Even before seeing the CE blog arguments tonight, I was thinking on the following today.
Maybe more relevant now?
Opinions are funny things.
We can never find 100% agreement to our opinions. Nor, I suggest, would we want to. Where's the fun in agreeing all the time?
Usually, we can find someone to agree with us, so we're never likely to be in the minority of one either.
So we're somewhere in between 0% and 100% agreement.
The interesting thing for me is that the level of agreement is of no consequence as to whether we are right or not. Sometimes the majority are right. And sometimes they are wrong.
But being right or not is NOT really the point. If we wanted to simply be right all the time, we would be called God (my opinion, feel free to agree or disagree as you see fit!).
As humans we are fallible. We get things wrong. Some of us get things wrong all the time. Some only occasionally.
One sure-fire way of being wrong less often is to shut up and not offer our opinions.
This method (that Dr T so wisely counselled us towards on CE today) is wholly appropriate in certain circumstances.
But life would be dull indeed if we followed this advice all the time.
For me, the best outcomes of voicing opinions occur when we voice them with a willingness and humility to accept that they might be wrong. However much we think they are right, however strongly we believe something, we always, always, always might be wrong.
That should NOT deflect us from expressing our opinions though.
You may have picked up that I am a Christian. I believe the Bible. Most people would call me a fundamentalist. I try to follow Christ and live a life which is as "right" as I can. I guess that puts me in a minority. I'm not convinced that it means I am wrong though...
I will gladly express my opinions on Christianity, evolution, faith etc etc. And while I am SURE in my faith, I also recognize that it is MY faith. I am humble enough to accept that I may have some things wrong. I am willing to listen to other people's opinions and faith, and discuss with them. I'm also willing to learn where I have things wrong and adapt and adjust my faith accordingly.
There are certain things about my faith that are extremely unlikely to change, having been pulled apart, reconstructed, argued against and examined in intimate detail over many years with many people.
I am also willing to leave people with their faith. What I hope for, maybe even expect but definitely don't demand, is that people will be equally open, humble and willing to learn and adapt. What I struggle with is when people expect (or even demand) of me that I listen to them and be willing to accept that I might be wrong and change, and yet they are not willing to listen to me, accept that they might be wrong and be willing to change. And I know that fundamentalist Christians can be among the worst offenders. In my experience, fundamentalist evolutionists run them very close though! Don't get me started on Richard Dawkins...
If we express our opinions, and listen to those of others with the attitude of humility and willingness that I suggest, then I reckon we'll all end up with better relationships and greater understanding.
We still won't always agree. Long live that!
But we may all just learn something along the way, grow as human beings and learn to be able to agree to disagree.
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Morning Moose, good news on the HR lady. A good kick start to your new career methinks!
So your post of last night then. I had realised with a few things you have said before that you were Christian and its funny because, historically i have legged it in the opposite direction when i have come across Christians, fundamentalist or otherwise.
Mainly because of my experiences of born again christians as a young teenager... When 11, my father left me and my mum for another woman and i was particularly vulnerable. I was taken under the wing of a Christian family who proceeded to tell me that if i didnt 'believe' the devil would get me. Or words to that effect. They then, throughout the rest of my teens, told me how they were praying that i would be saved by God and were judgemental about the choices i made in my life.
As i mentioned yesterday, my spirituality is strong, but it is also something i question on a daily basis and it is that that I believe keeps faith, religion, spirituality - honest and true. (of course i may be wrong!)
Its interesting that we have the virtual friendship before i really found out about your faith, perhaps i will be less judgemental the next time this situation arises. ;o)
As far as opionions are concerned, my step dad thinks that he shouldnt have opinions because they are born out of being judgemental. So everything that anyone says his response is "thats just your opinion".
Surely as human beings, here to learn and grow, we have to form opinions in order to develop. So long as we recognise, as you say moose, they may be wrong.
Blimey, that was all a bit deep for a Thursday morning..... double blimey - is it really Thursday!?
Just to let you guys know, I posted a comment on "Barney" yesterday with the HR update...just so as not to repeat myself too much! I know how it sets some people off!
Moose - you show a certain lack of knowledge, women are ALWAYS right!
Although I quite readily admit I'm wrong when faced with scientific or actual proof, not just someone saying I'm wrong.
The looting thing being a prime example, my opinion was that it was quite amusing but then having read about the SA lady and her personal belongings I quite happily admit that it wasn't a situation to be made light of and that real people got hurt. If it had been massive coporate machines I'm not sure I would have been as bothered though.
:o) Jo
Really good blog. When I was younger I was so opinionated. I remember having a huge disagreement with one of my brothers and he said to me - you have to learn that everything is not black or white - there are grey areas! So now, older and hopefully wiser, I am very aware that although I think I'm right about something, there is every chance I'm not!
