Monday, 29 January 2007

Silence is golden?

A very strange but very normal thing happened to me today.
I went to the Board meeting to present some recommendations. Well, actually that's the point. What I actually did was go to the Board meeting to watch my boss present my recommendations, while I sat silently taking notes, nodding when the CEO said something wise. Most of this wisdom was prompted by something I had written in my paper.
So this is normal. Well it is at our place. I know of many people at my level (which is 2 steps below the Board) who go to these meetings to "present" their work, only to sit in silence doing one of 2 things:
- watching their boss take the credit, or
- getting beaten up verbally for stuff the boss made them write.
And yet actually it is very strange behaviour. What I find astounding is how everyone gets so used to it, so lined up with the way of working, that it no longer appears strange but takes on a normality.
When I think back, I feel that not only have I gone nowhere, but actually I've gone backwards. I remember the CFO of the company I worked for 15 years ago coming to visit. The company was American and I was a lowly person in the German company, how many levels below the Board I couldn't tell you, but it was a lot more than 2. If I had to guess, it would have been 6 levels below. Anyway, I was about 5 years out of University and the CFO came to visit and I presented to him. I actually spoke, I took him through the papers, I answered his questions.
15 years on, 15 years of hard work, 15 years of experience, and now I get to sit in silence while the CEO tells my boss what a great piece of work it is, and how right he was to focus on the one big issue that nobody wants to focus on. The big issue that I have been banging on about for the last 3 months, trying to get my boss to understand that it is the big issue.

What I'm not sure about is whether this is normal only for my company, normal for all big companies, normal for all big British companies or normal for all British companies.
Whichever, it is most definitely strange!


Anonymous said...

Morning Moose, Morning all

It is strange, my friend, but I am sure it is most common, nay 'normal'.

A very good friend of ours, now nearly 80 yrs old, worked for a huge international company in the 60's and 70's. He always used to say to us, "make sure your initials are on every piece of work you produce can better your bottom dollar that someone will try to pinch it" Not quite what you were saying Moose, I know, but nevertheless......

I have a great comedic postcard on my fridge. The pic is of a board meeting - all men bar one lady member of the board. The chairman addresses the lady thus' "That is an excellent suggestion Miss Triggs, now perhaps one of the men might like to suggest it"

Have a good one friends

I am off to work now


T said...

Wow, looks like I did miss a lot on the CLP blog last week – it all sounds a bit negative so I may just stay in the unknown.

Gaby are you off to see the team this evening?

MfR you did the right thing leaving work early, I am not sure what happened but Reading was a nightmare last night. It took me over an hour to get off the M4 junction, by which time I gave up on going to the gym and settled for microwave dinner in front of the TV. I blame the show yesterday, have not had a meal like at in ages and I remembered why when trying to eat it. Cooking is much better.

Moose, your post is so true. I have often wondered why I have sat in many a meting in complete silence listening to others speak on something that is not their own idea. I think it’s a British thing, and we can be a strange nation sometimes. The 1st company I ever worked for I was thrown in at the deep in and in my 1st week I had to present to the CEO, I look back now and see that the open communication in that company did have its advantages. Now I am battling on a daily basis with my boss as he thinks I should not be e-mailing our VP directly, even when the VP sends us both e-mails, my boss reply’s and takes my name off. I want to scream sometimes!

Oh well, I will see what today brings.

ps - Is the CLP blog back, sorry I have not check since my last post came back with a message saying I was not allowed to post on the blog. I have not been there in a week so I am not sure what I have done to upset them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gaby, Hi T - there is all sorts of weird nonsense going on next door!

Mind you, alaroz12 is all a bit odd too...we'll just leave it there I think...

peas and

Anonymous said...

Hi Moose,

I do sympathise with your frustration at work. I work in a very small office (7 of us) and at times that's really difficult too. Our boss (majority shareholder) really is the classic "The King's New Clothes" - the other two directors will not tell him when he is wrong and we all end up agreeing to things that we know will end in disaster. When the inevitable happens the boss pretends he had nothing to do with it, and the rest of us pick up the pieces. In days gone by, my boss would have listened to me but success and money have gone to his head and there's no reasoning with him. Of course the projects that do work have, almost always, been someone else's idea, but the bold boy steps in, takes over, and gets covered in glory from our clients!

I wish I could win the Lottery!!

t - just to let you know - you are doing nothing wrong on Chris's blog. It's been a real mess for the last couple of weeks - rejecting comments, not letting you post, etc. Yesterday it crashed completely. We did have a bit of negativity going on the other week, but things are settled down I'm glad to say. It's just really frustrating when you try to join in and get blown out of the water!

