Tuesday, 30 January 2007


There are some strange places to fall asleep...

Sitting on a train or plane, head lolling to one side, dribbling on the shoulder of the person sitting next to you, especially if that person is Claudia Schiffer.
In a job interview.
In the middle of a dinner party.
On your stag night, head flopping forwards into your chicken balti.
In church, in the middle of a sermon.
During sex.
At work in front of your PC.
At work in a meeting.

I'm not admitting to all of the above, but certainly some. I'll let your imagination work on which ones I've done and which are other anecdotes I have heard (or seen in at least one case), not all of them necessarily true.

Tonight was antler clipping night. As I arrived at the barbers, I went straight into the chair. The guys there know me pretty well as I'm a regular and take the mooselets there too. All three of us have the same haircut so the barbers all know it pretty well. So the guy checked with me that I wanted the usual, put the cape around me, and started with the clippers. Within a minute, a felt my eyes closing. Now I didn't actually fall asleep. Nor did I do the nodding dog. At least I don't think I did. I'm pretty sure that I managed to stop myself, but there are at least a few seconds that I can't account for.
I don't have any tell tale strange cuts in my hair. My ears are still both there. There are no blood stains on my shirt. All good signs that I managed to hold it together.
I guess it's a good thing. I am now regular enough to be able to relax in there, no matter which of the 6 barbers cut my hair, because they've all done it so many times, and all of them reasonably well. Not easy with my hair. It is dead straight and does nothing. If there is a stray slip of the clippers or the scissors or the cut-throat razor, then it shows up big time.
It was actually a nice moment of relaxation in a busy day.

So when have you fallen asleep when you shouldn't have?


Anonymous said...


QWhen I first started the post I'm in I went to discuss links with a senior person that I would have close links with in another part of the office. It was summer, his office was very hot and he talked and talked and talked. I had a blinding headache and then I put my head in my hands - next minute I was doing the nodding dog in the back of the car impersonation. I was sure he must have seen me but still he talked. Going off tothink about others now.


Anonymous said...


Sleep. My least favourite subject.

As I've mentioned in the past, this is something that I'm just not very good at, although the past few weeks have shown signs of improvement.

I have nodded off during reflexology (I was a guinea pig for someone learning a few years ago) and during my wild teenage years I woke up in the odd hedge or two, although that was mainly down to large amounts of strong German lager being consumed.

My only sleep-related claim of any significance is that I was in the land nod during the great storm of 1987. Given that I was 17 years old and a 6th form student with a thirst the size of Albania, that was quite an achievement.

I shall now prepare to take on the night in a gloves-off, torn-up rule book, fight for the right to get unconscious.

Yours dreamily


Anonymous said...

...with hindsight, the fact that I was a 17 year old student with a lager fixation probably accounted for the fact that I managed sleep though a hurricane.

MfR - Probably in need of a good nights kip.

Anonymous said...

Morning all

Moose - I like your new look - claret and blue.

Am *I* too late for a jaffa cake - or, as such a latecomer to the tea party, I will even settle for a garibaldi. : )

Conspiracy theory Matt - very, very interesting. It DOES all seem too much of a coincidence doesn't it? I think a little cross examining on the cross trainer perhaps? Do any of you know Danny Wallace? - I love him - a sparky presenter with a penchant for conspiracy theories - he would have a field day with this one. I think you have a very good point Matt.

17 yrs old during the 1987 hurricane? - I FEEL SO OLD - that was the year of my marriage!! lol!!

Falling asleep - I too nodded off at the hairdressers - not during the actual cut - but while the colour was being applied. There we go, Sarah....I'm not even a natural blonde anymore : )

I have also nodded off while waiting to see the doc.

Not very exciting examples I know - but I had typed something else just now (but subsequently deleted) about nodding off during something but thought better off it. Maybe later - which is what he should have said before I started putting all that effort in - and then maybe he wouldn't have nodded off during .......

sorry, guys a bit too early for that really. Although, some say...it's never too early.

We did our best for you last night Moose, and my other Rangers friend was inconsolable last night.

loving your work.


lyndyloo said...

Hmmmmm! I can sleep through most things but every time I go to the hairdressers (that's once every 4-6 months whether I need it or not!) and have my hair washed I drift off... There's nothing nicer than having my head massaged in lather and warm water. Makes me wonder why I don't go more often? One day I'll find a Mr LL to help me out I'm sure.

Morning BTW!


lyndyloo said...

Have just realised that last post made me sound like I only have my hair washed every 4-6 months. This is not the case!!! I have it trimmed every 4-6 months. If it was up to me I'd have it washed for me every day!