Not only I am a Christian, I am a Catholic - from the old school, when you were told you would spend eternity in Hell if you don't toe the line! Of course I have dumped all that but as for God, for me there can be no doubt - I just look at my daughter and I know there must be God - there's no way she is here because of the Big Bang! However, I work with a girl whose parents taught her that there is no God and that we are all here because of the Big Bang!
Great world, isn't it?!
C xx
Wise words indeed O Moose. It's a complete waste of time trying to answer these people anyway. Quite apart from anything else, they don't seem to have the capacity to string a coherent sentence together, so any reply isn't going to make much sense either.
I for one will not be voting with my feet, I'm just gonna carry on! I'm not sure if that is assertiveness or passive agression, but I can't be bothered to look it up. The first rule of good customer service is not to lose your temper, that way, the customer can't complain about you too!
Firstly, I have just posted such an innocuous comment next door. It may even make it's way on the blog, blimey it's there already.
Secondly, anna, I run whenever I see a large group of people wearing orange (mainly because I can't stick the tambourine) or someone coming in the pub with a bucket full of roses.
Thirdly, I do consider myself a spiritual person, have even been known to go to the occasional church service, I do have certain gifts and I definitely believe in a higher being.
Forthly, I got confirmation of a very small additional rise yesterday, but it was slightly more than 50p, rather than 50k, so GOOD LUCK with the HR lady (she don't sound like much of a lady IMO)
Fifthly, (huh?) DWNBBK@M, congratulations on your promotion from Tour Guide...
Sixthly, (bit of a lisp there sorry) Jo, I'm sure you're beautiful, but it my system doesn't show your pic.
th th th thats all (for now) folks
Keith! Shocking! You made I larf!
Moose...Teal? How about Faun Friday...?
ps My, that's a long one...as the actress said to the bishop...
Moose you are so wise, reminds me of a little story about what we say and the consequences…...
A guy with a black eye boards his plane and sits down in his seat. He notices that the guy next to him has a black eye, too. He says to him, "Hey this is a coincidence, we both have black eyes; mind if I ask how you got yours?"
The other guy says, "Well, it just happened. It was a tongue twister accident. See, I was at the ticket counter and this gorgeous, well endowed blonde was there. So, instead of saying, 'I'd like two tickets to Pittsburgh,' I accidentally said, 'I'd like two pickets to Tittsburgh' So she socked me a good one."
The first guy replied, "Wow! This is unbelievable. Mine was a tongue twister too. I was at the breakfast table this morning and I wanted to say to my wife, 'Please pour me a bowl of Frosties, honey.' But I accidentally said, 'you ruined my life you evil fat slag'
Keith the BigUn
chrissieS, I tend towards the evolution of the species school of thought. Have you seen what happens to cheese?
Blimey, colours can be so emotive, can't they. Maybe I shouldn't have started this...I was only going to go until the end of the week anyway. I thought teal was a nice, sea green sort of colour that would be calming and reflective and elicit thoughts of humility as we contemplate the ocean and realize how small we are in comparison...
Oh well!
The bedrooms in our house are named after the colours they are painted...the blue room (our bedroom) the orange room (Mooselets) and the purple room (spare). Now I know what you are probably thinking but it's Ok...we'll repaint it all magnolia before we try and sell it!
Keith - nice one.
Are we going to see an appearance on the other side today?
Mr Nic the ghost writer probably racking his brains right now trying to think of something to write.
I said not to get me started on Richard Dawkins!!!!!
Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh! I'm being sucked in, I can't fight it any more....
Let's examine the critical pieces of evidence shall we:
1. Jade Goody.
So, now tell me evolution is a) happening and b) a good thing if it is.
Arff arfff arfff.
I believe in something. Probably the mother-ship. Imagine my surprise when I found out that's whats been leading Tom Cruse astray all this time.
There is something out there, but what I think is that we should all follow the basic Christian philosophy... ."treat others as you would like to be treated". You really can't go wrong there can you? That's what I do, and my biggest fear is karma and what it will do when it comes back and bites you... so I never do anything bad, really bad, just in case.
I think I'll continue to drop into the CLP blog, but I've been holding back on any comments where I'm expressing views.... too scared the Harry Lawyers of this world will come and get me.
In a humble and willing attitude....
50% with you...I remember there was another bit as well as "treating others as you would want to be treated"...now what was it?
something about God and love and heart and mind and soul or something...
Anyway, love is in both bits. So it must be quite important.
Erm, hello - can I come and play over here please 'cos it's very quiet next door and there have been some horrible boys saying nasty things .....
I promise to be brief, uncritical and as teal-like as poss - purty please?
Morning all
It's all a bit quiet over the road. They obviously don't let 'them' out until after the morning medication has been dispensed.