Have a good day one and all, hopefully see you next door later.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Oh, Moose ... it just doesn't sound fair, does it? Is this what Britsih business has come to?! Whe I worked (I was manager of a sheltered housing scheme) I found that it would take a few months before my ideas were put forward .... after they had been shot down in flames ... and claimed as my supervisor's ideas! Grrrr!

What I don't understand is why we let them do this to us?!If we actually piped up at a meeting, 'Well, that was actually MY idea,' how petty would that sound?

Moose, T, Chrissie S - I'm quite thankful that I'm a stay-at-home-Mum!

Hope you're all having a great day today!

Just out of interest, for a blog I'm doing on my site - who's name did you have emblazzoned on your pencil case in school?

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

Susan S, I cringe when I think of school. I left in 1972 (!) - you'd think I would be over it. I hated it and I was just a misfit! However, I remember clearly having David Cassidy's name all over my pencil case, covers of school books, locker, etc! I actually CRIED when I got his first album and realised it had his voice on every track! Happy days.

Also, on my pencil case, in very, very, small writing the name "Martin" the boy in my class whom I adored - of course he did not know I existed!

WHAT have you started?!

C xx

Anonymous said...

susan s


as well as STEVE HARLEY or ALICE COOPER or DAVID BOWIE or MUD or SLADE or GARY GLITTER (well we didn't know then did we) or SWEET or TREX and MARC BOLAN &c. &c.

NEVER...Donny Osmond, David Cassidy (Sorry ChrissieS), JacksonFive or any other of the 'sloppy' americans...or come the that, the Bay City Rollers...You may have seen my CE post a while ago regarding 'Children of the Stones' and 'Tarot'. There are not many of my friends who worry about how I've turned's what I turn into at night which they find a little scarey....

woo ha ha ha etc

will that do ya?

Anonymous said...

School daze.

I actually look back quite fondly to my days at school. I suppose that I was fortunate in that I was smart enough to keep out of trouble (mostly), pass my exams and be friends with the 'clever ones' whilst having a slight hint of cred to keep me in with the 'cool, rougher' lot.

I'm not sure that I had anyone on my pencil case (much less did I own up to having such a thing!) until I reached about 14 and discovered heavy metal and girls. Not necessarily in that order, but more or less at the same time. Then, my hair grew long and most of my books (and pencil case) became emblazoned with Van Halen and Iron Maiden logos.

The sad thing is that my iPod is still full of that stuff today!


Anonymous said...

On another note entirely.
I tend not to have ideas. The men I work with are mainly concerned with holes in the ground, and uncannily I also used to be a funeral director whilst which I did have some ideas involving the recently deceased, however the reason I don't any more is because I had one job with a COMPLETE bit*h who was a 'personality' stealer so basically everything you had she took...then another place, another job, my 'assistant' ran to our boss everytime 'she' thought of something, so now, as per your 80yr sage Gaby, I email EVERYONE who may be involved, so they all know it came from me. Whether this is a good tactic or not, it seems to work.

Now I have to go. The boss has just phoned because he is on his way with a Meatball Marinara Sub, (other flavours are available, but none of them can hold a candle to the mighty MM!) and I need to prepare my work space.

whoa neddy

Anonymous said...

sorry chaps....this is GORGEOUS!!!!! I may be some time...

Moose said...

ooooh...get me!
I am today my very own blog police for the first time (not true actually - I have previously deleted one of my own comments as I had made such a horrendous typing error! But that's editing, not blog policing.)
I'm all for free speech, but I'm not into people advertising on my blog. So I will delete them.
Except if they are advertising my book, when it's allowed!

Gaby - now you're number 1!!! Much preferable...

Susan S - they are not that evil for the next few months! Then they will least the products up to your neck of the woods now go by rail not road...and every little helps!

Finished editing chapter 3 one third of the way through the edit. The tricky chapter 5 is next...

Dogwithnobrain said...

did you delete me too? I noticed your advert... I think there is a setting on the set up which prevents that happening.

Anonymous said...

Oh DWNB! Deleted! It's like the attack of the Cybermen all over again.

They told me it was just a bluetooth....

Moose said...

Not knowingly...sorry if I did!!! I was sure that the comment count only went down by 1...are you sure it wasn't yesterday?

Anonymous said...

Afternoon everyone

How frustrating can work be! It only takes one person with negative traits at work to take the shine off a job, however much you enjoy it.

