Thursday, 22 November 2007

A little story...

Simon Fuller hosted a lavish party at one of his mansions. As he gathered all the guests around the swimming pool, they were a little perturbed to see a shark swimming in the pool.
‘Whoever is willing to swim across the pool,’ said Fuller, ‘can choose whatever they want from these three things: £10 million, half of this estate, or to marry whichever Spice Girl you like.’
The guests looked around at each other dumbstruck.
The silence was broken by a loud splash. Everyone looked around to see Simon Cowell swimming desperately for the side of the pool. Other guests reached down and pulled him out just before the shark could get to him.
Fuller went up to the dripping Cowell. ‘Frankly, I’m surprised anyone took me up on the challenge, especially you. But I’m a man of my word. What is it that you really, really want?’
Cowell could only gasp as he recovered his breath.
‘The £10 million?’ asked Fuller.
Cowell shook his head. 'Peanuts' he gasped.
‘Half of this estate?’
‘No,’ spluttered Cowell. 'This dump? No way.'
‘Surely you don’t want to marry a Spice Girl?’ said Fuller.
‘Definitely not!’ said Cowell.
Fuller was non-plussed. ‘So what is it that you really, really want?’
‘I’ll tell you what I want. What I really, really want…is to know who pushed me in.’


Anonymous said...

Morning all,

Thank you moose for the little story, nearly the first time I have smiled since the England football match! I am one of those who take the England loss personally. Just a game I think not! :-((

On that note….

OXO have brought out a red and white cube to support England’s football efforts. They are going to call it the laughing stock!

My world is good again as I have spent the last two days being audited and the findings were that my team and I have been congratulated for our efforts having passed with flying colours. At least they will leave us alone now for at least another year. :-)) As my reward I am going to go home early today and have a swim. ;-)

I hope Hazel is getting better xxx

Lyndyloo, a big {{Hug}} to you and you dad.

Keep smiling

Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Good morning, good morning!!!

Blimey, it's quiet here!

Went back to work on Monday, so am really tired, three weeks of nothing does that to you! I have very little work to do and can be released to work on other projects from next Friday! Yippee!!!

Beautiful day - shame to be working really.

Hope everyone's OK.

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Hey chaps

Honestly, that did make me smile...but moose I didn't think you'd know those kind of people, let alone be invited to one of Simon fullers parties! Was it real champagne.? not just cava wrapped in a cloth napkin? Was there entertainment? did he have those smoked salmon nibbly things from M&S or was it posher THAN THAT eh? eh?
Hope you all have a super weekend..we are having our attic done and..blimey what a tip my house is in...the vacuum is calling me!
love Caroline xxxxxx
P.S MarcC Bannerman...I do feel sorry for him really..but if I was his girlfriend i think I would have waited for him in Australia, the media hype things up into a frenzy...And how often do you get the chance to stay in a 5 star hotel, at someone elses expense!!!! Then i'd take him to the cleaners!! I'm mercenary, me, my mum is right!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful day today after all that rain and stuff. Sammie's right - it's a shame to be working.

Can I pleade ignorance again Moose and confess to not having a clue who Simon Fuller is?

Anonymous said...

Afternoon All,

Just a quickie...oooeerr! I should be so lucky! lol

Moose - I did have a chuckle at your story!

Chrissie - Have a fantastic time in Barcelona and enjoy your weekend in Dublin xx

Lyndyloo - Lots of love to you, your Mum & Dad xx

Hazel - Hope you are getting better xx

Everyone else (apologies for being so general) hope you are all okay, have a great weekend.

Mary xx

Anonymous said...


Just checking in - albeit a wee bit late!

Moose - loved your joke! Now, I really could not live with Simon Cowell for five minutes ... but there's something about him I like!

Sammie - good to hear from you and I'm glad you took some time off work.

Caroline - re: Marc Bannerman (sorry, Analog!) can you imagine the money that will be made over the coming weeks from OK and Hello?! First it will be "My Hell ... I love 2 women", then it will be "Sarah and I are now just friends" and then "Cerys & I in Barbados for the wedding of the year"!!! It's all hype!

Mary, thank you for your good wishes. I am becoming something of a jet setter!

Hazel - really thinking of you. Hope you are getting better - just take it one day at a time.

Everyone else - have a great weekend. I'll be back on Wednesday after plenty of Sangria, Spanish Omelette and Shopping!

C xx

Anonymous said...

D'ya know...

I love coming here - not sure why I didn't while I was off work, but just wanted to let you all know that I get such a warm, lovely feeling whenever I read your entries.

Thanks to Moose for making it possible!

Love, kisses and warm hugs to you all,

S xx.

P.S. If it wasn't for my son, I wouldn't have had any hugs at all over the last few weeks; hug your friends, they will appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Just going home now - read over my message earlier and my mention to Hazel. Kinda sounds like she's attending AA - "one day at a time"! Not what I meant!

Take it easy Hazel. See you soon!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Cheers to the Moose!

Thanks for the first of my coaching sessions. You did a great job!

Everyone else- Thanks for all the kind wishes. Dad seems relatively up-beat considering I'm off back to the Bananas tomorrow morning. I've got all my friends looking out for him & Mum and Rosey looking after Booboo so I know they're all in safe hands.

I'll be back in time for the celebrations that will be my BIG birthday party and look forward to telling you all about it.

Loads of Luv