Tuesday, 27 November 2007


Is anyone else bored rigid by the dodgy donations to the Labour Party?

OK, it was wrong. Some guy screwed up and he resigned. Unusually.

Please don't add insult to injury by continuing to bombard us with interminable apologies, explanations and analysis. I don't care! Just get on with the really big issues of running the country like the health service, education and stopping our involvement in illegal wars.
The lead story on the news? You've got to be joking!

Thank you for your patience.
Rant over.


Anonymous said...


I've been at work since Monday, but am still not firing on all cylinders I have to say, and now Le Badge has gorn darn wiv sumfin too, so we is all poorly...I still have the back thang going on as I couldn't get to the osteopath from my sick bed...and so it goes on.

However, 'tis my birthday on Friday and I am DETERMINED to feel at least a smidgeony bit better for that!

So, Moose. The Labour Party.
"His No.2 Harriet Harman is left clinging to her job" should surely read 'Harriet Harman is left clinging to her no. 2s'...Yes am fed up with it, but as long as Christmas is still on 25th December and not likely to offend anyone, I'm a bit past caring as corruption is rife in the HoP (allegedly) so it wouldn't matter if it was them or the blues or the oranges or the sky blue pinks...

Good morning everyone

ps I haven't had a chance to catch up yet, prob won't til next week either as am SOOOOOOOOOO busy at work(!)(I can hear your smirk of disbelief Moose) but Jollygit has informed me of your good wishes for which I thank you all whole-heartedly.

Anonymous said...

Good morning all,

Moose I agree the paying of money to any political party is surly not the top story for this country! Who really cares at all? If anybody has enough money that they can give it to a political party without expecting something in return for the pleasure them I am a Frenchman! Crooks the lot of them!

Hazel welcome back! I do hope when your other cylinder is fully mended you will be raring to go. Too much work surly not ;-))

Keith the NotSoBigUn

P.S. Xmas Is Cumming...

Things you can only get away with saying at Christmas.

1. I prefer breasts to legs.
2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.
3. Smother the butter all over the breasts!
4. If I don't undo my trousers, I'll burst!
5. I've never seen a better spread!
6. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat.
7. Are you ready for seconds yet?
8. It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?
9. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!
10. Don't play with your meat.
11. Stuff it up between the legs as far as it will go.
12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?
13. I didn't expect everyone to come at the same time!
14. You still have a little bit on your chin.
15. How long will it take after you put it in?
16. You'll know it's ready when it pops up.
17. Just pull the end and wait for the bang.
18. That's the biggest bird I've ever had!
19. I'm so full, I've been gobbling nuts all morning.
20. Wow, I didn't think I could handle all that and still walk.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chaps,
OOOoooo you almost scared me out of my skin. There I was, lurking and what should happen? a Boo!
Good to see you're up and about Hazel, don't strain yourself..you have to save your strength for the momentous friday...what's it like to be a girly catalyst? what I mean from that is that you do encourage the girls to comment with your mere prescence upon this aformentioned blog ( with respect to DD & Keith and Analog).
Keith...I wish Christmas day was on 25th Feb then we could all have extra hols! And OOer, NC1 for you
D'ya want stuffing?!

see you all soon
Love caroline x


Is LaLove listening?
Do you think she'll notice if I slip a wee something in on Friday?
Hey Moose will you wear that Kilt and play your organ? Pretty please? Or for a special birthday treat, the speedos?

Anonymous said...

From the bottom of a packing crate I bid good day to you all!

Am pleased Hazel Love is feeling betterer! ......and hope Badger will be too soon!

Keith - fab list, have pasted it and forwarded it to my grateful list of recipients of rude but funny stuff.

Anyhow, stuff to unpack and find a space for it - gosh I am aching!

Have a fun rest of afternoon!
A x

Moose said...

Caroline (and anyone else...) - feel free.

I shall indeed wear my Speedos on Friday. Given the time of year I might have to smother my body in goose grease though. I do hope nobody disapproves.
Ready basted Moose...yum!

Look out Nessie, I'm coming in...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE being called La Love!

YAY! Moose Goose. We are having Goose for Christmas (I may have mentioned this before (yes I believe I have)) but I have specified 'speedo-free' to the butcher. He said he'd probably just wear his apron.

Keith, I take it that you are vanishing before our very eyes? I lost about 7lbs over the last couple of weeks. Porridge and poorly is a fab, if TERRIBLY dull, diet plan. So, is Mrs Big'un now Mrs NotSoBigUn now?

...and budge over in the Naughty Corner...I'm starting to feel a little more perky...not to say even a bit pinky...

would you like that in a glass

Anonymous said...


It is 4 pm; can I come out of the NC1 now? I need to go home and check out my wardrobe to fond something suitable for Friday. Something unassuming, is the party is at the pool?

Keep smiling

Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Ah La Love

I see we were typing at (almost) the same time. So many miles apart and yet oddly together! ;-)

Mrs NSB is doing well herself, she has just this week been awarded her 4 stone award from Slimming World. So we are vanishing together. I must admit that to vanish totally will still take some time for both of us! ;-(

Good news on your weight loss (every cloud has a silver lining), never mind how it comes about as long as you can keep it off. ;-)

It has been a little quiet I the naughty corner lately and as for you being perky I think that is covered in number 16 (List above) :-)))


Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Keith, so close and not even a cigar...ah well...

I keep laughing every time I read your list...I think I shall need to print it off...

...and who was it said about the conkers? I placed them at every corner of our sett a couple of weeks ago as instructed, and it is only now that two of our eight belegged friends have taken up residence upon the b'droom ceiling...as it appears I have just covered the one by the window up with a bin bag - conker that is not a spid-urgh - so it does work...and I am going to be moving the offending article - the bin bag - this evening.

now I'm tired (no.20)