Sorry, but I'm on about my book again.
As I said earlier, I have edited 2 chapters today. I stopped before the dreaded 3rd chapter. Dreaded because I know I'm not happy with it, AND it's the most complex one with theory and maths and stuff in it. I really want to do the subject matter proud, but at the same time make it accessible, understandable and enjoyable to read even if challenging. Is that too much to ask?
Anyway, my real dilemma has been bothering me for a while.
Should I test out all or parts of my book on a test audience?
I'm torn.
One part of me says no. What can I gain? Some people may say they love it but will that make any difference with literary agents and publishers? Some people may say they don't like it but will that make me re-write it or not send it off to the agents? I might feel compelled to re-write big chunks, slowing me down.
One part of me says yes. It may boost confidence in my writing abilities, give energy to get the rest finished, and be in keeping with feedback being the breakfast of champions. Or it may stop me from making a fool of myself and save a lot of wasted effort trying to get a losing proposition published.
So I thought I'd ask you guys 2 things:
1. Should I publish some of my work (a couple of chapters say) on a new blog and solicit feedback?, and
2. If I did, would you guys only read it and feed back if you really wanted to, rather than because you might feel that you'd have to? And would you be really honest and critical, not holding back?
Just to say it's not all on you guys, so don't feel any pressure. I have a few colleagues and other friends who I am also going to ask IF I decide to do it.
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Just popped onto your blog for a curiosity quenching visit and I must say, it is splendid. Delightful picture of Barney, especially as I am a cat lover and have a a little 9 month old chap of my own named Bumble.
Anyway, I am sure that I could spend an inordinate amount of time being smug about being in Vancouver, but that would surely be preposterously cruel...
Well, must dash as work commitments urge me on into the afternoon.
Good day to Moose, Gaby, Hazel and all others...
Dr. T (a.k.a. Littlest Hobo)
Darn I thought I was going to be first!!
It's my favourite time of day. i get up while my babies are still slepping and when I've done mummy things like prepare the lunch boxes etc, I go on line and check my email, the blog actually blogs now and have my first cuppa in peace.
It's a hard call moose, I remember hearing Paul Simon being interviewed and he asked some friends to listen to one of his songs he was composing and they hated it. Anyway he went with his instinct and ignored them and recorded it and it turned out to be one of his biggest hits. So my advice is to go with your instinct - I for one will read anything very happily and give honest feadback.
Instead of a coffee morning can we all meet for a lightlunch as i am in clinic all moring over in Windsor today?
x x x x x
Morning Moose
I'm with Cathmel, post the bits you are unsure about and there is a sufficient cross section of ages, backgrounds, interests etc to get some fairly balanced feedback - depending on your target market i guess.
I would be honoured if you chose to invite us to offer constructive feedback.
i could be particularly helpful in the case of the mathematic bit. Given that my maths is worse than my english!
Email us sections. We'll read digest and report back. I love reading. And honestly, we'll tell you... Go go go go go
Good morning you lovely people
Please accept my apologies for being absent yesterday - rushed off feet at work (can't blog at work anyway)......
Meant to be at work today - but youngest isn't well. Not sure if I will be around or not.
So much to reply to and I don't know where to start. I think I need to do more homework as I am not fully up to speed with everything and everyone.
However, I have picked up a couple of things - I think you, Moose have some good news after your HR encounter? -I must find where your account was written and catch up.
Mary - I will say a prayer xx
Dr T - lovely to 'see' you : )
cathmel - would love to join you in Windsor - what fun that would be. One day maybe : ) xx
All you lovely people - have been thinking about you.
Now, Moose and your literary conundrum......I, for one, would be delighted to read and comment. I would feel no obligation or pressure but would happily concur and would give honest feedback. Having said that, you MUST publish your book in full or in part (short stories, excerpts) - you know that you have a huge drive to do this and the ability as well. So, I would say that the 'test read' exercise should serve the purpose of tweaking or finely tuning rather than as a test as to whether you should carry on or not.
You have our whole-hearted support.
I would offer my services as a proofe reeder, with, specialist subject being incorrect, placing of , commas - but I think I need to fine tuune first.
Morning Moose, morning all
I find writing (and I haven't gotten anywhere near as far as you) one of those jobs that is never finished and you will never be 100% happy with until you finally put it to bed and reflect on it later.