So, what's with Mr E? I found the lack of reference to his absence (apart from Stuart's, 'umm, he's poorly') a bit suspicious. Unless his friend/relative took a turn for the worse.
I'll have a strong coffee with one sugar and a banana please.
Happy Thursday
Of course you can play over here. There may be some boys but they mostly try to avoid saying nasty things...except for comedy or things about lawyers...
Hold the sugar and banana. They interfere with MY medication.
Hey --- Check this out. Same thing, in EVERY religion....
Hi jillygoat. It's your turn to bring the sausage rolls anyway.
Moose, I know it's a bit presumptious holding a coffee morning on your blog, but it was either that or a book club, but owing to the vagaries of my lack of technical prowess or I just pressed the wrong button once, I don't have a blog of my own.
I promise there will be no knitting except for the Christmas Bazaar, and we'll only take up a small corner.
Decaf? Don't be silly, it's carte noir or nothing dear!
ps MfR you're very erudite!
Custard creams and garibaldi’s anyone?
Hazel - I expect nothing else but presumptiousness.
Jillygoat - I like sausage rolls.
...and the eating was going so well so far this week. And then you get me just before weigh-in day!
Gary-baldy - no thanks!
Jammie dodgers for me if anyone's got some?
Here I am with the Jammy dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying not to take what happened yesterday to heart. What I can't understand is why take the effort find the blog, read the comments and then critise something I personally actually value very highly.
I really enjoyed todays blog Moose, and will reflect on the message within.
I am also wondering if Chris has lost interest next door and if yesterdays blog was poking fun at us. What actually happened was him sharing a moment about passing wind and then we all commented on it like little sheep - was someone having a laugh at us?
I have some chocolate chip cookies somewhere I will bring them back with me later. As they are virtual we can enjoy without guilt
x x x x x
Thanks. Why does eating virtual jammie dodgers still seem to impact my real lack of weight loss?
Too much hot air isn't a good thing in anyone's book.
Just a thought, but do you think THEY might be lurking here too?
Good Morning all xx
Work is getting in the way, much to my annoyance :-)
Just wanted to say a quick hello.
Good news on the HR Lady Moose.
I too am Catholic and like Chrissie S have dumped some of the
old school ways! I do believe in God, I look back at some of the situations I was faced with and know I couldn't have got through them with out the help I ask him for.
I always treat people as I would like to be treated myself. As my dear Mum would say, "it's nice to be nice" :-)
Moose - I tried to post last night but couldn't get on to your blog - I will contribute towards your experiment, couldn't get to sleep for trying to think of the people I knew and what category suited them!
Keith - you never fail to make me laugh :-))
Sorry I don't have jammie dodgers but I do have bourbons.......
Bye for now
Mary xx
Thanks for the coffee morning guys.
I have to nip out to meet a commitment (one has to take responsibility!!).
Have to drive to St Albans city centre so I may be some time...traffic always a nachtstute. Or even an alptraum.
Funny how buying some cable clips worth about a fiver can take on such importance!!
Feel free to stay and finish your coffee, biscuits, sausage rolls, lunch, whatever, and I will rejoin you all anon...
Thank you very much for letting me join in and please, enjoy the sausage rolls. A fair exchange, I would say!
Make sure you save at least two for Moose though.
I'm trying to ignore the smell of the pastries and biccies in an effort to stick the eating plan, having lost 5lbs in three weeks now. However, myself and 'im indoors are off to Paris tomorrow until Monday and I doubt I'll be able to ignore the food and wine!! Ah well, vive la difference and all that.
jillygoat x
PS Ooh, I nearly forgot, I took the liberty of bringing some scones & jam too - any takers?
SUPERB website DWNB. Of course there are always Charles Kingsley's The Waterbabies characters...Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby and Mrs Donebyasyoudid...try working out how to say those when you're only six! If indeed 'they' are on here, it's just a matter of time before one of 'them' thinks of a suitably unstimulating comment...
MfR, I tend to agree with you. Pretty much about everything.
ChrissieS, I have to say, big bang...now I can't think of anything to say without being rude! But I hope it was at least enjoyable. See, now I've done it. I'm so sorry! It comes with working with too many men (too many!? I hear Gaby cry) and sometimes I do think before I speak, but a lot of times I just have to say it...
Is it lunch time yet? We've only got the hall til 12. MfR the bananas are 40p, why don't you just have a digestive biscuit? Ooh dear, cakes and scones...I'm one of the few that really doesn't like jammie dodgers though...
time for my pills please, to be taken before food..currently on 12 meals a day.
Still blonde
ps Gabyo gabyo wherefore art thou?
Hazel Love
I've been called many things in my time, but erudite, I can cope with.