Now that I've eased my panic I'm off for a small sleep while waiting for the kettle to boil.


Anonymous said...

But first, I had a positively DIRE night's sleep last night. I only seem to get two hours then I spend the rest of the time t&t. The boy was snoring for whichever football teams won last night too...and before he came to bed, apparently Colin brought in another two rats/large mice during my two hour reverie...and the boy was impressed by this.

MfR - I too slept thru the great hurricane of 1987. I lived in a basement flat in Brighton, and had hosted a gatheringette that evening. The only hint I had that it was a bit gusty was when Katie walked up the outside steps, her skirt blew up, and she said 'Coo, it's a bit windy innit?!'
However we were then evacuated as the chimney was poised to fall through the house, the only reason it hadn't was because the bods in the top flat had left a door open for their baby to see a light...the next thing I knew, a couple of months later, my mate phoned me because my house and the 'survivors' were on 999 with Michael Buerke...

On a train on the way home having only just started commuting, a very pleasant gentleman awoke me at Preston Park saying that he had to get off the train now...and I'd been happily dozing on his pin-striped shoulder. Unsure re drool quotient as he moved quite quickly once I'd lifted my head...

...and the piece de resistance...I nodded off during a 'Violence and Aggression at Work' Seminar...

Consequently I am now unable to tell if someone is about to hit me.

as before. dormir bien

...coming soon to a cinema near you...a bunch of people who can't make up their minds, or say they're gonna do something and then don't...on a 747...


copyright hazel love. i have to say I quite like that...

Thank you dahlings. I LOVE YOU ALL XXX

Anonymous said...

Oh lyndyloo, you'll have to train the bears to wake you up if you fall asleep at an inopportune moment...

Gaby, it's always another time somewhere in the world. Speaking of which, where's my gin and tonic?

I think we are making up our own conspiracy theory. We can take over the world...we'll just all go back on there en masse at some point...wooo ha ha ha ha Mr Bond.

ps if you look in the cupboard under the sink, there is a box labelled 'warfarin'. Inside this box are some chocolate hobnobs...ONE EACH MIND! AND I'VE COUNTED THEM SO NO CHEATING...

Anonymous said...

Hazel Love - lol. lol!!!!!!!

Flakes on a plane - very good.

Hob nobs yayyyyyyy

lyndyloo - have a lovely little sleep : )


let's get the kettle on and the hob nobs out. Black with a dash of warfarin please Mr 'udson. Did any of you used to watch Upstairs and Downstairs? - or am I really really showing my age this time.

garibaldis are us

laters friends


Anonymous said...

gin and tonic coming up m'lady

Anonymous said...

ooh, was just finishing getting ready before departure from abode, when I thought of a little anecdote that I want to share with you.....

There was a family gathering many years ago and my much adored and now much missed Great Auntie ( a true Londoner and an absolute gem of a lady) was among the guests. She was probably mid-seventies at this stage. The hostess was asking everyone in turn what they would like to take with their coffee....milk, sugar, one sugar, two, black etc........when it got to my lovely Auntie Lily she said.....'I'll have a drop of whisky in mine please'. : )

I love her to bits and miss her. After a full roast dinner she would have a Guiness and a packet of cheese and onion crisps. You know what, I can't do that STRAIGHT after a huge meal - but give me an hour of so and I'm ready. : )

Off now

Dogwithnobrain said...

ha Moose.
I fall asleep all the time. I can quite happily fall asleep at my desk at work. I'm one of those folk who can shut my eyes at a moments notice and go. I can say "20 minutes", and I'll wake up twenty minutes later.

I used to live with an insomniac, and she would sit up til 4 am each day, and lie in bed til 6.30, maybe getting an hour or two sleep. I would come home on a Wednesday Lunchtime, climb into bed, sleep thru until Friday morning, go to lectures, and then come home and have another sleep.

I love sleeping I do.

Tell you what else I love.


Yes, indeedy. I read it this morning. I sat it out to read it lasst night, but the kids needed me. So I sat this morning with my cup of green tea in hand and began......


Anonymous said...

Mornin' all

I'm in a quandary now (help, get me out!) - I baked a cake last night, all ready for the bring and buy on Friday, but it looks so good and the aroma is rather enticing, shall we have it for coffee break today instead? It’s a Nigella special, a lush fruity concoction, with a dash of coffee, chocolate and orange. Not sure that sounds as good as it is in reality, but take my word for it, it’s good - the 125mls of Kahlua may contribute to this!

I admit to falling asleep in a Data Protection Act ‘workshop’ once. Actually, it was just one man, with the most boring, monotone voice droning on and on, just reading the words verbatim from the slide show. He would not even take any questions, and I wasn’t the only one who failed to keep my eyes open. I think I got away with it though – my colleague was actually snoring loudly!