Once upon a time I used to play in a rock band (alas fame never darkened our doors) and we used to write our own stuff. Once the essence of a song was constructed we would constantly tweak, twiddle, change, rearrange until time ran out. A classic case of Parkinson's (?) Law. But when we finally listened to the version we ended up with it sounded right. The danger is passing that point and overworking it. The bottom line, Moose, is go with your instincts.
As for proof reading, I too would be honoured. I wouldn't post anything in a public domain for fear of thieves, but I would certainly give you opinion if you chose to email me a section.
I've sent my 'ARF' request in again today, but I fear my cards are marked with Chris!
ooh I have just found your update Moose. It is sounding good : ). Well negotiated my friend. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Re your tricky chapter (third?) - I am no book-writing expert, in fact I am no expert, fullstop : ) However, I wonder if you can just step to one side of that chapter until you feel more in 'the flow' with it. Unless, of course , you have a deadline. Just a thought.
I can hear the Sixpence None the Richer song on the radio...'Kiss Me...'. It reminds me (am laughing as I type) of this bloke that I really fancied a few years ago. We worked together in a shop and were often on our own in the basement (easy tigers). I sooooo wanted him to kiss me - and that song was in the charts at the time. As time went on and he didn't kiss me, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Actually he had left the company by went for it...yes, my friends, I tried to kiss him. He was much younger than me (over 20 though, just in case you are getting worried!!) ie over 20yrs old - not over 20yrs younger!!!! Look at me getting my defence and excuses in before I tell you the next bit....what a saddo I am . lol !!!!...anyway he kept his lips tightly together (how embarrassing) ....... the next time he came to visit us at the shop where I was the manager he kept his motorbike helmet on!!! lol!!!
My friend has just rung and I have been on the phone for ages - so I am sorry if anyone has posted and I should have replied - but don't want to play around with refreshing (ahem) in case I lose this missive ("if only", I hear you all cry)
Matt - I feel my cards are marked with Chris too : )
I emailed him the other day - I mentioned that 'some pr*ck called ELH' had posted .......
So if it WAS someone from 'the team' i have really gone and done it now!! lol
I had a chat with Chris not so long ago and I said that I was Matt from Rudgwick and he said ''Oh, I know who you are!''
He left with a grin on his face at that point and I haven't seen him since!
Well halloooooooo...
Before the business of the day, I have just had this emailed to me by my Friday Pants boss, so here goes.
Mr Cadbury and Miss Rowntree met on a Double Decker, it was After Eight. She was from Quality Street, he was a Fisherman's Friend.
On the way they stopped at a Yorkie Bar, he had a Rum and Butter, she had a Wine Gum. He asked her name, "Polo, I'm the one with the hole" she said. "I'm the one with the nuts," he thought! Then he touched her Milky
They checked in to a hotel, and went straight to the bedroom. Mr Cadbury turned out the light for a bit of Black Magic. It wasn't long before he slipped his hand into her Snickers and felt her Cream Egg. He fondled her Flap Jacks then he showed her his Curly Wurly and Tic Tacs.
Miss Rowntree wasn't keen to have any Jelly Babies, so she let him take a trip down Bourneville Boulevard via her Party Ring. He was pleased as he always fancied a bit of Fudge. It was a magic moment as she let out a scream of Turkish Delight. When he pulled out, his fun size Mars Bar
felt a bit Crunchie. She wanted more, but he needed Time Out, however, he noticed her Pink Wafers looked very appetizing. He did a Twirl, had a Picnic in her Sherbet Dip and finished off by giving her a Gob Stopper!
Unfortunately, Mr Cadbury then had to go home to his wife, Caramel.
Sadly he was soon to discover he had VD. It turned out Miss Rowntree had been with Allsorts!!!
That joke probably contained material that may be deemed offensive by our sponsor, but tough t*tties.
See you in a cheeky bittette
Moose, hon, if you feel confident enough to let a group of complete (apologies if anyone has anything missing) strangers read your work then go for it. In my opinion, you may be more likely to get a more honest answer from us than from friends who may not want to hurt your feelings, and may not be objective enough. However, if you do ask many people, friends or otherwise, it is more likely you will get a more definitive response, as in ask the audience.
I used to proof read and write a bit of copy, so am also happy to lend my services if you so desire. To quote MfR though, 'I wouldn't post anything in a public domain for fear of thieves, but I would certainly give you opinion if you chose to email me a section.'
ps missed the show due to cbmc, and still only up to 76 as in trombones in the big I said before 'wass goin on billy?'
