Friday, 16 November 2007

A to Z

Looking in the Daily Mail for inspirational stories – inspiring me to rant, that is – I discovered Littlejohn. A serial ranter by all accounts. His article talked about the A-Z of Britain and how attractive it made us. He proposed his own list of Britishness.

Not to be out-done, I scanned the stories in the same paper, thinking that a one-day snapshot of the Daily Mail might give us another view of life in Britain. Here’s my list:

A is for Arab sheiks
B is for Blair (Sir Ian, not President Tony)
C is for Children in Need
D is for Drunkenness
E is for Engineering genius (granted from 60 years ago)
F is for Food Scares
G is for Gunshot residue
H is for Human rights
I is for Interest Rates
J is for Johnson (Boris)
K is for Killings, sexually motivated
L is for Leaving here
M is for Mosquitos
N is for Noise
O is for Overbudget
P is for Pills for weight loss
Q is for Quintuplets
R is for Recycling taxes
S is for Soap Opera violence
T is for Terrorists
U is for Underage pornography
V is for Virginity repairs
W is for Winehouse, Amy
X is for Xenophobia
Y is for Yobs, 5year old ones at that!
Z is for Z-list celebrities

It’s enough to make L your favourite letter.


Anonymous said...

Another working week begins: another week with not a single matching number on my Lottery ticket!

Yes, Moose, L for leaving here - not a bad idea for the young and restless! As we have discussed here before, sometimes it does seem that the other man's grass is greener, but it's not always the case. Having said that, I would support anyone thinking of living in another country - the UK is so expensive and in recent years, it's been all doom and gloom.

However, as I have also said here before, Sunday is Sunday wherever you may be - New York or Glasgow Cross!

Have a good week everyone.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all,

Moose you alphabet is rather gloomy on the whole, if not accurate. I can see where you are coming with your comment “L” however I would also urge caution to those who as Chrissie states think the grass is greener on the other side. In my opinion (for what it is worth) is that the only way you can move away from many of the issues we all face today is by having enough money to enable a life with ultimate choice. I guess the best example of the in the most recent past is the decision of Lewis Hamilton moving to Switzerland, had he not had the money he would still be living here. I have lived in Germany, Gibraltar, Cyprus, Canada and Kenya all for duration of from 6 months to 8 years. The only one of those I would like to live in again is Canada to be honest. Even then only if I had sufficient wealth to enable me to enjoy fully what the country has to offer.

Still I did mention that I would confess today with regard how much weight I have managed to shift. I told you all to hold onto your britches and for very good reason! As of Saturday night this BigUn has lost a total of 7 stone 5 lbs (yes that is right) from my starting weight of a lot!!!! :-(( Exercise is the key to it all as well as a healthy diet. I went through a real bad patch in my life where I did not value my self at all. I have now have got the zest back for life again and am taking on challenges! My weekly exercise programme is now Cycle 30 miles, swim 4 kilometres a game of golf midweek and a three mile walk once a week. I am just about to start back into a gym as the winter is here and I feel the cold for the first time in years. :-)))

Keep smiling

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...


You clever, clever boy!! Well done. You must be feeling fantastic. I really do know what you mean about not valuing yourself and it's incredible what a little self-esteem can do for you!

Your exercise programme is extremely impressive, and all in all, I feel like a slob!

So pleased for you Keith, you must be feeling fairly proud of yourself - and rightly so.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Hi guys!!!

Just very quickly
Leaving here - seriously considering it! (Not here as in Moose land but UK - and should this PC nonsense surrounding Christmas get more serious I will definitely pack the house up and go!!!)

Keith - what can I say except a huge well done to you. You are an inspiration. Wow, wow, wow and lots more wow's.

Sorry - hectic here today (the move is a week away and the boss is back for one day only after 5 weeks away - get the picture - it is manic!)!

Will clock on again tomorrow.

Take care all
A x

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly! Keith that is really brilliant - well done. I take my hat to off to anyone with the willpower and determination to turn their lives around like that.

Miserable old day here ... both inside and out of the office. Hope it's better where you are.

Back later if poss.

Anonymous said...


Wow thats absolutely fantastic...well done you xxxx

I wish I could get some of your willpower, stamina etc

Hope you are all well and having a good day xx

Hazel - I'm thinking of you xxxxxx

Mary xx