Gaby, at the tender age of about 16 I thought I’d add a tint of colour to my hair. I was inexperienced and bought a permanent dye by mistake. There was a muppet with the exact shade of orange that my hair went! In a panic I phoned the manufacturer for advice, they said ‘dye it black’. This did take the edge off, but my Mum’s look of horror when she saw it is something that has lived with me since, and I have often wondered what her reaction would have been had she seen it at stage 1!

It’s time to put on make-up, it’s time to light the lights, it’s time to get things started……


Jo said...


I fell asleep when I was having my Wisdom tooth extracted at the dentist - I think he was a bit worried about me as he escorted me down the stairs afterwards. Either I slept or had an out of body experience!

Just too make you feel better Gaby, I was 10 during the great storm of 1987. But as a redeeming factor I do like Danny Wallace and have read all of his books - and watched his How to Start a Country programme (I became a citizen!)

ooh Sarah, I once died my hair purple, I loved it, as did my mum. Not sure my dad was so keen though and it did clach a bit with my orange tie die skirt!

:o) Jo

PS Photo of new puppy-in-waiting on my blog

Anonymous said...

Just brilliant comments today! Hilarious!

I think one of the worst "falling asleep episodes" I had was pre-daughter when we used to still have "dinner parties", sounds grand but really, I am the worst cook!

We went food shopping first thing in the morning, came home, I cleaned the flat thoroughly (took hours) and then started to make the meal.

By the time everyone arrived at 7.30, I was shattered. To keep myself going, I had one or three glasses of wine in the kitchen while cooking the veg, lashings of wine with dinner which went surprisingly well - probably due to the fact that I kept everyone waiting for about two hours, so they were starving. Coffee, more drink, and then back through to sit on the comfy seats. Well, that did it. Apparently I fell soundly asleep (yes, snoring) and could not be roused, no matter what.

I woke with a start to find my husband getting everyone's coats and their taxis at the front door!! I was really mortified and still am!

C xx

Jo said...

I don't think the Puppy pic is showing, you may have to click on January on the Left hand side to see it, not sure why?

:o) Jo

PS Chrissies you sound like my husband, he always falls asleep in the evenings regardless of whether we have friends round or not. I do despair!

Moose said...

Morning all.
Late start today. Up late, gym for a triathlon session (alternative version) and then breakfast in the canteen with another 2 chapters edited (5 and 6). Half way through!!! I'm glad I'm doing this as I keep changing my mind about which chapter is the difficult one...I think it's 8 now...it definitely wasn't 3 or 5! I've forgotten some of the stuff I've written!

I have a special hair dye that makes every other hair go a sort of greyish colour. Someone sprays it in my hair while I'm asleep - probably the barber. I don't know why but he seems to put more on the sides than the top...but at least there is still hair on top!

Used to watch Upstairs Downstairs.

Mrs Moose (when about 6) once said to her nan (when about 65) that she was looking forward to being old so that she could dye her hair blue just like her nan. (Blue was always her favourite colour until it migrated slightly to purple.) Nan was horrified!

Jo - I too almost fell asleep at the dentist...was a normal tooth extraction, not a wisdom one (I am not so wise!). Will check out the puppy. I think I need to add a dog into my dream life in Cornwall. Any suggestions on what make would suit me?

Gaby - we know what you're saying!!!

Cake sounds great Sarah. I will tuck in now if that's OK.

Hazel - nice one flakes on a plane...although at first I thought you were describing me and my lack of taking responsibility. I don't think of myself as a flake, but maybe I should start. Personally I liked the one with the waterfall best.

DWNB - glad you liked it. Are you ready for chapter 3?

Moose said...

Oh...and the littlest mooselet shares his name with a Muppet. We always wind him up by telling him he lives in a dustbin!!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone

Sleep - well I'm not too bad, I can pretty much stay up with no nodding off..but my husband, well, he could have a nap lying on a washing line swinging 40 feet up, in a howling gale, with pnumatic drills a plenty..Dinner parties- naturally, Seminars - a given, Driving...Oh Help!
Snoring..don't get me started.

I LOL at all your falling asleep antics..AT THE DENTIST! never!

On friday, Please can I do the bottle stall? if that's taken, books? or guess how many sweets in the jar? I'm baking today, so can contribute millionares shortbread, OK?