Dr T, am checking kitkam on fairly regular basis. Disappointed re lack of snow, but waving at you, so if you look out of your kitchen window, you may be able to see me!
x x x x x x x ooo x x x x x x x
pps Dr T - My friends have a jack russell called Bumble...normally I can't cope with jack russells, but for some reason she loves her Auntie Hazel and won't get off my lap whenever we visit!
Thank you for enjoying the pic of Barney. It was very kind of Moose to let me be so self-indulgent.
BIG LOVE and brpps to Bumble
Morning all!
I can offer my technical services - can do the online stuff (altough not having read most of the blog yet I'm not sure why I'm offering my services.).
Gaby - hope littlest Gaby gets better soon.
Mary - sending more good vibes and {{{{hugs}}}} to Max
Lots of work to do today but will try and keep up with the blog when I can.
becaue I can : )
Matt - your story made me did your joke Hazel : )
Thanks Jax x
because ....not becaue!!
Typo must have been caused by excitment at thought of posting a hug without being victimised. : )
Morning all.
Thanks for all your offers. I will ponder awhile about what I do. I have already skipped chap 3 (great minds think alike!) and have been editing chapter 4 in the canteen over breakfast and a coffee. In hindsight maybe not the smartest move. A mate caught me at the critical moment in chapter 4 when my dad dies...he was so embarrassed when he saw my eyes full of tears!! Silly old fool.
I'm working on the principle that if it still makes me laugh and cry after writes, rewrites and edits, then I must have something. That sounds bad doesn't it..laugh. I can't explain but if and when I e-mail chap 4 I hope you will understand. My critical questions for any test readers are: Did it make you laugh? and Did it make you cry?
The i-pod came up trumps this morning. Sometimes shuffling so many songs can be a disappointing experience, especially in the gym when a certain type of beat works best. I have a playlist for the gym but it's still a bit hit and miss. Well this morning it was a hit. I had been running/walking for 18 minutes and was feeling like giving up before doing my 4th and 5th sets of 4mins run/2 mins walk. Then, the i-pod worked it's magic...
The Boys are Back in Town by Thin Lizzy
The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News
and then, just as I hit the end of the last run,
Real Real Gone by Van Morrisson for the walk and cooldown.
Flipped to a general shuffle for stretches...Coney Island by Van Morrisson.
Love the way he says "I look at the side of your face".
Wouldn't it be good if life was like this all the time?
Welcome to the dark side Dr T!
Worried about McCrumble...think I need to go check his blog...
Oh and Susan S,
I too was listening to the togmeister in the car, and Mika is just great. I'm going to have to download that baby for my Gym playlist!!!
He also makes me want to download some classic Queen songs. Funny that!!
I found McCrumble.
Morning all…
I think your reservations about your couple of chapters probably mean that it is not ready or up to your expectations. As an author or artist I think only you will know when you are happy therefore I tend to agree with Matt and tell you to follow your instincts.
That said I am willing to read and report back if that is your wish. Unlike some of the other contributors (whose work I admire) on here I do not consider myself to have the greatest command of Engerladish but I am opinionated and know what I like so may be of help ;-)
Keith the BigUn
P.S. I have taken the day off work today. I decided yesterday that I had had enough and told them I was taking the day off. I will be taking my wife and daughter out for lunch (would have been cheaper to go to work) and intend to take myself off to a hostelry this evening for some fall over juice!
P.P.S. Hazel love the work of your Friday Pants Boss ;-))
Hey Keith.
Go for it. Nothing like a day off on the spur of the moment.
Wish I was tooo.. But hey... the anticpation of Saturday is almost making me have a DWNB accident.
Tee Ee
Oh, and Hazel, I don't think I understood it anyway so I'm not offended.
How can you be offended by something you don't understand?
I think I'll ask ELH and Giles Lawyer - they seem to know...
I too have my Friday pants on today, but they appear to be getting larger each week. Maybe it's time to trade them in for a new pair...
Keith - good for you. I too decided to take the day off (again). It's just that I can get more done on a day off when I come to the office!
I'm planning another wild trip out at lunchtime to get some boots re-soled. Little things, but the small hole in the sole has prevented me wearing the boots for some time now and it's one of the little "responsibilities" I just need to get done. Am currently trying not to be tempted into a trip to St Albans today, even though I suspect that there is another pasty with my name on it over there...