The company I work for have businesses in many countries, but are quite new in the UK, and somewhat under Moose’s 150 (there are just three of us based permanently in the office!). I am the office manager, and am lucky as the three of us get on really well, work efficiently together and take pride in our work.

The boss only comes in when he isn't jetting off here there and everywhere (little of this is work based). He has the worst people management skills I have ever come across, and the atmosphere when he is here is awful. He is so arrogant, has no respect for anyone, and the outcome is for all of us to be considering looking for somewhere else to work (Moose, I took on board what you were saying about triggers and inside/out of the box – very interesting. And EG, yes it is possible to love and hate your job at the same time!).

You may question that, in his position, should he not be encouraging us and getting the best out of the willing staff? Perhaps being the son of the top man of the parent company impacts on this?!. He is basically a playboy, younger and less experienced than all of us, and doesn’t actually need to work. Luckily he is hardly ever here, and we keep hanging on for the day when Daddy gives him a new toy to play with!

The above is not meant to sound negative. From all the comments I’ve read I think it’s a subject we can all relate to. I expect we could all run our respective businesses better than our bosses, who seem so removed from reality, they forget their greatest resource is their staff!

Thanks for the welcome – hope I haven’t wittered (sp?) on too long!


ps Now there's a thought - can you delete my boss?!

T said...

Sarah – what a thought, we could all leave our respective jobs and be the best in what we do in our own Blog Company!

Moose - I keep hearing about the book and various chapters, where can I find this fine piece of work?

jollygit said...

Hello everyone - I've been away for the last few days and the blog seems to have gone to pieces. I can't get anything posted next door so I thought I'd just pop in here and see if everyone's OK?

The office that I work in consists of a general manager (male) plus five drivers (also male). There are two loos, one of which I've been allowed to designate as a ladies loo/visitors, and which I have to clean etc. I'm the first female to be employed there, ever, in over 20 years, and you'd think that I'd been beamed down from another planet. I bought a solitary plant to brighten up my bleak corner of the office and there were cries of "see, that's what happens when you employ a woman" or "you can tell there's a bird in the office now"!!! Honestly, if Emmeline Pankhurst could see how far throwing herself in front of the King's horse would have got her all those years later, she surely wouldn't have bothered!!!!

The general manager is a control freak and if he asks me to call someone and I do, but they're not in, he'll then ring then himself to make sure! I wouldn't mind but I've been an office manager myself looking after 8/9 staff at any one time, and have been fully employed for over 25 years - I could scream at times!

Anyway, I now see each working day as a challenge ......

Hoping that CLP has joined us at last

jillygoat x

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone

Not looked next door..I’ve come to you first, Moose!
Moose et al:
The wonderful world of work… I had a boss who was so controlling, I was v young, a manager though- she’d say "you should shine" I’ll try my hardest..and she’d step in and steal it!
I’m now self employed, but work at a main contractor I’ve none of that political stuff..size of office etc… secretary..and as a consultant, I haven’t got all the day to day stuff to get bogged down with, I was in the right place at the right time ( being made redundant isn’t always bad)
Susan S
On my pencil case I had Donny Osmond, swoon ( sorry–anon!) I also seemed to have a penchant for drummers later on in my teens eg Stewart Copeland (Police) ( someone once told me that drummers never got the girl, because after the gig they were still carrying the kit out to the van -The guitarist and singer with minimal kit were chatting up girls at the bar!) has taken me so long to write this, you’ll have all moved on.

I’ve just opened a packet of jaffa cakes..anyone want one? Only 1 g of fat!

Love Caroline

Anonymous said...

I am so, so lucky! I love my job so much. I made a career change last year and work as an Office Manager now looking after 4 of the nicest hard working people you could want to meet. My boss is the kindest, most supportive person I have EVER worked for. Sorry that a lot of you guys have a hard working life, you spend enough time at work to have to want to be there and there is nothing worse than not being appreciated or trusted.
I am up for a jaffa please, I have chocolate crispie cakes here - miles too fattening but delicious all the same! Willing to share though! Anyone?............

AS66 x

Moose said...

Ooh yes please Caroline.
The only problem is, once you start...

t - the book is available only to trusted e-mail contacts! e-mail me at and I shall send it through...

Anonymous said...

Still, even if we share that's only 6g Fat each ( only 12 JCakes per pack)...Not so bad?!

Exercise class awaits...OMG !Burlesquesize tonight

Too modern.. all I want is aerobics

Love Caroline X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, you sound like my friend Viv, or at least your boss wounds like my friend Viv's boss!