OOh, and there's reduced Christmas bisuits (Belgian Chocolate no less), 64p in Tesco ( Well within date) Gorgeous..I'll open those shall I?..go well with the Garibaldis....Nice cup of coffee and a dunk..
Gotta run
Love Caroline X

Anonymous said...

blinking heck..missed something
MfR Conspiracy theory --me thinks spot on....Watch out Moose the da vinci stuff may start occuring (other conspiracy theories are available) %£$!")(*{:>?@

Gaby - Jaffa ckaes have gone, sorry, want a scrummy Belgian choc biscuit instead?

Hazel - a bring and buy on a 747 Cakes on a Plane

Loved Upstairs Downstairs and have rewatched on UK gold ( 6am, last year )

Sarah - I henna'd my hair and was sent home from school!
I had a mad auntie who had a rinse and set every week - colours ranged from blue, purple, violet, silver and pink..Fabbo

Now, I've really gotta go
Love Caroline x
Ps worked out the name bit!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Have just read last night's comments on Moose's blog. Matt - re: conspiracy theory - I know what you mean, but surely not. As much as I really love Chris Evans, I am not blind to the fact that he comes first with himself and the rest follows (hope you know what I mean!). However, I do not think he is pulling our chain over the blog thing. I think he really was trying to say that with yesterday's blog.

EG - I know the frustration - I am constantly zapped and there is no reason for it. Honestly, I am sure it is just gremlins that CE has absolutely no knowledge of.

Or am I being an idiot?!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Caroline...larfin and larfin! So just for you and because I can...

Vampire Hunters on a 747 - Stakes on a Plane

Mr Kipling on a 747 - Bakes on a plane

Alan Tichmarsh on a 747 - Rakes on a plane

A migration of families Gadidae from Ireland to Cape cod - Hakes on a plane

Hopefully I'll think of some more, or then perhaps not...


This is when you need the likes of Dissing Dave, and where are you MfR?

ps You can only do the bottle stall if you promise to have all the chutneys and pickles on there too because as you all know, we are a bit short of trestle tables thanks to the Swedish Chef setting fire to the church hall store last month.

Jo said...

Person with a bad back on a 747 -

Aches on a plane?

Jo said...

747 going over a cattle grid? -

Quakes on a plane

Moose said...

Lots of Irish people die on a 747 - Wakes on a plane

Ronald McDonald on a 747 - Shakes on a plane

Soon to be owners of Liverpool football club on a 747 - Sheiks on a plane

Anthea Turner lookylikeys on a 747 - Fakes on a plane

People very very frightened of flying - lakes on a plane

Gary Barlow et al on a 747 - Takes on a plane

Anonymous said...

that's good, that's good...

let's see if we can get to fifty, get Gerald Scarfe to do the illustrations (if he's not dead) and we can donate all the cash from the advance sales to US! Hoorah!

Jo, in the meantime, I've been checking out the puppies dahling...doesn't your house look just like Roger and Anita's...have you got that look that mothers get yet?


The entire cast seven people from a very dodgy '70's sci- fi show on a 747 - Blakes on a plane

ps bugger all going on over there today, good job we've all not got a lot to do and can be over here...

Moose said...

I used to love Blake's 7. I think I was in love with the woman - what was she called? The blonde one naturally. (well of course I don't know if she was a natural blonde, I meant it was natural that I should be in love with the blonde one). How could I have forgotten her name when I devoted so much early teenage lust in her direction. Wasn't Avon was it, that was the bloke...

Argentinian cattle on a 747 - Steaks on a plane

Carbon discs on a 747 - Brakes on a plane

Lots of people with their legs in plaster on a 747 - Breaks on a plane

16th (?) century English explorers on a 747 - Drakes on a plane

or even lots of male ducks on a 747 - drakes on a plane

Hazel - are you keeping score?

Anonymous said...

Oh, Moose, you and your triathlon buddies on a 747 - Beefcakes on a Plane!

sorry I've all got a bit too carried away. Too many biscuits and that wonderful sugar high has JUST hit...also due no sleep APM

...and now I have to ring massive conglomerate to complain that my phone service appears to have been cut off...hopefully it will be a person and not )(*&W£&**()*()()&^&%$%(_ a number.

Moose said...

not sure about that one...remember it was an ALTERNATIVE triathlon session. That involves sweating but no actual exercise...ooh err missus. Too much muscle isn't good for triathlon anyway...lean and mean is better, a la "Fit as a butcher's dog"...why am I obsessed with that phrase at the moment?

Bloggers missing in action on a 747 - Cake's on a plane

and slightly surrealy...
Japanese alcohol anonymous on a 747 - Sake on a plane

Bottles of correction fluid on a 747 - Snopakes on a plane (Am I allowed to advertise on here?)

ooh and, crystalline ice falling out of the sky on a 747 - Snowflakes on a plane

Moose said...