Morning Moose and all others
I often put stuff that I'm writing for my job out to others for comment. I've learned to try and take the comments in a positive way and not be too propritorial (spelling?) about it. Though sometimes some of the stuff that comes back makes me angry, while others are really useful. So I would say, yes, give it a try and I would be really pleased to read and offer comments. It sounds as it it might be quite technical stuff so it would be good to know about your intened audience - eg is it technical stuff for dummies or what?
Need to go now but hope to get chance to come back in again later.
have a good day everyone.
DWNB, I am still laughing at the thought of you having a dwnb accident. I'm on my own today, so my shriek of laughter was purely for personal pleasure!
Having said that there are two helicopters circling now...will have to pop outside and wave as it could be my rice delivery.
BigUn - where you off to for lunch? I could prob nip off for 1/2hour or so. I currently have a chicken (other types of poultry are available) salad (other types of watery vegetation are available) roll defrosting beside me...mmmmmmm, appetising...
and finally (for the moment at least) at the risk of the very least paraphrasing, or at the most, plaguarising...
Moose - Due to a certain amount of lack of responsibility and self worth, I fully intend to go out in my boots at lunch time and get ars*holed (difficult call, choosing the letter to * although I'm pretty sure dwnb wouldn't have bothered...) and return to work totally pasty faced.
Is it nearly lunchtime?
I too have found McCrumble, I have also just found a bag of salt and vinegar crisps. I don't usually eat s&v crisps coz they make my mouth go aahaha ahhhaha and plenty of other flavourings are available. But, needs must when the de'il drives.
Munch on MacDuff
Oh moose there you go again…….now I wonder if my lunch dates will put up with a pasty…… somehow I think not :-(
I think we are going to an all you can eat Chinese restaurant, you know they type who have a buffet board and you keep going until you pop!
Off now to collect daughter form her college (tax dodger) as she is finished for the week.
Later all
Hiya Moose
Like your Blog. Agree it would be worth asking people like us to assess your book so far. Have a good weekend.
Keith - ooh, I love chinese - am on my way : )
Hazel - lol re what letter to have displaced by your *!!!! I was thinking just the same this morning when I was typing pric*. I have just typed an awesome one liner on the subject of the above (even though I say it mysefl), but it was just too rude!! thank goodness for the delete button : )
It seems like we are all up for a lunch time libation - come on over Dr T and join us. I can't decide between a guiness, or a glass of red? Decisions, decisions.
I need to check out McCrumble. He has been conspicuous by his absence. Maybe we could tempt him with some 'wine for pasta'.
Mmmmmm...all you can eat Chinese.
First I go for a big pile of duck and pancakes with plenty of hoi sin.
On my second visit, I go for a big pile of duck and pancakes with plenty of hoi sin.
And so it goes on until I explode...
Sadly, mines a ham cheese and pickle sandwich today...
EG book is a novel with philosophical overtones, containing some attempts to mathematically prove/test/experiment with the philosophical theory. Clear? So is it techy stuff for dummies. Not exactly. Dummy stuff for techies...getting there.
Guinness is good for you...
Moose -I had better make it a pint then : )
Moose -I had better make it a pint then : )
looks like that'll be two pints then : )
Or even three...
I'm up for having a look at your draft. Sounds v.interesting - can't wait for it to be publisged.
PS sorry if this same message came through earlier - had problems getting it to post.
Today is fish n' chips, made at home with cod in GUINNESS batter. Yummy treat time
Bon apetit tout le monde
Anybody know any All you can eat chinese buffet places in London? - methinks the take-up (as opposed to the take-away) for that as an OAMC location could be advantageous.
I'm don't know about London but Slough has a brilliant one called the Dragon Chef
Oh Oh Oh - Duck and Hoi Sin Sauce, How Gorg. Yummmmmmmmmm
Where's the book. I'm sitting here not doing any work, waiting for the delivery of the first 2 chapters of Moose's book. Ou Est Il?
hmmmm draft or draught. I expect Draught. Followed by Guinness. Iron in Guinness and something or other -atins in Red Wine. Either would be good for you Gaby, however I suspect that after three pints of the black stuff, you'd need a lie down, and after three pints of the red stuff, you'd probably need a stomach pump.
Please email me the awesome one liner, I was laughing hard enough at the *rick!
For me, there is no escape as on own today, so am making do with aforementioned (and now quite soggy) chicken salad roll, and a pint mug of Hot Chocolate.
By the way, wilsmar is back next door, and I got beepeed BIG STYLE...however, I kept it, so...Anyway...