I spent my drive in this morning mulling over what witty annoying post I could conjour up today, but the enthusiasm has waned and, in all probability, there won't be a fresh blog anyway.
If you are bored later, there are some good clips of Chris on youtube, from TFI, Toothbrush and BB. My he was a cocky young upstart back then!
For the record, I am not a religious person, although I think of myself as 'spiritual'. Not quite sure how or why, but I'll let you know when I find out!
I was brought up in a very 'live and let live' way, so on many levels I have been left to find my own way with things, which I don't consider a bad thing as my beliefs and philosophies are my choices, not those thrust upon me.
I'll have one more coffee and then I'd better get back to work.
As usual, I'm always left to do the dishes! No worries, off you pop you lot!
Cathmel - I used to be paranoid, but now I just look over my shoulder! Surely, surely CE is not pulling our chain! I really will lose all hope if that is the case! And yes, Moose, I think "they" ARE lurking here! Hey, help me get these dishes done!
C xx
and just because I can. BigUn...my boss loved the evil fat slag joke...and this is for you...“Will you walk a little faster?” said a whiting to a snail.
“There's a porpoise close behind us, and he's treading on my tail.
See how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance!
They are waiting on the shingle – will you come and join the dance?
Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?
Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?”
The Lobster Quadrille by Lewis Carroll...
mwk - glad you're ok! I'm Christened CofE, brung up Sunday School in the choir at church, then left because it interfered with my lie-ins on Sunday mornings. Have HUGE respect for others whatever the weather.
DWNB - have posted the Golden Rule on CE, you never know, someone might read it and learn something!
beacoup baisers
Hazel Love,
You know, I wish I would read over my comments before I push the button - big bang! Now I see how ridiculous that sounds! For a 50 year old, I really can be naive!
C xx
I posted this yesterday but not sure if you all got it as the picture of Barney (rest his feline soul) had just appeared. Seemed appropriate to put it on today's as we are talking Christianity. It makes me giggle every time I read it.
3-year-old Reese:
"Our Father, Who does art in heaven,Harold is His name.
A little boy was overheard praying:
"Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it.
I'm having a real good time like I am."
After the christening of his baby brother in church, Jason sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car. His father asked him three times what was wrong.
Finally, the boy replied,
"That preacher said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home,
and I wanted to stay with you guys."
I had been teaching my three-year old daughter, Caitlin, the Lord's Prayer for several evenings at bedtime. She would repeat after me the lines from the prayer.
Finally, she decided to go solo.
I listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word,
right up to the end of the prayer:
"Lead us not into temptation," she prayed,
"but deliver us from E-mail."
One particular four-year-old prayed,
"And forgive us our trash baskets
as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets."
A Sunday school teacher asked her children as they were on the way to church service,
"And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"
One bright little girl replied,
"Because people are sleeping."
Six-year-old Angie and her four-year-old brother, Joel, were sitting together in church.
Joel giggled, sang, and talked out loud. Finally, his big sister had had enough."You're not supposed to talk out loud in church."
"Why? Who's going to stop me?" Joel asked.
Angie pointed to the back of the church and said,
"See those two men standing by the door?
They're hushers."
A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons,Kevin 5, and Ryan 3.
The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake.
Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson.
"If Jesus were sitting here, He would say,'Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.'Kevin turned to his younger brother and said,
"Ryan, you be Jesus!"
A father was at the beach with his children when the four-year-old son ran up to him,grabbed his hand, and led him to the shorewhere a seagull lay dead in the sand.
"Daddy, what happened to him?" the son asked.
"He died and went to Heaven," the Dad replied.
The boy thought a moment and then said,"Did God throw him back down?"
A wife invited some people to dinner.
At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said,
"Would you like to say the blessing?"
"I wouldn't know what to say," the girl replied.
"Just say what you hear Mommy say," the wife answered.
The daughter bowed her head and said,"Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?"
AS66 x
PS Yes Anna that's the beach - have I seen you there as well - Hedgehog ice creams!
PPS Daniel Balavoine (that's one for Hazel Love)
PPPS Sorry I missed the coffee morning, would have loved a scone and jam (well, and cream as well actually) - mouthwatering. Will try to arrive in time for the next one with some chocolate crispie cakes.
Morning bloggers - oops sorry afternoon!
It's been completely manic at work of late so have not really had time to read the recent blogs and comments but I wanted to say that I hop eyou don't mind me joining over here, on the other side?
Will try and catch up on it all and make a worthwhile comment.
I hope you are all well.
Belly dancing tonight - am going to buy a purple and red outfit as I couldn't decide.