Tell me when to stop...

Anonymous said...

any time you like...you're making me laugh even if everyone else has now run away!

Someone who gives up for lost on a 747 - Forsakes on a Plane

Moose said...

Have you remembered what she was called yet...it's bugging me...


Thanks Wikipedia...

It must have stuck...I have a character in the book called Jenna!!!! How wierd is that?

Anonymous said...

Ahem. Can I join in?

Migrating birds hitching lifts on a 747? Corncrakes on a plane

Rolf Harris characters on a 747? Jakes on a plane

Prog rocker on a 747? Greg Lake's on a plane


Anonymous said...

Ok, lets go for it
i'm laughing so much my tummy hurts
get counting hazel

Jordans boobs on a 747 - fakes on a plane
someone with a ticket to barcelona on a 747 to USA - Mistakes on a plane
alternative to original(with deference to you HL) Gorgeous chocolate bar on a 747 - flakes on a plane
oven on a 747 - bakes on a plane
Expression of surprise on a 747 - Zikes on a plane (not so good)..i'm getting silly now..
one of the tweenies on a 747 - jakes on a plane
Posh humour on a 747 -jakes on a plane(you have to say it)
Loose women is on now- gotta go
Love caroline

Anonymous said...


I was going to suggest Glynis Barber who played Soolin, and who was later in Dempsey and Makepeace, but she was obviously not the blonde you were after, in a manner of speaking!


T said...

Hi All

Struggling a bit this morning, so all the talk of sleep seems quite appropriate. I used to be able to sleep anywhere, not anymore. My biggest hate is not being able to sleep on planes and I hate seeing all these other people fast asleep around you. Having said that, if I am really tired and I happen to be in a long meeting, in that dreadful after lunch slot, then I can quite easily fall asleep. I did not sleep through the great storm of ’87, but do remember my mum saying, while watching the trees outside that the birds must be feeling seasick sat in trees!

MfR – I think you have hit the nail on the head with your conspiracy theory, I have not looked at the other side yet today but mat try and take a peep later.

Hobnob please, but they do have to be dunked! I will have to put the kettle on. Sarah, the cakes sound great, can I have a slice now to go with the hobnob?

Hazel, love the flakes on a plane. I can now see you have started something here, but my mind is still struggling to get going today, so I may leave the master piece to you and Moose.

After all the cake and biscuits I am off for a catnap, hopefully it will help me get through the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

My beloved is involved now..

bits of film edited from a movie on a 747 - outakes on a plane

flavoured latic drink on a 747- milkshakes on a plane

channel 5's childrens TV - milkshakes on a plane

Listen, i'll have to stop - you're making me miss my fav prog..(honestly this blogging lark is addictive-I've heard that before somewhere)

Caroline x

Moose said...

Insomniac bloggers on a 747 - Awakes on a plane

Dogwithnobrain said...

Kwik-fit Engineers on a Weekend out ---- Brakes on a Plane

Jane Asher on Holiday: Bakes on a Plane / Cakes on a Plane / Bakes Cakes on a Plane

Lady Duck saving on Wing Time... Drake on a Plane

Family of Ducks Going Overseas: Duck and Drakes on a Plane

Cadbury Delivery going Overseas : Flakes on a Plane

Smelly Men with Cheap Wine Bottle going Overseas : Jakes on a Plane

The Resevoirs in Scotland Being Transported to England because of Water Shortage : Lakes on a Plane

Alan Titchmarsh going to France : Rakes on a Plane

Harry Hill going on Holiday : (out-) takes on a plane

Dead Person getting brought back home : Wakes on a Plane

Persil Advert set in the Sky : Soap Flakes on A Plane

Cockpit with broken window in Snow Storm : Snow Flakes in a Plane

Letting DWNB Loose on this idea: Mistakes On a Plane

Really Bad Films being Remade and shown in Flight : Remakes on a Plane

Really Bad Horror Film : No Hydraulic Brakes on the Plane.

Ha ha ha ha ha - I kill myself.

Anonymous said...

With due Deference and Humility to the Moose...Of course you can join in, MfR.

This blogsite does not appear to be an exclusive club unlike others I could mention...

Caroline - posh humour is my fave so far! A mate of mine was at a posh persons party once and was asked if she would like some birthday cake. A plate was duly passed over, and she said 'I was after a whole slice, not just the icing sugar...'

A bunch of dodgy Tag Heuer and Rolex watch salesmen off to the Caribbean for a jolly on a 747 - (also) Fakes on a Plane

T dozing off for a while on a 747 - Awakes on a plane

on another point...two pumpkins in a lift. On the next floor a marrow gets in. Pumpkin says 'bit of a squash in here...

