fashioned box too - but, you know the perforated push-inny thing through which one pours - well it's not there any more. You have to open at the top.

Moose - if enough of your colleagues leave - you will have the place to yourself and you can pay yourself what you like and do what you like....: )

jo - what coincidences!!!! - freaky, for sure : )

Am loving 'hot pink wednesday'....although I think the man at the garage thought it was a bit over the top for a car pick-up : )


Moose said...

Who posted that???

Jade Goody, are you out there?

Anonymous said...

am off next door to see if the BP have decided to let me through.

Put the kettle on ....

Back later.


Disclaimer: any exaggeration in a previous post when making comment regarding pleasing appearance was entirely unintentional

Anonymous said...

The blonde hair is where all the similarities end between myself and the lovely Ms Holden - it's all downhill thereafter - but I am partial to crumpets (maybe a bit TOO partial)! Sorry to shatter your illusions.

We, quite definitely, do not share the same taste in men, I hasten to add!!!

AS66 x

Moose said...

Are you girls ALL blonde??

Maybe I died and went to heaven...

When's the tennis on?

Anonymous said...

Who posted that? Oh that err…. me if we are talking of the same that! Gaby rumbled me ;-)


A charity pantomime in aid of paranoid schizophrenics descended into chaos last night when someone shouted “He’s behind you”

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

May I please have an Erdos-Armitage number? It's probably about nine hundred and four, but hey, we could at least have children who had separate eyebrows instead of just the one all the way across, and shares in OshKoshByGosh...

Anonymous said...


3-year-old Reese:

"Our Father, Who does art in heaven,
Harold is His name.
A little boy was overheard praying:
"Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it.
I'm having a real good time like I am."
After the christening of his baby brother in church,
Jason sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car.
His father asked him three times what was wrong.
Finally, the boy replied,
"That preacher said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home,
and I wanted to stay with you guys."
I had been teaching my three-year old daughter, Caitlin, the Lord's Prayer for several evenings at bedtime. She would repeat after me the lines from the prayer.
Finally, she decided to go solo.
I listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word,
right up to the end of the prayer:
"Lead us not into temptation," she prayed,
"but deliver us from E-mail."
One particular four-year-old prayed,
"And forgive us our trash baskets
as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets."
A Sunday school teacher asked her children as they were on the way to church service,
"And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"
One bright little girl replied,
"Because people are sleeping."
Six-year-old Angie and her four-year-old brother, Joel, were sitting together in church.
Joel giggled, sang, and talked out loud. Finally, his big sister had had enough."You're not supposed to talk out loud in church."
"Why? Who's going to stop me?" Joel asked.
Angie pointed to the back of the church and said,
"See those two men standing by the door?
They're hushers."
A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons,Kevin 5, and Ryan 3.
The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake.
Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson.
"If Jesus were sitting here, He would say,'Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.'Kevin turned to his younger brother and said,
"Ryan, you be Jesus!"
A father was at the beach with his children when the four-year-old son ran up to him,grabbed his hand, and led him to the shorewhere a seagull lay dead in the sand.
"Daddy, what happened to him?" the son asked.
"He died and went to Heaven," the Dad replied.
The boy thought a moment and then said,"Did God throw him back down?"
A wife invited some people to dinner.
At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said,
"Would you like to say the blessing?"
"I wouldn't know what to say," the girl replied.
"Just say what you hear Mommy say," the wife answered.
The daughter bowed her head and said,"Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?"

AS66 x

Anonymous said...

evening - had pesky people looking over my shoulder all day today so have not been able to check in. My its good to be back.

Gaby - LOL xx

Anna Friel is ok, but i think i prefer Nigella. We have a similar sized bottom and altho i dont suggestively eat asparagus, i reckon with a dark wig i could pass..... (another blondie moose!) or should that be with a wig, in the dark.

Hazel - go walking. in nottingham. are you crazy!? Only joking, walking is ok actually. Live near sherwood forest and often visit a place called rufford to feed the ducks and spot the squirrels and him in doors is a big out doors fan so usually do something outdoorsy on a weekend. Think it is probably during the week that i dont do enuf. Diet is ok, eat fresh when i cook but do indulge in the odd take out, once a week.... well paul mckenna says i can!

Re 30th birthday, when writing my list i wondered about inviting you lot, and then thought - may be that is too strange. have told him in doors about you all and he doesnt care either way (not in a bad way incidentally!) but how do i explain you all to my friends, family and neighbours.... particularly given that i would be more excited to see/meet you lot than some of my family!

AS66 - Chapel Porth near St Agnes!? I love that beach!!!

Moose - hope the HR mtg went well.


PS Grape Nuts??