Lotsa love
Hi Hazel, I am ok thanks for my msg yesterday. Going through a relapse with my ME, it's taking all my energy to cope with work as we are unusually busy for this time of year. I have to go to bed when I go home for a couple of hours before I can even contemplate doing anything else! Going to see my Homeopathic consultant tomorrow, who will give me a miracle powder and in a couple of weeks time I will feel much better. :-)
I too have huge respect for what others believe, we were brought up to respect people no matter what their nationality or religion.
Gaby - Thanks for thinking of me, hope you are well xx
Probably won't get the chance to catch up until later. See you all then.
Mary xx
PS Moose - I'm loving your blog. And my post appears immediately....genius xxx
My it's echoey over there today...
I'm back from one of the best lunch break trips to St Albans I have ever ever had. It went like this.
Drove there, boring boring. Traffic not too bad, boring boring.
Parked up, boring boring.
Found the electrical bits shop, boring boring.
Got my cable clips, boring boring.
Thought "lunch?", slightly less boring.
Wagamama, now we're talking.
Sit in there on my own, boring boring.
Buy a newspaper and go in and read, better.
Walk towards newspaper shop, feeling hungry.
See man eating Cornish pasty, all thoughts of Wagamama's gone from head.
Remember where the pasty shop is, full speed ahead.
Buy large pasty, mmmmmmm.
Eat large pasty, slowly and enjoying every bite, mmmmmmm.
Feel full but not too full, good.
Drive back to work, boring boring.
Back at "work", cup of coffee, blog.
...and the other one I can't possibly resist, I've tried for so long you have no idea...puerile...but I decided to put it on here instead of on the other side...possibly a little inflammatory yet...are there really lawyers who can't spell the words they use. I'm sure the answer has to be yes, but I'd like all answers on a summons please.
Daniel Balavoine avec mayonnaise ou creme de chocolat svp! although in the spirit of politeness, after you AS66 of course!
chrissieS...you made I larf too...it's the inadvertent ones you gotta watch! xxxx
Jax, as the weather is hopefully not going to stop you attending your class, please remember to let your teacher know about your back problem - it may well have cleared up, and may not have been caused/helped with the dancing, but at least if she knows, you may be able to avoid a recurrence.
mwk - will send you some reiki. Can't have you going to bed for a couple of hours now can we!
Moose, I do hope St Albans wasn't too knoblauch.
I now have to go out with my boss because he can't reach the top shelf in the newsagents. This obligation does not appear in my job description.
my baby is a centrefold
It's the short ones you have to watch (men that is).
I was once sent out to collect a colleagues "magazine order". He said "Reg knows what it is." I asked "And if Reg isn't there and it's someone else?". "Playboy" came the reply. Reg wasn't there. The poor chap died of embarrassment when he had to go back later and swap it for his regular What Car? magazine!!!
No knoblauch in St Albans in my vicinity. Just a bit of fleisch, a bit of kartoffel and a bit of teig. I can't remember what the German for turnip is but there was some of that too.
CE is a bit mysterious isn't he...will have to listen tonight to see if he divulges any more about his disappearance yesterday.
I think he tried the revenge tactic on Jonny just before the show, had a DWNB moment (come on, I don't want to be too graphic) and had to go home to change his trousers. When he got home, Enzo had chewed up all his spare pairs, so he had to wait until he'd washed the ones he was wearing. By the time that was done, the show was over. Meanwhile there was a freak radio outage in is locality which meant he couldn't listen to the show.
Any more theories? Big Bang maybe?
Hey, Keith's number 1 (at the moment).
Thought it better to celebrate over here in case of restless natives...
I see it but I do not believe it ;-) I can not explain it but for some unexplainable reason now all I want is a pasty?
I thought you were in the right part of the world. Ivor Dewdney's used to be my favourite...
I am, will have to make up some spurious meeting to pop out in the car or pick one up on the way home and ruin my dinner ;-)
I'm just glad that the pasty has started it's world domination. St Albans, Stevenage and Kings Cross Station are particular magnets for me. Funny that 10 years ago, I discussed setting up in business with exports of pasties, but didn't do it cos I thought the market wouldn't be there. Doh!
aaaah Keith, whadda shame, but being usurped by DWNB isn't gonna hurt much now is it...I can rub it better if you like!
My previous post got well and truly BP'd. I think the BPs may have thought it slightly sarcaustic (sic) to slip in...there is someone in particular who ALWAYS IRRITATES me like a unhealed mosquito bite, (only one person honestly really, but other irritants are available) and unfortunately it was aimed (loosely, although other tightness is available) at them...although I hasten to add it wasn't mean or nasty, just pointing out that if they'd read any of the comments, or listened to the show, they'd have some idea why he wasn't on last night...there. That didn't hurt a bit.
MfR...I can hear the thin ice cracking from here...any more of that and you're going to have to join me (probably Gaby too) in the naughty corner.
...and you heard it here first...Take a woman shopping and she'll shop for a day. Show her a credit card and she'll shop for life.