DWNB - Good effort!!!!

The CE blog seems to be a bit sad today...his I mean, not what's going on...!


Massive Fungal Outbreak on a 747 - Shitakes on a Plane!

Hoorah i win!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey everyone
I counted 53.. not meaning to usurp you Hazel, i just got carried away past 33

us lot on a 747 - jolly japes on a plane..sorry

I got a message saying I am not allowed to post from next door, but infact now I've looked (too caught up in the hilarous things on a plane, to look before) i'm posted with the same message 3 times..Oh joy, now i look like a durbrain ( no difference there you cry)
soI'm off to see what CE is saying..see you on the other side

love Caroline x

lyndyloo said...


Lyndyloo loses new boyfriend on a 747- heartaches on a plane

Man in white coat with big drill on 747- Toothaches on a plane

Shrove Tuesday on a 747- Pancakes on a plane

Who will win the Gand National on a 747- Sweepstakes on a plane

hoasdjenp hdoekwbgt shie on a 747- mistakes on a plane

mighty fine puddin on a 747- cheesecakes on a plane

selling like there's no tomorrow on a 747- hotcakes on a plane



Anonymous said...

bearing in mind of course, Caroline, some of them are almost duplicates, and some of them don't quite work...I think Moose should do the final edit as he obviously has nothing better to do...

By the way, did you see that the posh humour one was my fave...with a small anecdote on the side...

plus ca change - who the bleedin heck is Fred Scuttle? and I have so been beepeed.

heyho. Tis copied and pasted, I shall resend when I can be arsed...


Moose said...

I'm with you Hazel. My post just seemed to hang in mid virtual air. I didn't want to post again for fear of Caroline thinking me a durrbrain. So I've copied and am waiting to see if it turns up...

Actaully, I've got some work to do and I'm now under serious time pressure to finish some stuff by 4.30 ready for a meeting with the boss. If only I cared a bit more, I might feel the pressure and get on with it...

PS especially loved the pancakes and cheesecakes. I've now got toothaches.

jollygit said...

Hi everyone - why is that when the alarm goes off at 6.30am Monday to Friday I struggle to open my eyes, let alone get out of bed, and yet on a Friday night when I turn the alarm off, I'm awake Saturday morning at 7am and can't get back to sleep for love nor money - grrr!

T - I can't sleep on a plane either, which meant that on my return from NZ last year I was fully awake for a total of 33 hours, including the 3 hour stopver in Hong Kong - needless to say I took sleeping tablets back home and slept for almost 15 hours!

The only time I get sleepy is if I'm having a head massage, be it as a treatment or at the hairdressers - yum!

I've posted next door - after some unsuccessful attempts - but it's not appeared yet and that was almost an hour ago. What's the problem over there, I wonder?

Anyway, I wish I could come up with some funnies but I've been LOL - you're all quite bonkers!!

jillygoat x

Anonymous said...

Hazel, Hazel..what with biscuits and cakes and LOL and getting carried away, and picking up children, I quite forgot to say..I'm so glad you liked posh humour..and the aside..fun! Thanks v much.
Oh yes, Moose should dio the maths..being an accountant and all.
I also have a wee story...about a lady in Morningside ( a v.v.posh part of Edinburgh) she thought s*x ( said in a posh burr to sound like sacks) is of course what coal comes in! suppose you had to be there.
Oh, and of course one can only think of oneself as a durbrain..not anyone else..so don't worry I think you and Moose are fab! ( Am I being too sycophantic? ironic {{{{hugs}}}

love caroline x

Anonymous said...

My post is on there!


It's all in the wrist....


Anonymous said...

hi jillygoat
Yours is a common problem I believe, and it has something to do with the balance of food taken with wine (other grape based fermentations are available) before you retire to your pit. Eat before 7pm ALWAYS (unless of course you're going out to dinner, it's rude not to be picked up at at least 8pm and then they think you're a cheap date because they only have to pay for the 'early bird' menu) and then do as Anna and I do, drink (at least) a bottle of half decent red wine, (just to reiterate, that's half decent NOT half a bottle) but NO spirits else you'll just be sick. If you are feeling TOTALLY creamed, then a nytol or two on top of the vino should see you happily snoozing until at least 10.30 / 11ish which are both far more respectable times to be getting up on a Saturday, and as long as you haven't overdone it (these instructions may contain trial and error as well as nuts, otherwise gluten free) you won't be hungover either.

Copies of this pamphlet are available from your local branch of the HSBC bank. It apparently is the worlds local. Frankly, given the state of half the people who live round my way, I wouldn't want to spend two hours of my Friday night leaning up against a bar with any of them, but there you go.