Caroline, Anon, it was me, I was too over excited about the prospect of imminent lunch to put my name. Dawn liked Donny Osmond (her birthday is also the same day) and Anne-Elizabeth liked David Cassidy, so we pretty much had it all covered between us! My birthday is the same as Billy Idol...nuff said...

Jillygoat - wot a t*sser. sorry but my earlier post about the personality thief was about someone similar. Other people used to call her the Poisoned Dwarf (or the Poisoned Apple depending on how much they'd read of Snow White).

On that note, have we all got our instructions for the bring and buy this friday?

cathmel, you are definitely on the 'nursing implement' stall whilst Gaby and I are on the White Elephant.

Please can the rest of you confirm by Thurs latest.

...and no, Moose, you are doing so well at your chapel of slimming, you cannot be on the cake judging panel.

i really am rambling. I really need to get some sleep, and HOORAH look at the time, I can go home soon yayayayayayayayay!!!

bon soir

Anonymous said... the way Moose. I am about 12 levels below board level, but I have never yet been asked to sell the Big Issue.

dormir bien mes enfants

Anonymous said...

Can I offer my services for the bring and buy on Friday, whatever you think best..... not fussy, just fancy being involved! Let me know the time and I will be there, if you need me!

Amanda (formerly AS66) x

Anonymous said...

evenin' all

Just got in and had to check up on you all before I pop out. Ahem.

Hi to all who have popped over to this side - nice to see see you nice xx

Hazel Love- yayyyyy White Elephant stall - I have a couple of red herrings in my coat pocket so we could always fall back on those : )

So much to reply to but in a rush - no change there then!!!.

Cooking tea for the babes and then (yes t, you guessed it) off to the match.

Hoping all you absentees are fine and dandy.

loving your work


Anonymous said...


never been number 1 before...



ps am I too easily pleased?

pps Donny on pencil case - share same b'day and fave colour (then) - purple.

T said...

Am i toolate for jaffa cakes??


Moose said...

It's never too late for Jaffa cakes!

Moose said...

Still at work...bit annoying this having to do some work lark. I will have to get my revised paper out tomorrow so that I can get on with some serious loafing towards the end of the week...

Anonymous said...


I'm in the public sector and it's exactly the same there. My boss claims my ideas as his all the time. I'll put a paper together and he'll say he doesn't like it, then next thing is he's written the paper and it's actually the same as mine with his name on it. Sometimes I think he doesn't know he's doing it - but maybe I'm being too kind - he probably knows full well.

CLP's blog is still playing up. Tried to post just a little while ago and I got a message saying that I was not allowed to post to the blog - all I said was that the gremlins had taken up residence again.

Think I'm gonna give up!

Best wishes to all.


Anonymous said...

******Conspiracy Theory******

So, you start a blog, it becomes very popular. A hard-core few make it home and declare their desire to meet. You don't approve, after all, it's your blog, not theirs.

A few nasty dissenters move in and the hard-core begin to migrate. You become bored and can't be arsed to blog anymore.

What do you do?

Introduce some 'gremlins' and eventually everyone will go and find something else to do during the day, leaving you free to work on new projects.

Sound familiar?

Maybe I'm being a bit too cynical.

Hope you are all having a good evening. I'm most certainly not listening to Five Live Extra......


Anonymous said...

MfR - I think your conspiracy theory could be right. I've tried twice more on the other side - my original message then another saying I didn't understand why I wasn't able to post - each time I was told I was not allowed to post. Anybody else getting that? It's getting too much like hard work!

Long live the Moose blog.


Anonymous said...

.....having re-read some of his recent comments something clearly isn't right in the Evans camp. I reckon his Mum is unwell.

Still think he's had enough of the blog though.

I'll bring the homemade chutney on Friday. We have a greengauge tree out front and Mrs MfR conjoured up a rather fine concoction last summer. Just maturing nicely, splendid with a strong aged Cheddar......


Moose said...

Oh Matt you cynic...
Although you could have a point.
I'm not listening to Five Live Extra...the Hammers need a favour from Fulham tonight...and from Reading. I hope Gaby is cheering loudly.
I am no longer listening to Five Live either. Not only do they keep reminding me of the 2 above scores, but they descibe how much on top Liverpool are and then, just on the stroke of half time tell me that Barnsley have scored. Now I know it's a stretch of the imagination to wonder why anyone would be bothered by Barnsley scoring....but such is life in the Championship!

Enough of football..Gillian and her poo are on the telly.
And the wine is open, and the pizza nearly done (no shopping slot until 9-11 tonight so we haven't got a bean in the house. Well, we have got beans, but you know what I mean...

Thanks for the Jaffa cakes.