So did anyone watch 'Skins' all the way through? (I had earlier switched off 'Waterloo Road' halfway through for becoming irritatingly like a bad soap opera plot) I voted with my red button and went to bed. All that potential, and such a shame. Having said that, I was already tired when I started watching it so that may have had something to do with the fact I felt I wasn't 'enjoying' it.
It seemed like a cross between Human Traffic and Respectable. I was looking forward to it, perhaps too much with the surrounding hype, and I'll watch again next week, because some or the actors seem truly fine. But in my humble opinion, the only thing that is funny to watch when people say 'f*ck' more than once, is Four Weddings and a Funeral. (other choices of profanity/films/series/websites etc are available)
The only (how sycophantic) programme these days with anything consistent, is the drivetime show...aaaaaaaaaah...xxxxx which quinklydinkly I missed last eve due to circs beyond my c.
Thirsty Thursday, how the mighty have fallen. No wine in the house at all. Too cold to venture out the 200m to nearest handy offy so made do with apple and blackcurrant squash. This is not to be confused with the previous recipe involving butternut squash. Butternut squash only tends to dilute after at least 2hrs boiling.
le boule est dans l'arbre
Todays Quiz - see if you can spot where I went wrong. One of my own suggestions is possible incorrect use of the * button.
First prize for any correct answer is a man-stocking. (Yes Keith, unfortunately it didn't go in the raffle)
OMG - am up the duff, just.....
Too much info??
Dear Friends
Moose, Hazel, Jax, Cathmel, ChrissieS, DWNB, Anna and Gaby thanks for your prayers and thoughts for wee Max.
He will be in hospital for a few days, they are still not sure what is wrong with him :-( lets hope they find out soon. His poor Mummy, Daddy and the family are distraught with worry!
Hazel and DWNB thanks for sending reiki xx
Moose - Re the book, it sounds a good one! I love a book that makes me think as well as making me laugh and cry. I just know yours is going to be one of those books when you start reading you just can't put down! I would say go with your instincts, however I would be delighted to read and give honest feedback.
Hope you and Keith are enjoying your days off - well deserved after the rollercoaster of events you have both had over the last couple of week!
I had my appointment with my Homeopathice consultant today and she has prescribed me another remedie yippeee (I call it my miracle powder). It is such a relief knowing I will be feeling a whole lot better in a couple of weeks time :-)
Have a good weekend friends xx
Mary xx
It's not me, it can't be dwnb, so there are two for your elimination round...
It's not me either...
For mwk...
Mary, absolute pleasure my darling. I was only able to send a tiny amount to Max last evening though, it felt as though there was something not letting it through, probably if his mum or dad or someone was holding him perhaps at the time, so there was so much love and there already. Will continue to send little and often, and you're getting it too!
Max's angels will be looking over him and protecting him, but they can't/won't help unless you ask them, and they'll be able to make it easier for him too.
This sounds as though angels are mean, they not mean, they're wonderful beings, but that is how it seems to's almost as though they are being polite and not butting in!
Above all, don't forget to look after yourselves - you're no good to man nor beast if you don't all make sure you're ok, fed, slept etc and keep well.
will 'be in touch' over the weekend
Whoops - t'is I, got excited and clicked post then boss came in and have had to look like I was working!
It could have been a good guessing game though! Wishing we had now bought a bigger house!
:o) Jo
PS. I can't tell any 'real' people yet but i suppose virtual ones don't count?
Dear anonymous
Please advise appropriate knitting patterns.
I can't believe, only YESTERDAY, I told Moose that because he is happy to let us use his blog for our coffee mornings, we wouldn't have KNITTING!
ah well...dos liddle boodies and dos liddle glubbs...
Tracy-Ann is back hoorah. Keith, when you've finished your wun-hung lo, or your wun-tun soup, you take FULL credit.
Please report to the head for this weeks 'employee of the week' so he can put your picture up in the foyer.
I've just got one more piece of work to do.......and a whole two hours to do it in......bugger.
so it'll need a white and black spotty outfit then!
Thank you Hazel. I have asked his angels and mine to take care of him, which I know they will. I have a lot of faith in angels xx
Mary xx
I would imagine so! V surprising news, but still v. welcome.
My sister is in pod too and due in May, as is my brother-in-laws wife, think both sets of parents are going to blow a gasket when they get to know about this one.
Legs crossed for a few weeks now until over the scary bit!
:o) Jo (who has stopped smoking and is a bit crabby!)