The choice is yours.

Take the money, or open the box...

ps have just re-posted at 15.55, but having read through some of the others, my ideas have been usurped! Conspiracy theories be damned! It's really happening...we're being plaguarised guys...man the pumps, sound the alarm...dress up like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean...or Richard Armitage in Robin Hood...board me hearties!

I have to take a tablet now. It should be pink, but I've already licked off the coating so it is now blue. 'She' says it's time to take a blue tablet, so who am I to complain...

Party at my house!

Hundreds of people given drinks after getting really thirsty on a 747 - Slakes on a Plane...

Anonymous said...

I've tried again on the other side,,but cleverly used the C&P technique as described by HL and M

Bit late, but 1 more... those metal stud things one puts on one's shoe heels..on a 747 - blakies on a plane

Gotta go, tea to make!
Love caroline x

Anonymous said...

MfR - so is mine hoorah!

ps Mr MfR...the graffitti on the wall in the ladies changing room is true then???????

Anonymous said...

Moose - nine minutes to go. Good luck babe...hope you got it all finished ok!


Dogwithnobrain said...

We should copy all these posts and copy them over to the CLP. How confused would everyone be?

ha ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

DWNB, do you have a list of 'possible' offensive material that you try to get posted next door?

Why polo mints? Superb!

Keep up the good work

good nital

Anonymous said...

hazel Love..are you Ok..men in white coats and all that..not too much nytol, dear...blue and pink pills..is there someone with you?... step away from the computer..and the cocktail cabinet.
have a bit of a lie down, i would.

Moose hope the 4.30 went Ok

I've had so much fun today, makes you want to have every wednesday

MfR - what your right arms for!

DWNB - don't laugh, i've almost done that what with the marvy C&Paste technique

potatoe wedges, sausages and broccoli are B U R N I N G!

Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

I do know how to spell potato

Anonymous said...

the fact you can also spell broccoli is a bit of a relief too I have to admit...

Anonymous said...

and that is DEFINITELY the sort of meal you should be having on a day off. Please ensure dose of Ketchup for dunkin...YUMSTER!

I'm going (to the) home now. The boy has requested I buy mince on the way. I am hoping this is for the bolognese rather than for pies or after eight.

ciao bellas
lets go randon

hope all ok Moose

Anonymous said...

I can spell random

heck you say potato, I say tomato...

T said...

Caroline – great meal, can I come for tea or can I swap my chicken casserole?

Lyndyloo – love the cheesecakes on a plane.

Moose – thanks for the address, I have finally dropped you an e-mail this afternoon, so I wait for the response….

I have to admit, work is getting in the way of blogging, so I have not had the chance to post next door today. I have managed to get a day working from home tomorrow, so hopefully it will give me some more blog time. I am still sat at work and will probably be here until 6ish, so will miss the fist half of the show this evening.

If I do not get the chance to blog later have a good evening


Anonymous said...

blimey - you have had fun!!!!!

had such fun reading your posts guys.

anyone for a brandy sour?

message in a bottle


Anonymous said...

I can feel that full moon on it's way.

Can any of you feel it too? or is it me? : )

Anonymous said...

actually, it may just be that strong coffee I had earlier - i asked for a decaf but I think it was caffed inadvertently. I ain't been the same since. : )

Moose said...

Back. went OK. Am having an early Thirsty Thursday and going for a quick pint with Trev (who appears only in chapter 7 (i think).

Talk to you later...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - I cannot believe the number of posts here today -well done Moose. AND did anyone notice I got in first on this one? It was a bit of a weak story but the only one I could think of on the spot.

I feel so disadvantaged not being able to access the Moose blog during the day - it looks like you guys had a lot of fun today. I kept checking next door (and posted a couple this morning) but it was YAWN. Ok there's another one - feel asleep while blogging.

I need to go back at some point tonight and read all the 747 stuff.

See ya.


Anonymous said...

Moose - glad it went ok.

Do we know Trev's star sign? Is he single? Sorry!! - it must be the full moon. Anyway, as I said a few blogs ago, I am happily as I am : )


Anonymous said...

Evening all xx

Good news - wee max got home today!
Thanks to all for prayers, thoughts and reiki xx

Sorry I've not been blogging, mad couple of days at work! So much more detail I could go into in connection with your blog Moose about work, but quite frankly I've given them enough of my time and now I just want to switch off from it. I agree it's possible to love it one minute and hate it the next!
Anyway moving on.....