BigUn, the guys also liked your jaegermeister joke...it is one I will tell the boy if he makes it home from the wilds of Kent. Apparently it's a bit thick there. The snow!
Wagamamas. We got one here too, but we ain't bininnit. Someone we know positively raves about it dahling, but we're not that keen on her.
I had a mixed cheese and spring onion (other types of onion available) for my lunch. I'm hoping the boy will come home having caught a slight cold (man-flu) and won't be able to spot the onioniferous(?) odour.
J McC hasn't been around lately either...
Can you believe I do actually get on with some work every day?
Oh si je fait
Hazel - Reiki will be gratefully received, thank you xx
As well as Dr McC we haven't seen Weezie, MWa!, or Cake for a while!
Hope they are all ok.
Mary xx
Just wanted to let you guys know that I have edited and adjusted 2 whole chapters today. I have renamed a character Parker. Much better than Derren as he was before. He's only a minor character (no offence if you're lurking, Parker!) and he's American. His sole role in the book is to be dumped by Katie. Poor him!
i assure you that the dumping is an entirely necessary plot device.
Do I stick with the name Katie or not? I think I will. I've changed the surname to avoid the same initials as the person that she is largely based on...and I've grown quite fond of her over the years though.
The relationships that I've built up with my characters is remarkably similar to those I have with you guys. I suppose the virtuality (and virtuosity) of both is similar. A bit of imagination is required to fill in the gaps that aren't there with real acquaintances.
Very slow next door. I thought I'd been BPd but it's just taken 2 hours to get through. You can get used to the speed over on this side, can't you?
Oh Gawd, Now Cathmel has got me paranoid... do you think he is winding us up?
I was feeling like that last week on the Friday, wondering if the postee's of the evil blogs were in fact CLP and his minions who don't like us, but then reassured myself, now, me and my other self aren't so sure????????
Sorry Big Un.... Didn't mean to out you, but heaven's that's the first time I've been No1.
Yes Moose it's much better when your msg gets posted immediately.
I hope you don't mind me making this request on your blog.
The nephew of my friend at work, is very poorly, he is 3months old and has just gone into hospital for the 3rd time in the last week,
he is being transferred from their local hospital to Yorkhill sick childrens hospital in Glasgow. Can I please ask you all to say a very very special prayer for him to get well soon.
Hazel - if you can send reiki to babies send my share to him xx
Thank you xx
DWNB/Cathmel - all conspiracy theories. Don't worry. To be honest, I don't think Chris has time to read and post too much during the day. Quite often, his references to the blog are a day behind, making me think they look at them between 4 and 5, when the show is prepared and they are in "feet on the handlebars" mode.
On the other hand...
Giles Lawyer is an anagram of Girly Wales with an extra E for Evans.
And as for Inspector Cleudo - it was Professor Plum (!!!) in the Library with the Lead Piping. And he had a dog called Enzo. Or was that the manservant?
Well done on being number 1.
I am pleased for DWNB getting No1 next door but it does hurt so Hazel love….rub away ;-)))) I will let you know when it stops ;-))
I am also pleased the jokes are going down so well ;-) Handy not having BP on this site although I still do not wish to offend anyone (intentionally) so I will try to use caution, I do not want to get on the wrong side of the moose, have you seen the size of the antlers?
Keith the BigUn
Wow, 50 on this side....that's a first...and well done BigUn for getting it!!!!
Does it make up for being usurped next door?
Just realized another advantage over here...you never get usurped!
Just noticed there's still a small patch of snow in my antlers that the sun hasn't melted yet...
Am off to swim now...want to beat the 5 o clock mass exit...so many CE fans desperate to be in their cars for the start of the show!!
Or maybe they don't like their jobs and just can't leave before 5.
Thank you all for letting me play here today and it's much friendlier now next door.
MWK - will be hoping & praying that your friend's nephew is soon on the mend xx
Will miss y'all while I'm in Paris and hope you have good weekends. See you all on Tuesday.
jillygoat xx
Never too busy to say a wee prayer - consider it done.
DWNB - as I said earlier to Cathmel - I can't believe for a minute that CE is taking the p*ss. He has other fish to fry and it's just our insecurity surfacing, due to all the nutters that have invaded our space! Incidentally, well done on No.1! I have given up hope!
Moose, thank you for setting up this blog and letting us all stay in touch without any outside interference!
C xx
So in the usual spigot of the blog...
It's been a long time since I had my feet on the handle bars heh heh heh...akshully thinking about it, I have to admit to not knowing what that means...I have taken a wild guess though and seem to recall some bruising...
Is that like The Outlaw, Girly Wales?
Oooooooooooh poor Keith...gently does it...I do hope you aren't allergic to almond oil.