Congratulations Jo!
Take care
Mary xx
Congrats! Hope everything goes well for you.
Everything pink, presumably!!!
Jo, congratulations and of course virtual friends count! As long as you are happy dear girl, and you feel safe enough to tell anyone! We're here come rain or shine (nearly typed a t instead of an n there...) well, ye ken what I'm sayin?
...and at the risk of sounding totally certifiable (it was never proved) that's why precious Charley went. Please see Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss
Oh, we've got LOADS of stuff we can help you with now! I've not got children due to various reasons, but I'm excellent on the theory!
by the way, I'm a closet 'love to knit' er, but I can't knit, so it'll have to make do with a sledge or a bicycle or a drum or something.
time never ticketh more thlowly than when you really want to go home doeth it?
ps Jo, if you've stopped smoking, I'll have the odd one for you, but not too many eh! X;-)
Thanks Dazed Love (I like it!)
Am about to go home, had enough for the day after a 12 hour stint yesterday.
At the risk of sounding ridiculous myself - sledge please, sledge please!
Anywho - home time
:o) Jo
Off for the weekend now guys...will be checking in later this evening.
Feeling a bit down, combination of factors, but I think the main ones are tiredness (caused by too many gym visits this week) and the usual sinking feeling before a Friday night.
I will check back in later...
Have a great weekend everyone.
ChrissieS - I still don't have an e-mail address for you? Fine if you don't want to, but if you do, feel free.
Enjoy chapter 1 and be constructively critical!!!
It's all happening over here then. Sorry I missed the coffee morning yesterday and lunch today. Was having my own 'all you can eat' Thai style in Sweden at lunchtime.
Have called in a few times now but not stopped to say hello. So 'Hello.' Good to see that the 'community' is alive and thriving over here. Not sure that I'll be able to keep up with everyone over here, still trying to work out what an erdos number is never mind if I have one!
As well as being dissatisfied at how Chris's blog has been intercepted by rude interlopers I am unable to comment anything on it myself. Everytime I try I get a comment back to say I'm not allowed I have tried e-mailing the beeb but have had no response.
I've been in the process of setting up my own blog for a while now but it is a bit slow going, working out how to do it is just one thing and then thinking about what direction to take it in is another. Mine wouldn't be as thought provoking as yours Moose. it would be more an update of how we find life here in Sweden, it's a good way to chronicle the changes I think. But I must make that leap of publishing my first post if I dare.
Having followed Chris's blog from the begining it has opened up a new world to me-blogging for one although I know some of you have been doing it for a while- DWNB. I do call in from time to time. My problem is I think things over too much and then the moment has past.
Having said that I'm here now:-
Great news Jo. I'll join you with the knitting then Hazel.
Hazel- what a lovely photo of Barney!
Mary- I'll send some positive thoughts for Max. I might try some Reiki too as I did my Reiki 1 in April before coming here, but I think it would work better if I had my Reiki 2.
Nice to see Dr T calling in.
You're doing a grand job here Moose. I like the suggestions of 'The Boys are back in Town' and The Power of Love' for exercising to. Just need to find the right exercises now!
Hope I can call in again.
Lynne x
Good morning from Vancouver, and as the will show, it is an absolute beauty...
Moose- I concur with each and every comment that offers us as a test audience for your literary output. Better that you be torn than the pages of your book.
To Lynne, Hazel, Moose, Gaby, MWK, Matt, Cathmel and everyone else ( please accept my most ardent apologies for any glaring omissions)I can but say that itis a delight to have joined this fine forum so many thanks for your most cordial and felicitous welcome.
Good day to you all.
Dr. T
I'd certainly be delighted to read it, though don't know if I'd be much help to you!
Have you thought about sending a couple of chapters to the publishers? Many will take your work on the understanding that you will finish it, though you probably already know that!
Perhaps you should set up a pet page on your blog and we can all email you pics of our pets!
Hugs, Susan <><
Oh my goodness! MrR ,,, you actually spoke to him! You lucky man you!
Gaby - thanks for sharing about the young man! :)
Moose - how was McCrumble?
Greetings once more from Vancovuer...
Gaby- The day will not dawn when I have to be asked twice to indulge in a lunchtime libation...I'll have a pint, please.
Dr. T
Mary - I pray for Max - a poorly baby is so worrying.
You are right, it is different on the 'other side', I'm sure it will improve. I'm still posting, but not too often as I felt I was neglecting my six year old (he's on the playstation...I'm on the blog..bad bad mother...), so I need to find a mother/blog balance (hommmm!).