You all had a good time today and I enjoyed having a giggle at your blogs :-)) probably best I was busy, don't know if I would have contributed much :-)

Gaby - I hope you are ok. The last two nights your name has come to me in my dreams, I don't get any message, just your name! I get that a lot with friends and family and when it happens I send out my thoughts and call them or in this case blog to say hello :-) xx

Sleep - being a member of the insomniac club I have not been guilty of falling asleep at strange times or places. However, I have seen it happen to others in sales meetings and during the summer one of our Directors fell asleep at his desk!

I'm going to have a quick look next door then have a nice bath and take myself off to bed.
Sleep well everyone.
Night night xx


Moose said...

1. Trev is married.
2. He is also far too young for you :-)
3. No idea about star signs I'm afraid...something to which I pay zero attention.
4. Fish

Anonymous said...

hello everybody

t - i'm sorry you missed the fist half, did you manage the wrestle second? ( poor joke, I know.. but i'm hyped up from today) Oh and see invitation below..includes you- just bring yourself..open house!
and lucky old you, working from home tomorroew.

hazel - are you psychic (spelling?) Tomato sauce on the side..how else could potato wedges be served? great word Yumster
How was your mince/bolognaise?
And you - see below

Moose, hope early thirsty thursday went well
I've so enjoyed myself today..infact my beloved is at this moment reading the posts alongside me ( we've 2 Pc's, you see, and broadband--OOer get her!)
Now i'm off to read 2 chapters..
And you - see below
I've blinking missed CRelief tonight, no matter.

Everyone round to mine next wednesday for tea! hoorah - lashings of GINGER BEER

back at work tomorrow, so not so prolific, but will be lurking
love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Bl**dy Boll*cks
I can also spell tomorrow!

Night night, sleep tight..make sure you don't bonk...your head tonight (just incase he's looking)

love Caroline x

P.S Ahhh, it's been a good day.

Moose said...

Hello Caroline's hubby!!!!

We have 3 PCs and we still run out at times.
Desktop which sort of stays on all the time as the workhouse.
Mrs Moose has her laptop for sitting on the sofa online (e-baying)
I have mine, which during the early evenings and at weekends seems to get hi-jacked by the mooselets to play various Scooby Doo games etc and I have to fight to get at it myself to do improtant stuff like blogging.
Mrs Moose thinks she needs a new one, so will hand her old one on to kids for playing...and I'll have mine back all to myself.

Anonymous said...

improtant or impotant, or indeed important....now tell me off, I'm too naughty..like i never make typos!

Hello Mrs Moose!

did you see CE on C relief - My 2 PC's are in the upstairs office - nowhere near a TV unfortunately, otherwise i would be multi-tasking

I'm just printing out the 2 chapters..it has to be read on proper paper - like it will be when IT IS a book..

love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Caroline, I've been trying to find the Comic relief prog on TV but couldn't find it - might not being showing tonight in central Scotland. I will go and check replay.....


Anonymous said...

Blimey..now i'm being badgered to "say hello from me" from mr caroline

really gotta go

things to read, crisps to consume,
tidying up before the cleaning lady comes tomorrow!
Love caroline x

Moose said...

Tell him to log on himself and say hi...we won't bite!
We don't allow virtual vicarious joiners here...well, OK, maybe we do...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mary..being in the Borders myself, I may not have missed it. Hoorah!
Will look out for it.

love Caroline x

Mark Timmins said...

Good evening to you all, this is Mr Caroline
Sorry to have been a vicarious lurker but if the lady of the house is sitting next to you, what can you do but interrupt?
Caroline suggested that you might like to visit my blog
so please feel free...
not quite as busy as this one....
I hope to be able to enjoy your tea and hospitality (espescially if anyone is making scones (or is that scones) for all of you posh people out there...)
Best regards Mr Caroline

Anonymous said...

Mary - Lovely to hear from you. I have had a strange couple of days it has to be said. Hope I didn't cause too much consternation, or indeed any consternation at all, in your dreams.

hoping you are well xxxxxx

Moose - re. Trev - never mind, 'twas just a thought and they say it's the thought that counts : )

Anonymous said...

Let's make it 78 then shall we, even though 77 was a marginally better year...

Oh dear, it looks as though I should have stayed, missed Mr Caroline and everything!

I didn't get to sleep until 02.30 and am feeling distinctly ok at the moment, but give it a couple of hours and I'll be face down in my soup...The spag bog was delishus exactly as it should have been, but then some other friends turned up, and rather than just being an intimate little evening, it all got a bit loud so I went to bed and let them get on with it. Ah well, the best laid and all that...

Good to have our mwk back!

Now then, some tea I think...

see you next door or over the page

ps please can we have macaroons with our lashings of ginger beer Uncle Quentin?