Mary, of course, can you give me the baby's first name?
my word is that the time????
ps you just don't know if you've been beepeed do you. I expect I have (again) as the last one I sent was at ten to four...
Have a wonderful time in Paris - apparently a beautiful city! I know loads of people who have been, and not one bad report!
Wish I could say something in French - the only thing I remember from school is Ferme la Venetre (which I think means "close the window") !!!
C xx
Hi Hazel, his name is Max.
Thank you
Mary xx
Mary, my thoughts are with Max. Sending you {{{hugs}}} to pass onto him.
Hazel Love - not BPd - your post is there :-)))
LOL to you all
Moose, am I really number 50! (blush, blush) just the mention of 50 reminded me of…
A man has a £50 note tattooed on his willy, his wife said “why did you have that done?”
He said “firstly I like to see my money grow; secondly I like to play with my money thirdly I like to have money in my hand and last but not least the next time you feel the urge to go out and blow £50 you can stay at home and do it!
Keith the BigUn
PS Hazel you have now appeared yet I have not and I posted around the same time ;-( and Almond oil……….mmmmmm ;-)
just got in - wow have I got some reading to catch up with : )
loving your work
ps am I too late for a garibaldi
this coffee's gone cold and all the bourbons are gone. That will teach me for not dropping by sooner!
read my morning post back and just want to calrify that i am a live and let live person, just had bad religious experiences that tarnished my view a little.
Hope i didnt offend anyone.
NExt doors a bit dull when you cant be yourself isnt it! Managed to drop by there earlier and its just not the same.
Him in doors has a rare night off and i am switching off when the man cub has gone to bed so that we can spend some quality time together, feel like i have hardly seen him recently.
So have a good evening, and HL, easy on the vin rouge, you will have to get Douglas's attire back in the morning. Nobody likes to see a scotsman without his kilt.....unless his sporan is covering his modesty that is!
PS [hugs] for max. Cant imagine how difficult that is for you all.
PPS MWK - go steady girl, look after yourself.
ha ha Moose....
You've beat CLP Blog for comments..... Are we all over here now? I'm there too!
PS - As an additional treat, I brought along some Tunnocks Snowballs And Caramel Logs!!! All the way from Scotland.. for Burns night. (I hate haggis)
And again... I just re-read all the way thru. BigUn.... Your Jokes are total Class. I love that Tattoo one... tee hee. I'm going to copy it and paste it on if you don't mind!!!
MWK... I'm just practising Reiki, but I too will send my Reiki to wee Max. It wont hurt... and might even help being brand new Reiki.
Must go... am supposed to be editing someone elses web page for them, but can't for playing around here!!!
See Ya All 2 moro.
- Hey also - Thanks for all stopping by on my page. Lurve It!
Evening all,
Well I don't know whether to be glad or sad about having more comments than CE today. Glad that you've all been around and partying (Tunnocks Caramel wafers - I'm sure I could sneak one in). Sad that as Anna said, not really able to be ourselves. I say give it a week, play it down, and then we can relax and be a bit more natural. I also suspect that there has been some transference of the personal stuff onto here and e-mail. So maybe that's the benefit...we all get to do what we want and nobody over there gets upset. Still think that we all need to keep on bloggin' over there too though. And I see today that we all have, so it's all good.
MWK - prayers said and will be said for little Max. I do some of my best praying in the steam room, funnily enough.
Tonight was a packed steam room - six people. It's only a small steam room. Totally silent for about 10 minutes, perfect time to tune out and tune in...if you get where I'm coming from.
I have kept up with my exercise routine so far this week, for the first time in months - colds and bugs have got in the way. I feel great for it, and couldn't help but do a sneaky early weigh-in tonight. 1.7kg gone from last week!!! Yes!
I am an ever decreasing moose...the thin person is fighting hard to come out.
Have stuffed myself a bit tonight, on chicken and vegetable wraps, and I have my first glass of red of the week.
I sent a txt in today...I guess it didn't get read or someone would have told me...
Tomorrow is Friday, and most things are good with the world.
I'm away to contemplate my new post..see you later on a new one!
Hey Moose
Just been watching you and that Oddie fella in New England! Those flies must drive you to despair.
Hope all is well. Last week I put a request into 'ARF' and one of the girls from the show called me. I think I blew it when I admitted meeting Chris occasionally at the gym and asking her to say hello to him for me.
Anyway, off to create my sleep elixir, per my post earlier.
'Till tomorrow!
Why does he come around bothering us (Bill Oddie)? Still, at least he keeps some of the flies away from us.
Looks like CE comments are overtaking here...I feel happier about that somehow.
Loads of new bloggers next door today...I half suspect that a lot of lurkers didn't like the nasty boys comments and have joined in to spite them.