Moose - Tunnocks Caramel Wafers - are the very best (yum).
BigUn - I LOVE the jokes, you make my day, the black eye one - very funny - you are an encyclopedia of jokes - are you a stand up comedian at the weekend? If not, you should be, a new career beckons.
Moose - I enjoy reading this blog. Good luck with the book, it is a dilemma whether to get outide opinions, but you need to know if someone, other than yourself, laughs and cries at what you say on the pages, and when someone you have high regard for does - you've cracked it! You'll know when you are ready.
JoJo x
Evening all
Well, I've officially leapt off the wagon! Just supped my first beer of 2007.
Got the draft Moose. I will settle down later to read and will feedback over the weekend. As I mentioned, we're up in town tomorrow, but will be back on Sunday, so I will probably 'clock in' then.
Susan S. I've been lucky enough to meet Chris a few times as he goes to the same gym as me. We've had the odd natter in the sauna, but I wouldn't betray his confidence and tell what we talked about!
'till later
Moose I will tuck into chapter one in a little while ;-)
For the record the Chinese was very, very good! ;-) I spent a very nice day off with my good lady. It will not be long before I pop off down the rub a dub, dub for a couple of pints of ale to wash all of the food down.
As you may expect there is many Chinese restaurants in London. A directory of them can be found here. Today I was at a branch of The Real China of which there is one in West Sheen SW14 very reasonably priced at 5.95 for all you can eat ;-)
DWNB I hope you managed to avoid the accident ;-)
Jo, congratulations to you! Xx
Mary, thanks for the good wishes for my day off ;-) I really do hope the little chap Max is doing well. My thoughts are with him, his family and friends.
Dr T welcome to the dark side and the world of no BP ;-))
JoJo, I am not a stand up just a fan of the art ;-) I started posting a joke or two when the CE blog started and people just kept asking for more. In the end I was being complained at if I had not posted as they had visited the blog just to read my jokes…such pressure ;-)
Hazel, I do not know about FULL credit but I do hope it helped ;-)
Tracey-Ann I know you are watching so {{hug}} just for you, just because I can! Xx
Have a top weekend one and all,
Keith the BigUn
This is about me!!!!!
No, I'll rephrase that,
It is me!!!!
More later.....
Dr T - it is a delight to have you over here, our Welsh friend from Vancouver. : )
Moose - empathies my friend - I feel a little low myself - combination here too, I am sure. Empathies nevertheless.
Little Ms Optimistic
....well, perhaps not 'completely' me.......
I only just arrived.... just popped in for a moment. WONDERFUL news. Congrats! I've already downloaded knitting patterns... just blankets. Can't knit anything with shape. The girl I work beside in Turkey (Remote office) is going to drop twins in 6 weeks. She is MASSIVE. She needs a blanket to cover the bit between her belly and hips.
Congrats. Petal. Well Done You And Your Eggs!
I'm intrigued to know at what point you thought it was you...and when you changed your mind!
Greetings to everyone. I am feeling a lot better now. I am still tired but it's not quite the "normal" Friday night. So I guess that must be the reason for my feeling as it's largely gone now.
Or it could be because the red is already sliding down nicely...
I decided the advice not to go public (ie blog) but to share privately (e-mail) was good, so I have e-mailed chapter 1. Anyone else who would like to see it, let me have an e-mail address (e-mail me at and I'll send it to you.
For those who have it, do not panic if you don't do too much laughing or any crying in chapter 1. Just wait til you get to chapter 4 and then the tears (hopefully of both sorts) will burst forth. (Cathmel - I may require special technical input from you. He died of cancer.)
Dr T - enjoy your Friday pint. I am embarrassed to report that I found my hat. It was here all the time. Sorry for any pub trips that you have partaken of purely for the purpose of searching.
McCrumble is alive and well. Still trying to win a laptop.
Evening Moose and all fellow bloggers.
'Fraid I'm only popping in and out today for a few minutes at a time. Clearly the Moose site is appearing to be much more popular than next door. had a quick look in next door and agin there seems to be a lot of new names.
Moose - I've e-mailed you with my e-mail address just in case you want me to have a look at you draft. I would be honoured to.
Have a good weekend everyone. Will tune back in as soon as I can.
MWK - I said a prayer for the wee man last night and will do so again tonight. Do let us know how he is.