Matt - hope you sleep well.
So this is where the action is! Moose, I tried to get into your site this morning, from work, wrong thing to do. Got a big warning sign - Restricted-Site - diciplinary action - blah,blah,blah. Another black-mark against me! Waited for the IT police to decend - but they never do.
Anyway, your comment of today was a very fine piece indeed. Only got part way through the other comments - decided if I wanted to leave something I better do so now - so many good comments I want to go back and take time to read them.
Your stuff on colour is good - please don't drop it after this week. I was in a meeting yesterday and we started to go over the design of a publication (makes my job sound more interesting than it actually is)and I really got into talking about the colours we might use because of the feelings that might be evoked. I had had a very long day and been up half the night before so there was an element of sleep deprivation but I kept thinking about Moose's colour of the day. Weird or what?
On the other stuff (sorry for the shorthand), I do believe in something - I consider myself a Christian Buddist - and not sure I can seperate the two - and each is so important. ....... I just typed a whole laod of other stuff then deleted because I'm not sure where I'm going with this.
You started a very thought provoking trail. I've left a blog on the 'other side' with a Burns quote - all about looking at ourselves through the eyes of others - I think we all need to do that sometimes.
Anyway, over and out. Going back to read the other comments.
Best wishes to all.
Hi all,
I finally have a chance to have a go on my computer. My 9 year old might as well be a teenager for the amount of time she spends on the computer and on the telephone.
Next door has a very different feel to it doesn't it? Quite subdude (? spelling). I made a point of offering a {{{{{{{hug}}}}}} to clp.
Do you have a lot of weight to loose moose? I have battled with my weight most of my adult life. It hasn't stopped me enjoying life or having lovers etc but I am concerned for my long term health. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and that accounts for the trouble shedding the pounds, I have started some medication and hopefully if I can stay on a healthy diet the weight would drop off. I'm about a size 18 at the mo and would ideally like about loose 3 stone. Perhaps thats too much info!!
I hope you have all had a great day
c x x x x x
Hi EG,
You've got me intrigued. A great example of different opinions. You don't know how to separate the 2 and I have no idea how you combine them!!! Sounds like a debate for a OAMC sometime...
Glad you commented, I'm keeping my nose in front re comment numbers at the moment, but there's always the BP delay and the insomniacs to contend with next door.
Just a suggestion, but if you'd like to put OAMC stuff for the Scotland branch on my OAMC blog, then I'd be happy to put details on for you guys...might keep the thought police down and in their place. Just an offer for you to take or leave as you see fit.
Hey Moose - thanks for coming back. Would love a discussion/ debate sometime - maybe by the time we do I'll have sorted things out in my own mind.
Thanks for the offer of using the OAMC blog - sounds good. By the way, just have to ask, what does OAMC stand for?
I'm not sure exactly how much I need to lose - I'm working on the principle that I'll know when I get there. Here's a confession...I'm 111kgs. That's about 17 and a half stone. My maximum I hit a couple of years ago was 121kg or 19 stone.
I think I should be about 95kg. So 16kg or 2 and a half stone to lose. That's on top of just over 3kg that I've lost in the last 2 weeks. Although it may be that I should be only 90kg. Who knows?
The reason I like Paul McKenna is that it feels like it works no matter how much weight you have to lose. It re-establishes a healthier and more natural relationship with food over a longer time period.
I have been amazed this week at how easy I've found it. I've not been eating much and not been hungry. Some days I've gone til 1.30 or 2 o'clock before being hungry enough for lunch.
Anyway, I've probably done way too much detail too...
Keep going is all I can say. Slowly and steadily wins the race. Trying to go too fast just slows your metabolism down and makes it harder.
I feel so much better already. I'm trying to imagine how much better I'll feel as it gets lower and lower...
I keep my boys in mind. I've got a little more than the equivalent weight of the older one to lose! He's nearly 6. Fit as a butcher's dog though, and I want him to have a dad that inspires him to stay that way. In a month or two's time, I'll only have the equivalent of the little one to lose! That's something to look forward to. He is also butcher's dog-like.
I have small 5kg goals in mind. I am now planning what to do as a treat when I hit 110kg, which at the current rate will be next week! I can't believe it...
Any suggestions?
EG - Once A Month Club. Came from CE who has 2 mates he meets up with, once a month. He blogged about it back in December and the idea stuck...
Yes of course ..... sleep deprivation has got me. Thanks for taking the time to spell it out.
I so love that this is instant. Nearly an hour since I posted across by and it's still not there.
Night folks - I clearly need some sleep.
EG. It's there now...you are currently the last...
I love haggis neeps and tatties. Shame I didn't have any. Maybe a whisky or two will make up for it?
Am going to quit while I'm ahead and post a brand new bloglet...
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