Goodness me
I turn my back for a few days and its like the gates of Blogdom have opened and the blogging hordes released like a maurading horde of literary orcs!
Anyhoo, well done Moose on getting more comments on one post than I mangage to beg from people during your average month. Come to think of it, I might not have made this many since I started in Jan 06. Where oh where am I going wrong?
Welcome McCrumble!
You have no idea how pleased people will be, including me to see you over on this side!!!
All you need for this success is some nasty people to make horrible comments on CEs blog, very late postings from Chris himself, and a photo of a cute cat.
Mix them all together, bake at 200 degrees for an hour and there you have it! I hope all is well in hookworm world.
EG/ChrissieS - chapter 1 winging it's way to you! You have been warned...
You are all very kind and thoughtful people, thanks for the positive thoughts, prayers and reiki you have all sent to Max xx
His blood tests and xrays have come back clear and he is a wee bit better than he was. The Doctors still don't know what is wrong with him and are keeping him in hospital for a couple more days. His family have asked me to pass on a special thank you - you have no idea how grateful we all are!
Mary xx
Moose - thank you and I will be reading over the weekend : )
Dr J McC - what a delight - thank goodness you are still ablogging.
Jill, Jax, Lynne, SusanS,
If you are serious about taking a look at a chapter or two, drop an e-mail to and I'll send chapter 1 by return.
SusanS - Am going via literary agents first. Just getting the editing done. When I'm finished it'll go there. Most publishers don't accept "cold" manuscripts from new authors, hence the need for agents.
Looking for some "peer review" before it goes there. Hoping to maximise the chances they'll do something with it other than put it in the round filing cabinet!
Good afternoon from Vancouver and good evening to all back in Blighty,
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity..
That's quite enough of that, especially when I am merely attempting to convey my crestfallen state after returning to work for a meeting after a delightful lunchtime libation..
Gaby- Many thanks for your warm greetings. It is a delight to enter such a convivial and prestigious online gathering.
Just two more hours before I return to the unconditional embrace of my local and the warm glow of the fire that lies therein..
Moose-Regardless of your successful hat quest, no trip to a saloon is ever a waste. Thanks for the update though.
For reading your written work purposes, feel free to email at
Frankly, within this forum, I feel confident enough to offer this address for one and all, if ever you fancy using it. Incidentally, this is my hand held device, so I receive the emails wherever I am at any given time. Most convenient.
Until later, good day to you all.
Dr. T
Oooo, Hazel Love .... you are awful! Titter!
Moose - you are right - if your emotions are stirred reading back your witings, there are readers just begging for you to stir their emotions! Can I humbly request an email? Then can I humbly request a signed copy when you do publish!? And, as DrT said - anyone else who wishes my email .... do take it!
As for Mika .... WOW! He's fab isn't he? I so hoped Chris would take me up on asking him to play it so I could hear it on my drive from Oban to Inverness. I had to nip into the filling station in Fort William .... walked in the door as Mika's dulcet tones wafted out of the office ... but, alas, it was Nevis radio playing it, not Christoff! Still thought it was weird! Then heard it on the TogMaister's this morning and thought, doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo!
Ummm ... what are Friday pants?! Were they violet? I think, Moose, you should choose the colour of everybodies Friday pants, just as you choose the colours of the day! Though that could be 2 glasses of rather wonderful merlot speaking!
The wee lass, Amy, Charis's bouncing buddy - her Dad is from St Albans and still has parents and a hoose there.
Hazel love - can you defrost salad?!Sorry .... wrong question ... can you freeze salad?!
Gaby - wine and pasta sound like a fab combination. Not so sure about wine and guiness!
Mary - standing with the others in prayer for you, the family and the wee one.
Jo! Oh my goodness! That's fabulous news! Praying you have a thoroughly enjoyable, sick free pregnancy! You make sure you take care of yourself!Stay away from fags, booze, stress, ELH and Giles Lawyer! Sending prayers up for you and that beautiful wee life that's blossoming inside you! And DEFINATELY no sledging, my girl!
Lynn - what is an erdos number?!
MfR - I take it Mr E hasn't farted in your direction, then?!
Dr McCrumble - HELLO!
Group huggles ... with an extra squeeze for those who need it!
Lynne, Susan S, EG(Scotland), jojo - so pleased you found us over here : )
and Dr J McC - if I didn't mention you in my previous 'hello, good evening and welcome' : )
oh, and the same goes to everyone else who has found us : )
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